‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Three.

Chapter Thirty-Three.
Owen’s P.O.V.

“Oh, and it’s time for youuu to go to school Owen!” Bri said before running out of the room.

“Uhhh!” I groaned turning onto my back and looking up at the ceiling. The memory of my dream was swimming through my head. Live. I do want to live; I don’t know why I wouldn’t. I rubbed my eyes and grabbed some clothes and threw them on. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. Brian and Bri, were eating cereal at the island. I grabbed a bagel and popped it in the microwave.

“I heard you scream…” Brian said looking up at me from his cereal. “Bad dream?”

“You could say that,” I muttered. The microwave beeped and I spread the cream cheese on it.

“Wanna talk about it?” Brian asked.

“Ehhhh, maybe later,” I said taking a bite. “I gotta get to school,” I began to walk out of the room.

“Owen?” Brian said.


“Two days!” Bri screamed. Two days before I got to see Daryk again. Just the thought made me smile.

-At School-

Before Daryk moved to my school, I didn’t have anyone to talk to or hang out with except for Lexie. Now that even Lexie’s not here I am utterly bored out of my mind trying to go through the day, since Jake and I weren’t really talking that left me all by myself. My day went slow all because I was hoping for the time to fly by. American Lit we were reading a book called Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. It was written in old Scottish so it was hard to understand. From what the teacher told us it and what I gathered it was about an 18 year old boy who lost his parents and went on an adventure. After finding his uncle, who was weird and untrustworthy in so many ways, he gets guess what…kidnapped, coincidence huh?; by sailors who were hired by his uncle. This leads him into an unfortunate string of events that he never thought would happen to his 18 year old self. I thought that was kind of like me. Not the whole kidnapped by untrustworthy uncles or anything but how his life changed so suddenly he had no control over it. The last couple of years changed my life so much that I don’t even know if I know who I am anymore. I mean going into the coma must have changed me somehow I just don’t know in what way yet. Some god given creature made a decision that they wanted to ruin my life, and it worked for the last three years. But since I woke up from the coma, I’ve been happy. At least what I think happy is. The only thing I’ve got to do know is make something of my life and figure out who I want to be.

Math was nothing special, the basics like 2+2= 4 and crap like that. We were shooting arrows in P.E. Hardcore safety was necessary, so I just twiddled my thumbs as Mr. Clarke gave us a lecture on safety. I got to shoot one bow but apparently I was doing everything wrong so he kept yelling in my ear the entire time. In World History we were learning about the European Map and how it’s changed through the centuries. In lunch I went to the Library and played Rockband on my iPod. I also snacked on a bag of cheez-its without the librarian noticing, the same thing in studyhall. There was an awkward silence between me and Jake in band. He was on the other side of the room plucking away at an acoustic guitar. He glanced up at me a couple of times but always looked away when I caught him.

Now Biology was a different story. After Tyler punched me he was definitely on my hate list. It was only worse that Daryk actually hanged out with him and liked him. His desk sat next to mine, it was where Daryk sat his first day here. He was glaring at me, I was my original spot and I guess he didn’t like that very much.

“Where’s Daryk?” He hissed.

“Is that any of your fucking business?” I growled.

“I think it is,” His teeth were clenched.

“Would you like me to change your mind for you?” I said menacingly.

“Wanna try, bitch?!” He said standing up.

“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I said jumping up. Luckily Mr. C had left the room for a few minutes. I punched him right in the face, and then my left came and clipped his eye. The next thing I know is Mr. C is grabbing me from behind and dragging me off of him. I let him.

“What is with you two lately?!” Mr. C yelled. “Owen, go to the office, now!”

I did as he said. As I was leaving I heard him tell another student to escort Tyler to the nurse’s office. I grinned in victory. I sat in the office waiting to be called in, but I never was.

About a half hour later Brian came in with Bri in tow. He looked extremely pissed off.

“Mr. Bender wants to speak with you alone,” The secretary said to Brian. He nodded.

“Stay with Owen okay?” He said to Bri.

“Okay dad,” He said climbing in the seat next to me. When Brian was gone, Bri looked up at me. “Yourr in troubleee,’ he giggled.

“Is he that mad?” I asked.


Narrator’s P.O.V

Brian sat in the office and felt like he was back in high school, even though so much has changed since back then. The principal was looking down at some paperwork before he looked up at Brian.

“Mr. Haner, I’m to understand that your Owen’s legal guardian, for the time being,” Mr. Bender said to me.

“Yes, that’s correct,” Brian said dressed in his ‘House of Syn’ long sleeve shirt and a pair of gray jeans. Mr. Bender tried to keep his head from shaking as he disapproved of Owen’s current guardian.

“And Mrs. Sullivan approves of this meeting?” Mr. Bender asked.

“Your secretary said she confirmed it,” Brian said getting slightly irritated.

“Okay... In front of me is Owen’s folder, I’ve read it over. Since Owen’s gone to this school he has gotten in over 10 fights, he’s been suspended multiple times. I believe that the…events that have happened recently and in the past three years are affecting Owen’s mental abilities,” Mr. Bender said with a concerned look on his face, even though Brian could tell it was purely fake.

“Mental abilities? Are you trying to say there is something wrong with Owen?” Brian held back the hiss that almost escaped from his lips.

“No not at all, but I have to think of the other students of this school,” Mr. Bender said smoothly.

“You think he would physically harm the other students?” Brian voice came out hard and protective.

“The young man he got in a fight with today, Tyler Rayne, had to go to the emergency room because of some severe cuts to his face,” Mr. Bender said.

“A split lip! That’s how teenage boys are! They get in fights! It’s what happens!” Brian said irritated.

“Mr. Haner, I don’t think you understand the extremity of this situation, if Owen doesn’t attend therapy at least one a week, he will be expelled from this school,” Mr. Bender informed Brian. Brian took a deep breath to calm down.

“I certainly understand Mr. Bender; I’m going to have to talk to Owen’s mother, Mrs. Sullivan about this,” Brian said standing up.

“Thank you for coming in today Mr. Haner,” Mr. Bender said. Brian just left the office without saying another word. He went out into the main office and just looked at Owen and Bri. Bri want telling him about his day and Owen was listening to every word.

“Let’s go Bri,” Brian said. He looked at Owen. “Meet me at the house okay?”

All Owen could do was nod, because Brian didn’t look mad or sad. He looked exhausted, like he just wanted to give up. And even though Owen didn’t believe in god, he was praying that Brian didn’t give up on him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I have two explanation's to why I haven't updated...
First is one word, four letters: PROM.
Hopefully some of you understand that, right/ I mean I'm a Senior and Prom is supposed to be the best night of your high school life. And i'm glad to say that it was :D
Second reason: FAKE NAILS.
Do you know how hard it is to type with them? It's is extremely difficult! At least for me it is!
So I got some ideas today and if I have anytime i'm going to be writing a lot! But don't get your hopes up!

Oh and I know it's Short!

Thanks to the amazing Dallas Green for her comment!
Thanks to unicorndreams for her comment! :) She's new!
Thanks to Dance_N_The_Rain for her comment!! Another New One!! :D
Thank to DeathDoUsPart for her love of this story! <3
Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for support through both of my stories! Her tears mean so much to me :)

Song 1: Lost In You - Three Days Grace
Song 2: The Kill - Thirty Seconds To Mars