‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Five.

Chapter Thirty-Five.

Daryk’s P.O.V

The cold winter breeze was harsh against my red tinted cheeks. I was sitting in central park watching some lady feed the pigeons. She had a smile on and looked sort of insane but she looked happy. There were jogger’s running past, couple’s walking their dogs, jogger’s jogging with their dogs. I took a whiff of the fading scent that was Owen and felt the longing for him. It wasn’t that bad. Not like when I first got here. I kept repeating the memory of the last time I saw him and it made me happy. I smiled a little to myself. Suddenly the pigeons all scrambled and flew up into the air. A tall boy was running through them flapping his arms like he had wings and was trying to join them. He had spiky brown hair that framed his face, he was wearing a blazer type jacket and a white v-neck tee, and I stood up and watched as this boy that had bright blue eyes ran straight at me. He picked me up and spun me in circles. His lips quickly attached to mine. I squeezed my arms around him. We were locked in a passionate kiss. My arms were locked around his neck, his around my waist. I was in the air still when we stopped kissing and took a moment to look at each other.

“Owen,” I breathed. “What are you doing here?” He set me down and I looked up at him.

“What? You didn’t miss me?” He said faking shock.

“Oh I missed you,” I said putting my hand behind his head and pulling him down to my lips again. I was just taking him in. I kept our faces close when we separated. He was like my addiction and I was finally getting another hit. “I missed you so much,” I breathed. My green orbs looked deep into his bright blue ones.

“I missed you too Daryk,” Owen whispered to me. His thumb was running across my cheek.
“So much,”

Both my hands were on the side of his face. I was afraid to let go because he might disappear.

“I got in a fight with Tyler…again,” Owen said carefully. I backed away now so I can actually look at him but I grabbed his hands.

“Over what?” I asked looking down at our hands together.

“What do you think?” Owen muttered. “You,” My head shot up, he had a guilty look on his face.

“I should have known,” I said shaking my head but a smile on my face. “But you’re not supposed to be here until tomorrow…”

“Mr. Bender thinks I’m mentally unstable and harmful to other students, so either I take therapy or move back to Huntington,” Owen said grinning. “So guess what one I picked?”

“Huntington,” I said as I kissed him again.


Owen and I walked in Central Park, we held hands and made lovey dovey faces at each other. It felt so good to be near him again. It felt good not to get stared at like freaks too, not that I’ve ever noticed, I’ve always been too distracted.

“Daryk?” Owen asked as we passed a couple of street musicians.

“Hmm?” I mumbled as I looked up at him. God he was so much taller than me.

“Will you dance with me?” He asked a slight smile on his face.

“Dance…Here?” I asked looking around. He nodded. We were in the middle of the side walk. The musicians were playing sweet gentle music, the perfect sound. “Yes,”

“Really?!” He asked excitedly.

“Yeah,” I said. My left hand hung on his shoulder as my right hand was placed on his chest. I laid my head against his heart. His hands were on my hips. He began swaying us to the music. The musicians noticed us and kept it gentle. I looked up at him and let my thumb trace his cheekbone. “I’ve missed you, so freaking much; my life is nothing without you,”

“Don’t say that,” Owen breathed. He leaned down and caught my lips in his in a sweet gentle kiss. I sighed in happiness as we separated; a smile on my lips but not on his. His eyes looked sad and we had stopped swaying to the music. “Don’t say that your life is nothing without me,”

“Owen…I didn’t mean it like that, I just meant…” I began but I couldn’t finish the words.

“You just meant what, Daryk?” He wasn’t mad but at the same time he was. I could hear the tension in his voice, like he knew we were going to argue.

“I’m not going to lie just to make you happy, we can’t be built on lies,” I muttered turning away from him and walking away from the musicians. I heard his footsteps following. I looked around at the bare trees, the icicles hanging from their branches. They were beautiful, but they were also sad. Soft snow had begun to fall and the musicians were packing up to leave. I stopped walking looked up toward the sky and let the wet flakes hit my pale skin, spreading my arms open wide. Owen footsteps stopped behind me when I suddenly stopped. I heard him move in front of me. His fingers ran up my neck to the back of my head. His thumb rubbed the spot right under my ear, where his dove was. I shivered from his cold touch, to what the skin on skin contact did to me. I felt his warm breath before I felt his lips at the base of my throat. He kissed his way up to my dove tattoo for him, after kissing that spot he hovered over my ear, his hot breath making my skin crawl.

