‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Two.

Chapter Thirty-Two.

Owen’s P.O.V.

It was dark. I couldn’t see anything around me. It felt cold and there was a dank smell in the air.

“Hello?” I called.

“You know, I once killed a guy that looked just like you,” A voice said. A searing pain entered my left side. I fell to the cold stony ground. Then his face appeared above mine. I couldn’t feel the life in me. I could move. I could beat him to a pulp. I was already dead. The cold steel blade was making my body shiver and I could feel the blood drain out of my body. All of a sudden I was above my body. I watched my murder walk away like my death was nothing to him. Then I was next to my mother, she was smiling. She was on the phone with someone.

“Owen actually seems happy, now that Daryk’s back in his life,” She said. A guy said something back to her.

“I’m happy too, I’m glad we’re talking again,” She said.

“I know, it’s been too long Brandon, I’ll have to come up to see you soon,” A grin was on her face. Then there was a knock at the door.

“I’ll have to call you later Brandon, someone’s at the door,” She giggled, actually giggled as he said goodbye before she hung up the phone. A second knock.

“Hold on, I’ll be right there,” She said. She held the phone against her chest and smiled like I’ve seen the girls in school do. She took a deep breath and sighed, before placing the phone down. She stood up and went to the door, I followed her. There was a smile when she answer the door but it quickly turned in a frown.

“How can I help you officer?” She asked.

“Are you Mrs. Stephanie Sullivan ma’am?” One of the officers’s said, there were two. I watched my mother’s face.

“Yes I am,” She said cringing at ma’am.

“The mother of Owen Synyster Sullivan ma’am?” The other said. Again she cringed.

“Yes,” She said eyeing them. “What has he done now?” She had a polite smile on her face.

“May we come in ma’am?” One said. She was getting irritated with the ma’am thing. She stepped back and motioned for them to come in.

“Would you like something to drink?” She asked politely shutting the door. “Have a seat,”

“No ma’am,” they both said as they sat. She sat across from them.

“Please stop calling me ma’am,” She said politely. Did I mention that these two officers were both younger than her; in their mid-30’s.

“Sorry Mrs. Sullivan,” One said.

“Now may I ask what Owen has done now?” She said smiling politely. Inside her head she was steaming I knew it.

“Mrs. Sullivan, we’re sorry to have to tell you this,” He began; she already knew what he was going to say. They told her the same way when they told her about dad, “Owen’s was killed earlier this evening,” The tears were already running down her face. She was quiet though.

“We are extremely sorry for you loss,” They each said. “Is there anyone we can call for you?”

“N-no,” She chocked out. The officer’s stood up to leave.

“Again we’re extremely sorry,” They said. She nodded. Then they walked out the door. As soon as the door shut she brought her legs up and hugged them. I sat next to her.

“Owen,” She sobbed.

“Mom, I’m right here,” I said putting my arms around her a hugging her. She couldn’t feel me though. She reached foreword and grabbed the phone. She dialed Brian’s number.
I was standing in the archway leading to the Haner family leaving room. Lexie was cuddling with Bri watching something on TV. He was slowly falling asleep. Alex and Brian were on the other couch looking at their children and smiling. Alex had work out in front of her, but currently she was leaning back on her husband and just relaxing. The phone rang once. Nobody moved. It rang again. Brian looked around.

“Fine, I’ll get it,” He said shaking his head and laughing. He got up and answered the phone on the third ring.

“Hello?” He said into the phone.

“Whoa, Stephanie calm down, what happened?” He said. Alex sat up quickly and looked back at him. He looked at her and a frightened look came across his face. Lexie looked worriedly over at him but didn’t move because Bri had fallen asleep. He listened intently as
Stephanie told him the awful news.

“I’ll be over soon,” He said. His voice was hard, firm. He placed the phone gently back on the hook. His hands were clenched.

“Daddy?” Lexie asked.

