‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Five.

Chapter Five

Owen’s POV


I was surrounded by darkness. The silence was deafening.

“Owen.” A quiet whisper came from the darkness. I knew that voice.

“Dad?” a dim light came from the ceiling. There he stood. His blue eyes bore in to mine.

The scene changed to them standing in a field.

I ran to him, but with every step I took it seemed he was getting further away. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. But it wasn’t fast enough. His figure kept getting smaller and smaller no matter how far I ran, as he got further away tears streamed down my face.

Tears ran down his cheeks as I collapsed to my knees.


I woke up with my scream, sweat dripping off my face. I heard foot steps from down the hall. My mother crept in my room.

“Honey, it will be alright.” She cooed. She put her arms around me. I had been crying.

“C-Can I talk to Brian?” I asked.

“Sure.” She left. I pulled my legs up to my chest and hugged them. I heard Brian’s heavy steps coming up the stairs.

“Hey.” He said.

“Brian, I’m scared.” He moved over to my bed and sat down next to me.

“Owen there’s nothing to be scared of, I’m right here I won’t let anything hurt you.” He said.

“But what if you’re not here, what if something happens to you, and what if-” he stopped me.

“Owen, I’ll always be here no matter what.” He said.

“I just miss him,” I said, tears slowly streaming down my face.

“Me too,” He said. “Did anyone ever tell you that I was in love with your mother?” he asked.

“No?” I asked confused. Brian loved my mom? “You were? What about Alex?”

“Well, it was before I met Alex, your dad and mom were fighting, and I was there to comfort her,” He said.

“Why were they fighting?” I asked.

“Owen, your dad used to hit your mother,” Brian said slowly, softly and sadly.

“But why would he do that?” Why would dad hit mom?

“Owen, no one could love your mother like Jimmy did, not even me. She left. No one ever told you this, but Maggie and Stephanie left for months and no one could find them. Maggie was pregnant with Damien and Daryk and your mom was pregnant with you, except no one knew that at the time, no one knew a lot of things then. Owen, when your mother found out she was pregnant, she didn’t know if your dad was the father,”

“Who else could be?” I asked horror written across my face.

“Me, she was positive he was the father and you were, just look at you, no one could love you like your father did. Owen he was so proud when we found out you were his,” Brian said proudly.

“I just wish he was here.” I said. Brian nodded. I yawned.

“Alright well I think its time for you to go to bed you have school.” I nodded. Brian gave me a hug and told me goodnight. I laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and headed towards the bathroom. After I was done showering I wrapped a towel around me and ran to my bedroom. I pulled out clean underwear and squeezed into some skinny jeans. I pulled a shirt off the floor and smelled it. Didn’t smell dirty.

“You are not putting that on!” Lexie walked over to me and ripped the shirt out of my hand.

“Hey it wasn’t dirty!” I said.

“It was on your floor it’s probably diseased.” She threw it in my unused clothes basket.

“Lexie, why do you always have to act like my mom?” I said.

“Who else is going to take care of you, other than your mom,” She said, grabbing an avenged sevenfold shirt out of my drawer. She threw it at my face.

“Me,” I muttered. I pulled the shirt over my head, not bothering to look at it.

“Ha, your school life would be worse than it is if you didn’t have me,” She said. That was true.

“Yes, Lexie you save my life every single day,” I said hugging her.

“I know I do, now get ready,” She said before walking out of my room.

When I was finally ready I and Lexie headed for my car.

School wasn’t anything special for me. I really only went for my Band class. I mean yeah I pass all my classes but I have to pass them so I can be in Band so it’s a win, win situation, I’m happy for Band and my moms happy cause I have good grades. I opened my locker; I stared in it for awhile.

“Owen?” Lexie’s voice came from behind me. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I sighed. I grabbed my drumsticks. I slammed the locker shut. It was finally my favorite part of the day. “Bye Lexie.” I said giving her a small hug. She waved. I practically ran to band.

I was always the first one there. Mrs. Hill always helped me put my drum set together. It was the biggest one there. It was set up exactly like my fathers were. The first song I was going to play was afterlife. I loved that song, not only because my father wrote it but it told his story as well. I started playing; I was almost to the first verse when I saw Jake Nichols with his guitar. His mouth was moving but I couldn’t here him. I stopped playing and held the symbol. Jake was amazing at guitar. He was really into avenged sevenfold. He was your typical skater.

“What?” I asked.

“I said do you mind if we play together?”He asked.

“Nahh, just keep up okay and if you mess up don’t stop or you’ll mess me up.” I said. He plugged in his amp and sat on it. I tapped my sticks together and we started off good. He didn’t miss a beat and neither did I. When we finished we high fived.

“You were amazing!” he said. “You play just like the rev! What ever you do don’t give up.” He said.

“Well you don’t have to worry because I won’t give up, I love it too much.” I said. I remember the time my father let me play on stage. I had to have been only 12.


I was backstage at one of avenged sevenolds concerts. My dad was twirling his drumsticks, Zacky was fixing Brian’s strings, Brian was trying to play Zacky’s left handed guitar, failing miserably let me add, Johnny was trying to knock the drumsticks out of my dads hand, dad hit him with one, matt was singing quietly.

“What song are you guys playing first?” I asked.

“Afterlife,” Brian answered.

“Hey guys do you think Owen could play the first song?” my dad asked.

“What?” I said.

“Yeah Owen you know this song forward and back, what do you say guys?” is my father crazy? Why yes, yes he is.

“Hell yeahh, come on mini jimmy you can do it” Johnny said.

“I think it’s a great idea.” Zacky Said.

“I’ve been waiting for this day.” Brian excitedly hugged me.

“Yeah it will be good for him.” Matt said. Let’s just say I’m a little nervous.

FF to after the concert.

“That was the most amazing thing I have ever done!” I said.

“I’m glad you liked it,” dad said.

“Liked it? I LOVED IT!” he laughed. This probably had to be the best day ever.


After band I had biology. I didn’t really mind bio actually. That is until I saw him; Daryk sat at the desk right next to mine. I just stared. Then he looked up and just stared. We just stared at each other.

“Owen, please sit down,” Mr. C said. I did as I was told. I slowly made my way over to my desk never taking my eyes off of Daryk. When I sat down Daryk faced forward and didn’t look at me. I studied him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was written by my co-writer.
She's my best friend in reality.
Her name on here is EMOVENGEANCE!
Tell her what you think.
Tell me what you think.
We haven't decided if we are just taking the credit on the xloser4lyfx6 profile.
Or both.
So do what ever you want.

I was if-ey about posting today or tomorrow or both.
But i decided that I want three more comments from anyone.
Except mistery girl, her comments only count as one.
She the best reader that expresses what she thinks about this story constantly.
I'd like to thank the other comments i have gotten.
But i would like at least three more. Thanks.

Song: Boy - Hawthorne Heights ; It really goes with Owen right now.