‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Chapter Thirty-Eight.

Owen's P.O.V.

Daryk's cold hand was intertwinned with mine as we walked down the busy street. The afternoon sun was close to the horizon, getting ready to go to sleep for the night. Daryk was taking me to see my surprise he had waiting for me. For my birthday, because today was my birthday. I have no ide how it was supposed to be better than what happened in the shower earlier but he said it was.

In the past three years, my birthday was never really celebrated. My mother would try but I never wanted to make a big deal out of it. It was just another day. I was just another year older, dad was gone and I made sure Daryk wasn't in my life. Another year passing just mean more pain I had to live through.

This year was different though, this year I had Daryk, this year I was happy.

"We're there," Daryk said. I looked around. We were in front of a store with a bright purple Fiction sign hanging above the door. Something inside me told me that it was named that purposely. Daryk took my hand and walked me into the store, to say it was cover in Avenged Sevenfold was an understatement. It was obvious on Avenged Sevenfold and the bands they've toured with. A red headed girl was behind the counter, she was organizing some guitar picks. She grinned when she saw us.

"Hi Daryk, Hi Owen!" She said bounching around the counter to greet us. She held out her hand to me, I took it eyeing Daryk.

"Owen, this is Callie, she manages this store," He said.

"Hello Callie," I said, honestly I was a little weirded out. I looked at the walls again.

"So...Is this the Avenged Sevenfold fan base or what?" I laughed.

"Do you want to tell him or should I?" Callie asked Daryk.

"Later, I want to show him the lounge first," He said grabbing my hand and pulling me through the shelves.

"Close you eyes, okay?" He said turning toward me. I could see an opening with couches
and chairs. I sighed smiling before closing my eyes. He guided me foreward. "Sit down,"
I did, then his hands left mine. I felt him standing behind me. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders hugging me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Okay, open them," He whispered in my ear.I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to feel, I was surprised. In front of me was a memorial for my father. The banner was one of my favorite pictures of him, of him, Johnny and Brian hugging each other. All around the banner were post-it notes. There were pictures of him with fans, of fans with tattoo's in memory of him.

"It's beautiful," I muttered grabbing Daryk's hand and squeezing it. "How'd you find it?"

"I just walked in, Callie brought me back here and showed me," He said. I stood up, walked up to it and touched my dad's Sullivan tattoo. "Callie said that the kids around here wanted to do something for him and this was it,"

"It's so weird, it's like this whole store was made for him," I said to Daryk.

"Well, that the thing, it kinda was," Daryk said, I could hear the smile in his voice. I turned around and looked at him. He was sitting on the couch now.

"What?!" I asked. He patted the seat next to him. After I sat down, I leaned into him instinctively. I wrapped one arm around me playing with my hair the other took my hand.

"Callie told me that Scott Owens records owns this store, that it was Alex and Tricia's parents house before they died, it was turned into a music store but after Jimmy died it was renamed and remodeled," Daryk told me. That was amazing, Alex and Tricia named a store after my dad! They dedicated this to him.

"Why did they keep it a secret?" I asked.

"I don't-" He began to say.

"Because I asked them to," A voice came from behind us. Daryk and I whipped our heads around to see my mother. She came and sat in the chair next to us.

"You know about this place?" I asked shocked.

"I'm the one who remodeled it," She said glancing over at the banner.

"You? When? How? You never left home after dad died," I said incredulous.

"I did everything over the phone, online, I came up here once for a weekend, when you went on that feild trip with your school band," She said. "It was Alex and Tricia's idea, and no one knew you father better than me, so I designed the store, kept the home feeling to it, black and purple features, its adventurous but also sleek and safe, it's a place kids can go to get away from the bullshit, it's meant as place to hangout,"

"So why the big secret?" I asked. She sighed.

"At first, it was because you were so mad, at the world, at Daryk, you didn't need anything more to piss you off, and I didn't know how you would react, I was going to tell you after you let Daryk back into your life and were finally happy again. But then you were stabbed and went into a coma. I never knew if you were going to wake up or not, but then you did. So I was going to bring you here for your birthday, it seems Daryk beat me to it," She smiled.

"Sorry," Daryk muttered.

"It's okay, at least you know now," she said.

"It's just so amazing mom! All these letters and pictures, he would have loved it! I just wish I could have helped you," I said.

"I know, monkey, I know," She said smiling at me. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I answered on the thrid ring.

"Hello?" I said.

"Where the hell are you?" Lexie hissed into the phone.

"With Daryk and -" She cut me off.

"You can't be with him all damn day! Get you ass back her now!" She screamed before hanging up. I started at the phone before shutting it. I looked at my mother and Daryk.

"That was-"

"We heard," They said at the said time.

"You better go, pregnant women will rip your heads off," Mom laughed. Daryk and I stood up.

"Are you come?" I asked her.

"I'll be there shortly," She said looking at the banner again. Daryk and I walked to the front. Callie had a line of customers. We quickly said our goodbyes before leaving. Daryk and I began walking back.

"So did you like it?" He asked smiling.

"I loved it," I said grabbing him and giving him a big kiss.

At dinner I got a variety of presents, none of them could beat Daryk's but I still appreciated them. Lexie harrassed me about ignoring her so I promised I'd spend all of tomorrow with her. Daryk was spending the day with Maggie, they were going early bird shopping so he wouldn't e there when I woke up.

As I laid down in my empty hotel room (Bri was sleeping with Lexie, she had to sing him to sleep) I thought about how great my birthday was. My back was toward the door, so when it opened I assumed Lexie was just sneaking Bri back into his own bed. Then I felt a cold soft hand touch my ankle and rub up my leg. Darky wrapped his arm around my waist intertwining his hand with mine.

"Sneaking in are we?" I laughed quietly.

"I was cold, besides I had to tell you something," His hot breath hit my neck.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"Happy Birthday," He whispered into my ear. I grinned. I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it. My eyes closed and I let the exhaustion of today take hold of me as I fell asleep with Daryk's arms wrapped around me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to Dallas Green for commenting,
They're always so wonderful :)

Updating is purely because I finished a chapter! And because I was surprisingly inspired.

But I know I'm a horrible unreliable writer, so I won't get my hopes up for more comments..*hint*hint* :P

Song: Barney's Theory About World Peace - The Brilliant Light

I do have another chapter that almost done so there will be another update soon.