“Take Bri to his room please,” Brian said breathing in and out. “Then come back down here,”
Lexie stood up carefully and picked up Bri who squirmed. She quietly began to sing him a lullaby as she walked past me and up the stairs. Brian sat back down next to Alex.

“What is it?” Alex said placing her hand on his arm.

“Owen,” Brian began to choke out. “He was…” Brian shook his head in denial. A muffled gasp/cry came out of Alex’s lips.

“No,” She said. “Can’t be,”

Brian nodded.

“The cops just left her house,” He said. Alex quickly wiped the tears off her face as Lexie walked back into the room. She sat back across from them.

“What happened Dad?” Lexie said taking a deep breathe. Alex stood up and sat next to her.

“Oh baby,” Alex said.

“Lexie, earlier this evening, Owen was at a club and he got in a fight with a guy. The guy had a knife and well Owen,” Brian couldn’t finish his sentence. Lexie looked back and forth to her parents.

“He’s going to be okay, right dad? This Owen we’re talking about, he’s a fighter,” She said shaking it off.

“No honey, he’s not okay, he’s… gone,” Alex said putting her arm around Lexie. Lexie stared dumbfounded at her mother then turned to her Dad. I walked up behind her and put my hand on her shoulder.

“No, he’s a fighter,” Lexie said before running out the front door. Alex burst into tears.

I was standing in Daryk’s bedroom now.

“Daryk,” I said softly. He looked around like he heard me. After concluding he didn’t hear anything he went back to his dresser and changed (I looked away for your information). He climbed into bed and looked at the picture of us before turning over and sighing. I bent down and looked him right in the face.

“Daryk,” I said again. He looked up, his eyes wide. He knew he heard something now. There was a knock on his door.

“Daryk, are you still up? Your mother and I need to talk to you,” Zacky said through the door. He huffed before sitting up against his headboard.

“Yeah, I’m up,” He said. Zacky and Maggie came in his room. Maggie sat down at the side of the bed. Zacky pulled up a chair next to him. Maggie’s face was puffy and you could tell she had been crying. I kneeled on the floor and put my head on Daryk’s leg. He looked down at me and it was like he could see me but I knew he couldn’t.

“W-what’s up?” He said. His eyes fixed where my head lay.

“Honey,” Maggie said. Her voice was strained like she had been crying for years. He looked at her.

“Daryk, it’s Owen,” Zacky said. “He’s gone,”

“What do you mean he’s gone?” Daryk said his eyes were wide.

“He was killed today,” Zacky said. His eyes were on me, like he was actually looking at me. A tear fell down his face.

“He’s in a better place now, he’s with Jimmy,” Maggie said.

“I know,” Daryk said weakly. He was quiet for a couple minutes. A tear went down his cheek.

“I’m just going to go to bed, okay? He’s with Jimmy,”

“Okay, honey, we might go over to Stephanie’s okay?” My mom said.

“Okay,” Daryk said lying down. They left the room. He curled up into a ball and the tears began to fall down his face.

I touched his cheek. He gasped.

“I love you Owen,” He said like he knew I was listening.

“Oh Daryk,” I said my fingertip grazing his forehead. “I love you too,”
Daryk’s eye’s closed lightly and he fell fast asleep. My lips lightly touched his to give him one last kiss. I stood up and thought the light would take me now, that my dad would come get me. Nothing happened.

I was in front of my mother now. There was a bottle of Jack in her hands and she was drinking it straight up. People came and went but my mother just stayed on that couch, with various types of alcohol in her hand. Brian came, she didn’t listen to him. Maggie came. Val came. Alex. Tricia. Johnny, he almost made her stop, almost got the bottle away from her. But she didn’t let him. Brian came again. He blamed himself, but it wasn’t his fault it was mine. I watched so many people come and go. My grandparents even came, my dad’s mom and dad. That didn’t work. It just made her feel more guilty. Then Brandon came. I had never seen him before. He smiled at her and she just stared blankly. He came again and again. Then he had to go back to New York. Months must have gone by because the next time I saw Lexie she was huge. Not fat huge either, pregnant huge. She sat down across from my mother.