“Then just tell me the truth,” I brought my head down and opened my eyes to see his right in front of mine. Those piercing blue eyes that drove me crazy, that could see right through me. My mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to figure out what to say to him. I noticed the snow covered his hair.

“Let’s get out of the snow,” I muttered and began walking to the edge of central park. I waved
a taxi down as Owen came up behind me. One quickly pulled over and we both got in. I gave the driver the address for Fiction.

“Where are we going?” Owen asked. I looked over at him.

“Some place I was saving for your birthday,” I said giving him a small sad smile.

“Then why…” He asked confused.

“Because we need it now,” I said. The rest of the car ride I looked out the window watching the snow fall. At one point Owen reached over and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. He just wanted to forget everything that just happened. So I would smile again, a happy smile. I paid the driver when he pulled up to the store. Owen’s hand was still in mine. “Close your eyes,”

“But-“ He began.

“Just do it,” I said. He looked at my face and did what he was told. I opened the door; Callie was at the cash register with a customer.

“Hey Daryk,” She said as she handed the kid his money.

“Hey is there a room upstairs we can use?” I asked.

“Yeah, go through the back passed the couches and the stairs will be down the hallway on your left. The first door at the top you can use,” She said leaning against the counter.

“Okay thanks, we’ll be back down in a minute,” I said. She nodded. I walked past the couches where the banner of Jimmy was making sure Owen’s eyes were closed. Down the hall, up the stairs and the first door at the top later and I was shutting the door behind me.

“You can open your eyes now,”

“Daryk, what is this about?” Owen said a confused look on his face. I don’t know what it was. If it was the way he was standing, or the way he said my name, or the irritation I unexplainably had with him at the moment but I couldn’t help myself. I ran up to him and jumped. My arms folding around the back of his neck, my legs wrapped around his body, my mouth on his lips. His hands caught me and were wrapped around me, keeping me up. His lips on the other hand were shocked. It took a couple seconds for him to realize what was happening. My fingers dug into his hair running through it. I kept bringing the kiss deeper and deeper, getting as much of him as possible. When he pulled away I moved my kisses down his jaw across his neck, across his collarbone, under his ear.

“Owen, you know I love you right? Because I love you so freaking much,” I breathed in his ear. I took his ear lobe and began to suck on it. He had started to say something but I couldn’t understand what he had attempted to say. The words were stuck in his throat.

“D-darryyykk,” He tried to say but in came out a moan. I removed my lips from his ear.

“I don’t think you know what you do to me, you make me go crazy Owen, crazy,” I said moving down to his neck again. I moved his arms out from under me so I could stand. Once I was standing, I pulled the jacket he was wearing off of him. Then I lifted the white v-neck over his head. I began to kiss down his chest, stopping to bite lightly on his nipple. I moved back up to his lips before going down any further. “You make my skin crawl and my heart jump, you make my stomach do flips and my brain goes numb. You’re like an addiction Owen, I need my shot of you, or I go insane,”

My hands we on each side of his face keeping his gaze locked on mine. I brought his lips to mine slowly. I kissed him slowly, passionately; making him know that I loved him.

“That’s why my life is nothing without you; you’re all I can think about. I hated being in New York without you, hated it. Now that you’re here it is going to be so much better. But do you understand Owen? I need you. Or I’m unhappy. You make me happy Owen,” I said.

“It’s just that…I think about all the time that we weren’t together, and all the time that was taken from us, and I just don’t want to think you were ever unhappy because of me, because I wasn’t there,” Owen said.

“But you’re here now Owen, that’s all I care about,” I said kissing his lips again, then kissing down his chest again. I kissed his fiction tattoo, his tattoo for me, and his scar. My fingers played with the waistband of his jeans, tugging and pulling on them. I unbuttoned them and pulled them off his body. I was about to go for his SpongeBob boxers but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back up. “What?”

