‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Seven.

Owen's P.O.V.

"Owen," There are zombies everywhere!

"Damn zombies," Those bitches didn't stand a chance against my AK-47!

"Owen?" Why the fuck are they saying my name?

"Die bitch!" Slap. I opened my eyes to see what cuased the pain in my cheek. Daryk stood over me with a confused expression. "Why did you hit me?" I aksed.

"You said something about zombies then told me, "Die bitch"," he said.

"I was wondering why the zombies were saying my name," I mummbled but he heard me and rolled his eyes.

"Get up! It's almost 12." He ripped the blankets off me. "Zombies give you boners?"

"No, you give me bonners," I smiled as he blushed.

"Go shower!" he said walking out the door. Today is my fucking BIRTHDAY! *fist pump* Excuse my jersey shore moment...I love Ronnie!

After getting out of the shower I put clean boxers on and wrapped my black robe around me. It's my birthday, I want to be comfy! I started to walk out of the bathroom when something cought my eye. On the mirrior was a pink sticky note, it read: Happy birthday Owen! I'll be back in an hour. . I wonder what he was up too.

Man, I'm hungry. Room service!

"Hello, this is room service," he sounds happy, hint my sarcasum.

"Yeah, can I get some fruit loops and some french toast sticks?" I asked.

"We'll be right up," Click. Didn't even say good by, jerks. Ten minutes later there was a knock on the door, my food! I opened the door, took the cart and literally threw him the money.

I had just finnished chewing my last bite when Daryk walked in.

"Hello, love," I greeted.

"Hel-" He looked up and stared. I looked down at my self, its not anything he hasn't scene

"What?" he walked closer.

"Owen?" he wispered climbing inbetween my legs.

"Hmnn?" I moaned. Our faces were so close.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" he screamed. I jumped and bumped my head on the head board. He rolled over to the other side of the bed laughing histerically. "I so got you!" he laughed even more. I rolled over on him.

"You know what I want to do?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he grunted.

"I want to go swimming." I said.

After pleading on my knees and kissing a whole lot, he finally agreed. I slipped into my black swim trunks and waited in the lobby for Daryk.

"I'm ready," he said. We walked down the hall hand in hand. No one really glared at us. It felt good to be able to hold my boyfriends hand with out someone hating on us for it. Finally we made it to the end of the hall. As soon as I opended the door I was sweating. I pulled Daryk in with me. The pool was empty, and hopefully for the next half hour it will stay like that! I jumped in off the edge. Daryk sat down on the edge with his legs in the water. I swam over to him.

"You better not pull me in," he said. I smiled.

"Not my intentions, but I'll keep that in mind," I said as I slowly slid my hands up his thighs. He bent over to attach his lips to mine quickly before pulling away. I pushed my self of the side and swam to the middle. I alwasy liked swimming, even if I wasn't that good at it. I watched as Daryk slid into the pool, slowly making his way over to me. I pulled him into a hug, kissing down his neck to his shoulder.

"Owen, what if someone sees?!" he squeeked. I just grunted and continued attacking his skin. I kissed my way back to his ear. "Owen I really think we shouldn't do this here. Someone could-mmmm Owen," he moaned as nibbled his neck.

"Relax would you," I swam behind him. I rubbed my hands down his back, then back up again. I lightly messaged his shoulders. He slowly relaxed, even though he was uncomfortable he would do this for me. That was all I needed. I pinched his ass and laughed huskily in his ear. He was wading in the water and I wrapped my hands around him. I pushed him up against the side of the pool, turning his toward me.

"You're so cute, you would do that for me even though you didn't want to?" I said, my face was inches away from his. He gace me a look like he was completely innocent.

"I love you," He said like it explained it all. I grinned sheepishly.

"I love you too," I said, I gave him a quick kiss. "Let's go,"

We got out of the pool, running through the carpeted hallways soaking wet. We ran up to our hotel room, surprisingly no one was there.

"What are you doing?" He said as I dragged him into the adjoining bathroom for the room I shared with Bri.

"We need to get clean don't we? We're all chloranated and icky!" I said shutting the bathroom dorr and pinning him against it. I hovered over his soaking wet body, his breathing hitched. My breath hit his neck, We breathed each other in. Our head were tilted towards each other. Daryk put one hand on my shoulder, his fingers playing with my hair. His other hand was tracing my jawline. He had a slight smile on his face. I ran my hands down his side, sending a tingleing sensation through my fingertips. Daryk leaned up and caught my lips with his. Innovent love filled kisses we shared; I wrapped my arms around his waist and pushed our bodies closer together. My hands ran up his body and into his hair. When our lips separated and I opened my eyes, a light chuckle passes my lips. His wet hair was sticking up every which way. I lightly pinched his ass before turing around to turn on the shower.

As the water heated up, Daryk came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. He kisses my shoulder, where my winged heart tattoo was. He rested his head against me, just hugging me like that was all he needed. He squeezed me before letting me go. I touched the water to make sure it was the perfect temperature. When I turned around and looked at him, a smirk lit up my face. I lightly pinched his cheek before we both slid out of our shorts. The air in the bathroom was more cold than warm. I grabbed his hand and we stepped into the shower together. The steaming water hit my back, making my skin heat up, turning red. Daryk ran his fingers up my arms, then ran them down my chest, to my hips. He pinched my shattered heart tattoo, then rubbed it gently. He brought his lips to my neck, kissing along the lines of my body. His fingertips barely touching my skin. He was teasing me. His lips made their way down my chest, I thought he would stop at my hips but he didn't, he kept going lower and lower.

"Darrryykk," I began but it came out as a moan. Daryk's thump rubbed and teased the inside of my thigh. He kissed my thigh, then he made my world go fuzzy. My breathing was heavy and hard. I was attempting to grip the slippery wall for balance, my back was up against it. He gripped my hand with his.

Before I knew it he was kissing his way back up my chest. My eyes fluttered open as Daryk kissed my cheek, he grinned at me. I pushed him up against the wall and attacked his lips with my own. He pulled away from me, kissing my cheek again. Daryk turned around, facing the wall. In unspoken words, he was telling me he was ready for me, he wanted me. I ran my hands down the arch in his back making a shiver run down him. My breath was hot on his neck.

"Owen," His voice was deep and hoarse; it was just screaming that he wanted me. I entered him and he groaned in pain. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, telling me to go. I intertwinned his hands with mine and braced us against the wall. I kissed his shoulder and went into him again and again. Little moans came out of Daryk. I grinned and ran my nose across the back of his neck, making his skin crawl. The hot water ran between us. Daryk arched his body into mine, making us even closer. Daryk was pumping his hand up and down his hardened member.

I wrapped my arms around him and a loud embarressing moan slipped past my lips. If he didn't know what he did to me before he definitely did now. I felt his body shake as he let himself go. As we breathed heavily, he turned around and smiled at me before leaning in and giving me a sweet gently kiss. For the next hour, we massaged soap into each other's muscles. Making our love even more known.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally updated!
This chapter is completely for Dallas Green .
I finally sat down to write because this person inspired me.

Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for her comment. She is one of my most faithful readers.

Thanks to MeekaMikaLaLaLaElmo (previously SkyPopsicle) for making a banner for this story.

If anyone else wants to message me or comment!!!

Comment Anyway!!!