“I’m not here to make you stop drinking,” She said. “I’m here to tell you about my problems,”

“How are you issues worse than mine?” My mother hissed.

“You lost your son, I can’t understand that pain, but I can imagine, it must be killing you,”

“You got that right,” My mother took another sip of alcohol.

“I’m pregnant, as you can tell, Damien’s the father, incase you didn’t know, you know where he is right now? Nevada. Last I heard anyway. He wants nothing to do with the baby, ran as soon as I told him. My father kicked me out. I’m living in a crappy apartment across town. My mother is sending me money. I work at a fast food restaurant. I lose that job as soon as I have this baby. I’ve considered adoption. But then I think what if this baby never gets adopted? So mom’s got a separate bank account going for her. I hope it’s going to be alright, but you never know what’s going to happen. My family is torn apart by Owen dying, Owen dying didn’t just ruin your life. It ruined all our lives. My mother and father might be getting a divorce, because he blames himself. I blame myself too. We all blame ourselves. My little brother keeps asking where Owen is. He doesn’t understand that he’s never coming back. I haven’t seen my father in months but mom tells me he’s just as bad as you, drinking again. She even thinks he’s cheating on her. Daryk’s attempted suicide how many times? Three? He’s been in a mental institution for almost two months this time. He gets out next week. The point is, we all have it bad. He was your baby, but he was my best friend, Daryk’s lover, my father’s godson. It’s ruined us all. And the only way to attempt at fixing anything is
for you to get better,” Lexie stood up and walked out the door.

I sat there taking in everything Lexie said. Everything was ruined because I was reckless. My mother didn’t take another sip. The bottle dropped out of her hand spilling all over the carpet.

I was standing in a hospital room now. Daryk was on the bed. His wrists were bound, his feet too.

“Daryk,” I muttered.

“Owen?” Daryk said looking over at me, directly at me.

“You can see me?” I asked.

“I’ve gone crazy, duh I can see you,” He laughed. It wasn’t his laugh though. It was mangled, sick. His voice was hoarse and dead too. His blue-green eyes had lose there energy. He was good enough as dead. He was wearing a tee-shirt. I walked over to him and touched his rough torn skin. Scars mangled it. He was torn apart.

“Why? Why would you do this?” I said. “Why!”

“To be with you silly,” He said smiling. It wasn’t his smile.

“I don’t want you to join me, I want you to live,” I hissed the last word.

“We belong together, I miss you, I need to feel you,” He said. I bent down over him and look straight into his dead eyes an inch away from his face. I didn’t know if this would work because I’m dead, but he could see me, so he could feel me right? He leaned up and grabbed my lips with his before I had the chance. The intensity was still there, the lust, the spark, but it wasn’t the same. It felt like it was missing energy…like it was missing life. I pulled away from him.

“Live,” I said, and then I was gone. I was in front of my mother again. She wasn’t on the couch; she wasn’t drunk out of her mind. She had taken a shower. There was a picture of my dad and me together in her hand.

“Live,” I said, before I was gone again

I was with Lexie in a delivery room. She was all alone.

“Push Lexie, only a couple more,” The doctor said.

“I can’t! It hurts too much!” Lexie screamed. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

“Push Lexie, you can do this. This is your baby, you love her,” I whispered in her ear.
Lexie pushed. Daryk ran through the hospital door.

“You can do this Lexie!” He screamed running to her side.

“I see the head!”The doctor said. “One more time!”

“Live!” I screamed as I began to disappear. I was in one hell of a crappy apartment. A baby was crying and a stressed out Lexie came into what looked like a kitchen with a baby in her arms. The baby had to be a couple months old. She had hair and stunning eyes the color of Daryk’s. But it was Damien’s eye color too. Duh twins. Lexie got a bottle out and began to feed the baby. Damien came in with a bag of groceries. Diapers, formula, crap like that.

