‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Six.

Chapter Thirty-Six.

Lexie’s P.O.V.

I heard it through the door of the bathroom. I thought everyone else had gone out to eat. I stayed at the hotel because I had really bad nausea. Apparently, whoever was in the bathroom did too. The sounds from inside the door made my stomach turn. I ran to the nearest trash can and let the nausea explode from me. I hate being pregnant. Well, this part of it anyway. I tied the bag and called room service to have them come get it before placing it by the door. I walked back to the bathroom and heard that whoever was inside had stopped throwing up. I lightly knocked on the door.

“Hello?” I called.

“Lexie? You’re still here?” Maggie called through the door. “I’ll be out in a minute,”

I leaned against the wall waiting for her.

“Are you okay?” I called when I got impatient. Maggie opened the door.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Maggie said. “I just wasn’t feeling well,”

“I know the feeling,” I said, before walking into the bathroom and brushing my teeth. As I walked out, there was a knock on the hotel door, it was the room service, here to take the garbage, I gave it to them before going to one of the couches in the hotel.

“Maggie, are you sure you’re okay?” I asked worried.

“Yeah, why?” She asked.

“Honestly…You don’t look to good,” I said concerned. She really didn’t. She was pale, sickly
pale. She looked like she was losing weight, and she was obviously exhausted.

“It’s this bug, it’s taking forever to get over,” She laughed lightly but I could tell it was forced.

“Okay,” I said but she could tell I didn’t believe her.

“I’m just going to try to get some sleep okay Lex?” Maggie said. I just nodded. That all I could do. I turned on the T.V. and started to flick through the channels. I clicked on Knight and Day, because I knew it was a movie I wanted to watch but didn’t have the chance to. I have to slay that Tom Cruise is freaking hot!!

Maggie’s P.O.V (It’s Necessary)

Lexie was getting worried. Hell all of my family was. But I didn’t know what to tell them, because I had no idea what was wrong with me. I had no idea how to tell them I was seeing my dead sister. How she was talking to me. How she was yelling at me. How she was telling me all these things yet telling me nothing at all. However, Madelyn wasn’t the only one who was here. She wasn’t the only one that I was seeing. At first, Maddie was carrying her around. She was a little baby. Then she grew. She called me her mother. It broke my heart to be able to see Sapphire yet no one else could. Sapphire had those brown eyes that were so sweet and could only be everything good. She had brown hair sprouting out of her head when I first saw her. Every time I saw her she was different age. Like right now when I walked into my hotel room there was a two year old on my bed, sleeping. She looked just as if she were alive and breathing. I could touch her. I could feel her. But I knew that was just part of the hallucination. Sapphire was curled up to the blankets. Maddie was leaning against the wall.

“She wanted to see you,” Maddie said, her arms crossed.

“I’m not supposed to be able to see her,” I mumbled rubbing my hand against my forehead.

“But you can, so take the chance to be her mother,” Maddie said.

“I have always been her mother,” I hissed. Maddie was gone. Disappeared to where ever she went. I laid on the bed, wrapped my arms around my little girl who should be 27 by now and fell asleep. When I woke the two-year old was no longer in my bed. Instead the 17 year old Sapphire was laying with me watching me sleep.

“Hi mom,” She said a bright smile on her face.

“Hi Sapphire,” I said rubbing my eyes. Whenever this version of her was around I always got a nagging feeling that she looked familiar. She didn’t look like Damien and Daryk because they looked like Zacky. However when she was in the room with them, I could see a resemblance, some of my features on both. Like their lips, their noses, they each had the same little twitches. Right before they were about to sneeze all their noses twitched to the left. They all had my obnoxiously loud sneezes. That made me smile as Sapphire sneezed right now. “How are you today?”

“I’m good; Aunt Maddie said you were mad at her…” Sapphire said. She didn’t like it when Maddie and I fought.

“I’m not mad at her, we each just have different opinions,” I said sighing. There was a knock at the door. I jumped, I didn’t think anyone was home yet.

“Yeah?” I called.

“Mom?” It was Damien.

“You can come in sweetie,” I said. He came in, he looked concerned.

“Were you talking to someone?” He asked looking around the room.

“I was on the phone with Stephanie,” I said lying. I hated this; lying to my family.