“It’s not fair if I’m the only one with all the clothes off,” Owen grinned before lifting my shirt over my head and yanking my jean down, not bothering to unbutton them. My boxers were already halfway off my ass because of him yanking my jeans down. They were just above my manhood so he could teasingly see the outline of my hips. I grabbed his boxers from behind and slowly pulled them down, exposing his butt first then the rest of him. (Socks and shoes are off too). My hands moved back up to his neck and pulled his lips down to mine. While we were kissing I felt him get the rest of my boxers off too. Both of us were exposed to each other, the skin to skin contact making the heat crawl through my body. His fingers grazed the sensitive skin as his hands traveled up my hips, chest, neck, back to my face, his thumb rubbing that spot where the dove tattoo was. He pulled me closer to him, so our entire bodies were touching each others. I shivered as I felt his hardened member against mine. His hand wandered down and grabbed me as I grabbed him. We pumped each other making our members hard.

“Daryk, I want you inside me,” His harsh scattered breathing ran across my forehead before he kissed my temple. I actually looked around the room now. The realization of what was happing just hitting me. There were two bookcases on each side of a fireplace, filled with binders, notebooks, and of course books. There was a couch in front of the fireplace with a coffee table in the middle and matching end tables of each side of the couch. It took me less than 30 seconds to take this in. I pulled Owen over to the couch. I pushed him down onto it before I laid on top of him. I kissed his now red lips before looking into his bright blue eyes.

“But we don’t…have anything,” I said slightly embarrassed. An amused smile formed on his lips.

“Daryk, we’re lying hear naked about to have hot sex and you can’t say condoms and lube?” A light laugh came out of his lips. A blush came across my cheeks. “Don’t worry love, I can take it,”

I was still unsure, and he loved it! It was making his day that I was frozen on top of him because I was scared I would hurt him. He knew my mind would remain unsure too. Next thing I know I’m flipped over and he’s on top of me. His face was close to mine, his hot breath making my mind numb. He was making me incoherent to everything around me. All I could think about was him on top of me. His skin on mine was making the heat crawl through my body. He straddled me and was just about to slide me in.

“Wait,” I said breathing. I was being stupid. We were mad at each other. This is what people called make-up sex. I should be taking part, not running scared. He stared down at me.

“Daryk?” He asked one eyebrow raised. I took his shoulders, pulled him down and snuck out from under him.

“Ready?” I asked positioning myself on top of him.

“Always love,” His sweet voice hummed. I slowly slid into him. He groaned a little, but he was holding it in. “Go,” He moaned lightly. I slid out then back in. When he moaned as I entered, my body uncontrollably shivered, making him moan quietly. “Darryyk, faster,”

So I did as he asked. I went faster, not holding back because I was relishing at the feeling of being inside him. I gripped him hip bone slamming into him again. That sent him over the edge, all over the couch, which made me let go inside him. As our final moans escape our lips, Owen started laughing. I pulled out of him and he turned over, wrapping his arms around me.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked him.

“Because, technically, we just had public sex,” He said an actually happy smile across him lips, which made mine grow bigger.


I managed to sneak Owen out of the store with seeing the banner to Jimmy. I told Callie we’d be back tomorrow. And we were gentleman and cleaned up our *cough*mess*cough* on the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess what i'm doing this upcoming week??
Going to Hershey Park!!! Yay me! I'm so excited!
Spending an entire week in a world that smells like chocolate! <3


I know you were really wanting to some Owen and Daryk so I gave it to you!!! :)
And I would like a fan banner for this story, and i want one of the fans to make it because they already know what's going on... So comment and tell me if your interested.

Thanks to Dallas Green for commenting. :D
Thanks to a7x6661 for commenting. :D

Song: Through the Walls by The OverUnder
Song 2: Another Year Another Valentine by The OverUnder
Song 3: Super Bass by Nicki Minaj
Song 4: Better Than This by The OverUnder