“Thanks,” Lexie huffed.

“Don’t mention it,” He said. Whoa. That wasn’t Damien. I had never ever in my life mixed up Damien and Daryk before but I guess I just figured that it was Damien. I noticed the little dove tattoo behind Daryk’s ear and I smiled. The words LIVE were etched into it. He took his sweatshirt off and hung it up then sat down at the table. Little white scars stuck out against his skin on his arm. “Anyone come by today?”

“Nope, no one,” Lexie muttered.

“Did she sleep today?” Daryk asked.

“Barely,” Lexie said sighing.

“Give me her and go take a nap,” Daryk said.

“You’re a lifesaver,” Lexie said handing her daughter to Daryk.

“Mmm, what flavor?” Daryk said smiling. It was his actual smile. Nothing was off. “How’s my beautiful niece today?” The baby gurgled. “I don’t know why I continue to call you me niece, you might as well be my daughter, right Maddie?” She giggled. “It’s not like your dead bit dad’s going to do anything for you,” Daryk sighed, stood up and walked over to the couch. He flipped through some channels. He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and began to dial some numbers.

“Hey deadbeat, how you doing? You know what I’m doing right now? Holding your gorgeous daughter. Too bad you haven’t seen her yet. She almost three months old you know. Do you know what today is? The anniversary of Owen’s death. Never thought my life would turn out like this. Taking care of your child. Thought I’d be having sex with the love of my life somewhere but you know that’s not going to happen. If you don’t come meet your child soon, I’m going to make Lexie finally get after you for child support so then you might actually have to look at a picture of her,” Daryk said before hanging up the phone.

“But I do love you Maddie, I just think you should have your father around,” Daryk mumbled. He began to rock Maddie back and forth and she quickly fell asleep. “That’s my girl,” At
Daryk’s smile, I was gone again.

“There was a little girl she was probably around 3 years old. She had stunning blue green eyes.

“Daddy?” She said. Had Damien actually come through.

“No, I’m your Uncle Daryk,” Daryk said.

4 years old. “Daddy?” “No, I’m your Uncle Daryk,”

5 years old. “Daddy?” “No, I’m your Uncle Daryk,”

6 years old. “Daddy?” “No…”

7, 8, 9 years old. “Daddy?” “No sweetheart,”

10 years old. “Do I have a daddy?” “Yes honey, he’s my brother,” “Where is he?” He’s not here right now.

18 years old. Graduation day. “I wish you were my Dad, Uncle Daryk,”

“Me too baby, I’m so proud of you,”

“Thanks Uncle Daryk,”


It was black again. The searing pain went through me. The cold steel blade was back.

“Owen,” This voice was one I cherished.

“Dad?” I called.

“That’s what would happen if you died Owen,” He said appearing in front of me. “Daryk never falls in love again. He’s raises Madelyn Alexis Baker with Lexie for the rest of his life. No children of his own. Your mother is alone for the rest of her life, sober, but alone. The family crumbles without you. Lexie loses her father, Brian never talks to her again. You need to live Owen. You need to stop being reckless,”

“I don’t want to die!! I want to LIVE” I screamed.

I jumped up. A cold sweat was all around my body. I looked around; I was in Lexie’s room, Lexie’s bed. Bri was standing at the side of the bed. His head tilted to the side and his eyebrows furrowed.

“I wanna LIVE too Owen,”
♠ ♠ ♠
In case any of you didn't get it...Owen was having a nightmare...O.o

The only reason this chapter is being posted today is because Dallas Green DEMANDED it!
So thank her.

And because this chapter is sooooo long, I most likely won't update this weekend. I need to think of a new idea.

Thanks to Dallas Green for her lovely comments.
Thanks to Jack Barakat for his comment. (He's new!!! =] )
Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for her comment. She's as faithful as can be!

Song: Wait - Grey's Anatomy Cast (I think it goes perfect with this chapter!!!) (It is a cover, I believe)