“Oh, well I just wanted to check on you, Lexie said you weren’t feeling well,” He came as sat where Sapphire was. He shivered as she disappeared and stood next to me, on my left. She was staring at Damien. She always had questions about them.

“Which one is he?” She asked.

“How was your day Damien?” I asked him, but also giving her an answer.

“Lexie and I hung out here this morning, dinner was okay, I’m getting sick of New York though, I’m ready to go home!” He said laughing. “Who gets sick of New York City?”

“I’m getting that way too; maybe we can convince your grandmother to come back with us? So we can leave early?” I suggested.

“Great idea mom! I’ll go ask her!” He said kissing my cheek then jumping up and running out the door. I laughed as he ran out the door.

“You’re leaving?” Sapphire said a pout on her face.

“You’ll come with me,” I reassured her.

“Okay mom,” She said. Then she was gone. I sighed, rubbing my temples. Zacky walked into the room then, laughing.

“What did you say to him? He’s running through the hotel looking for your mother,” I let my hands fall to my lap as Maddie appeared next to me.

“I told him to ask her if she wants to come back with us so we can go home early, he’s sick of New York City,” A weak laugh escaped my lips.

“Tell him Maggie! Tell him now! You know what’s wrong with you! You just don’t want to admit it to yourself,” Maddie screamed at me, but towards the end of her statement her tone became sad. “It’s killing me Maggie because you already know, you just have to figure it out,” She said. Then Maddie was gone. I had momentarily forgotten that Zacky was previously talking to me or that he was even in the room with me.

“Maggie? Are you okay? Mags?” Zacky said sitting in front of me. I focused my distracted eyes on his blue-green orbs. I shivered. I wasn’t able to force the smile on my lips as Maddie’s words rang through my head. It’s killing me…because you already know.

“I don’t know Zacky, I just don’t know,” I learned forward against him. Our foreheads against each other, our eyes closed. “But when I find out, I’ll let you know,” I breathed.

“I know you will,” He had a warm smile on his lips, which made a smile appear on my lips. He kissed my cheek before pulling me down on the bed and just held me. This is how our love has escalated over the years; just being with each other made us feel so much better.

Damien’s P.O.V.

As I was searching through the hotel for my grandma, I passed Owen and Daryk. Daryk was leaning against Owen and playing with Owen’s hands. He looked happy, which I haven’t seen in a long time. I smiled as I passed them.

“What are you doing?” Daryk called after me.

“Looking for Grandma,” I said as I left our hotel room and went down the hall. Grandma’s was a couple doors down. I knocked and waited for someone to answer. Jacob answered.

“Hey! Is Grandma around?” I asked.

“Yeah,” He opened the door and let me in. She was sitting on the couch looking at some papers from work I guessed.

“Hey Grandma!” I said excitedly.

“What are you so happy about?” She asked.

“It’s not so much happy as excited…” I said.

“Okay…” She said motioning me to continue.

“Mom wants to know if you want to go back to California with us, so we can spend Christmas there...” I said practically bouncing with anticipation for her answer.

“Your mom wants to go back?” She asked unsure.

“Yeah, truth is we’re both kind of sick of New York City,” I said calming down.

“Did you ask anyone else if they wanted to go home? Owen and Brian just got here,” She said.

“No…I should probably do that shouldn’t I?” I said.

“I think you and your mother should let Owen and Daryk spend some time with each other in the big city before you rush back home…Brian and Alex too,” My grandma said. A frown appeared on my face. I felt bad for forgetting about what everyone else wanted.

“Okay…” I said. “See you later Grandma,”

“Just give them a couple days okay Damien?” She said.

“Okay Grandma,” I said leaving the room, my bouncy step now gone. I didn’t even think of Lexie, her dad and brother just got here. She didn’t even spend any time with them. I guess I’ll just have to find stuff to do in this huge city.
♠ ♠ ♠
I want one of my fans to make me a banner!!! Well i would appreciate it! I want someone who's read the story to interpret it a put it into a banner! I'd love it so much!!! So if you want to do it...contact me!

So my week in Hershey Park was fun!!! This update is just a filler, but some major things happen with Maggie so it's necessary.

Does anyone even read these author's notes? Lmao.

Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for commenting!!! All her Yummie!!!

Song: One Voice by Billy Gilman