‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Four.

Chapter Thirty-Four.

Owen’s P.O.V.

I sat in my car for a couple of minutes. I debated on going straight to Brian’s house or stalling and going shopping, for what no clue. I picked the latter one. After all my mother didn't leave me with the credit card for nothing, right? I headed off downtown. The shopping mall was only like a 10 min drive, not even maybe.

The only thing I found was a jacket. I wasn’t really in the mood to go shopping anyway. I got in my car dreading the drive home.

I pulled into Brian’s driveway. I turned my car off but didn’t get out. I needed to breath. When I finally got up the courage I opened my door and made my way to the front porch and threw the house door.

“Brian?” I said.

“I Thought I told you to meet me at the house?” he said.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” I don’t know where my attitude came from but I all of a sudden got…angry?

“This is serious, Owen.” He said. I walked in to the living room. Brian was sitting there, the tv off, no radio, just silence. Little Bri wasn't even down here. It was like a father waiting for his kid who broke curfew.

“Then talk.” I said, sitting down on the couch.

“Owen, The school wants you to go to therapy…” he said. My mouth hung open.

“What?” I said shaking my head. “Why?” I demanded.

“The principal thinks you are harmful to the other students. You've gotten in to a lot of fights.” He said.

“So, people just piss me off how they think they are better than everyone else. It kills me that people cause loads of emotional pain on others and that’s not being harmful to other students? I just happen to be giving back all those jerks the pain they’ve inflicted on others in a different way. I don’t see how it’s any different.” I fought.

“Well the school thinks the reason you are fighting is because of the things that have happened to you in the last 3 years.” He said.

“It isn’t my fault that dad died, or that I got stabbed and went in to a coma. I mean yeah, maybe I am a little beaten up but I can’t help that. Shit happens and people change.” I said.

“That’s why I’m giving you an ultimatum.” He smiled.

“What’s an ultimatum?” I asked.

“A Choice,” he chuckled. “Either you go to therapy once a week, or we move back to Huntington.” He said. By the smile his face he already knew which I was going to choose. I smiled too.

“I have another surprise for you,” Brian said a grin across his face.

“What…?” I asked.

“You are going to new York…tomorrow.” He smiled.

“I’m what?” Did I just here him right? I’m going to new York…TOMORROW! “I need to go pack!” I exclaimed. I heard Brian chuckle as I ran out to my car.
I pulled into my driveway. It took extra long to unlock the door because I was shaking. I threw it open then slammed it shut. I hulled ass up the stairs. I pulled out a suitcase from under my bed and set it on top of the bed. I packed shirts, pants, everything I needed. I ran around the empty house making sure I really did have everything. I layed on my bed. I can’t believe i'm going to new York tomorrow! I missed Daryk so much. After finding the perfect outfit to wear tomorrow I headed back to Brian’s house. When I got there it was around 9:30. He told me I should be going to bed because im leaving at 5 in the morning. And I did.

“Owen,” I popped my eyes open to see Brian standing over me lil bri was at the end of the bed. “Its 4, I thought you’d want time getting ready.” He said and he was right I did. I groaned. I got up and slowly zombie walked my way to the shower. I got dressed, did my hair and went downstairs.

“I’m hungryyyyyy.” I complained. It was 4:40.I knew I didn’t have time to eat.

“well we’ve got to get going.” Brian stated looking at the clock. I groaned again. the only good thing coming out of this is that I’m going to see Daryk. I grabbed my suitcase and put it in the trunk. Brian was strapping little bri into his car seat. Then we made our way to the air port.
we had to run to the plane because we were a little late. It was 4:55. My seat number was 12.

First class baby!

The plane finally took off. The flight attendant came over to me.

“Would you like something?” she asked.

“Fooood.” I said rubbing my stomach. “and some mountain dew.”

“What would you like to eat?” she asked.

“Cereal.” She nodded.

“Anything for you?” she asked Brian.

“Maybe just some juice in this sippy cup please?” he asked.

“Of course.” She smiled and went to fill the cup and get my cereal.
After I ate my food and lil bri fell asleep I fell asleep also.

“Owen,” someone called. They violently shook my shoulder.

“Owen we’re here.” It was Brian. Lil bri was beside him. I yawned and got up.

The drive to the hotel where they were staying was uneventful.
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Okay....So we're really sorry! We didn't even know this chapter was written up. It's just a filler but still. We completely forgot that this chapter was ready to be updated! We're sorry!

But! We are graduating high school, so we're busy writing essays and taking finals that we don't have time to write. We have two days left so hopefully there's an update next week. We do love our readers!

Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for commenting! I appreciate it!

Song: Fuck You - Cee Lo Green
Song 2: Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
Song 3: Lost In You - Three Days Grace
Song 4: So Long Goodbye - 10 Years