‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Six.

Chapte Six.

Daryk’s POV

I felt his eyes on me. I glanced over at him and he looked away. I kept looking at him. He had heavy bags under his eyes and his skin looked sickly pale. He looked at me and I didn’t want to but I kept his gaze. Those blue eyes trapped mine like no others could. They held so much pain and sadness in them. Most of that was caused by Jimmy’s death, but it was also caused by me. The thought of his hurt made me look away; I didn’t want to start crying in front of him, again. Which I always seem to do. I tried to concentrate on what Mr. C was saying but none of it was making any sense to me. I never really understood biology. I’d be lucky to survive this marking period.

“You are,” Mr. C looked on his sheet to find my name. “Not on my sheet. Are you new?”

“Yeah, I just got transferred here from Huntington High, my parents wanted me to go to a Music School and they chose this one,” I said.

“And your name?” he said.

“Daryk, his name is Daryk,” Owen said before I could get a chance. He said my name with venom but I could also hear the hurt.

“It sounds like you two know each other,” Mr. C said smiling.

“You could say that,” I said looking sadly at Owen.

“Okay,” Mr. C said. “Well class, today I’m going to assign lab partners, you’re going to have them all year and you will have to sit with each other. Most of them will be the ones you sit with on a daily basis, if I think you can get the work done. I’ll start off with…Owen. Since you and Daryk seem to know each other, you two can be partners.” He said then started to set up other partners. I looked over at Owen; he was glaring at Mr. C. Then he turned his gaze at me and started glaring at me.

“Get over here,” He spat. “I’m not moving over there.” I did as he said and sat next to him. It was silent, he didn’t talk to me and I didn’t want to piss him off more.

“Tomorrow, we are going to dissect frogs with our partners, and then we will continue with a lesson on its body parts. Use the rest of the period to get to know your partners,” Mr. C said before sitting at his desk and taking the time to grade some papers. I looked over at Owen.

“So…” I began.

“We already know each other Daryk, we don’t need to talk,” Owen said not looking at me.

“We don’t know each other anymore,” I muttered hoping he didn’t hear me. He did.

“I know your still the homophobic bastard you were three years ago, and you know I’m a ‘little bitch’, your words not mine,” Owen whispered harshly, his eyes were hard and like steel now. No penetrating them with my sad green orbs.

“Owen…you’re not a ‘little bitch,’ I didn’t mean to say that, you know I didn’t, I just want to start over with you,” I began to beg.

“I can’t start over with you,” Owen said before standing up and leaving as the bell rang. I stood up and walked to my locker to put my bio book in it. Damien was at his, right next to mine. He just had global with a Mrs. Darling.

“That teacher was hot,” Damien said as I approached. “There’s some pretty good action in the school,” He said looking at a couple of sluts with low-cut shirts.

“Damien? Earth to Damien?” I said waving my hand in front of his face as I put my book in my locker.

“Yeah,” he said looking back at me.

“What about Lexie?” I asked shutting my locker.

“What about her?” He said like he didn’t care, but I knew better.

“You know you love her,” I said walking toward the doors.

“I do not love her, I care about her that’s all,” He said love like it was an alien concept.

“You’re not going to get any anyway,” I said looking toward the parking lot for our car.

“And why is that?” He said raising his eyebrows.

“Cause you’re not going to give your v-card to just anybody,” I said.

“Shhhh, you’re going to ruin my rep.” he said quietly. “And you’re a virgin too,”

“In more ways that one,” I said getting into the passenger side as he got in the drivers side of his Orange Hummer H2.

“Are you sure, you’re you know,” He said looking over at me. He put it in drive and began to pull out before we heard a honk. We looked in front of us to see Owen and Lexie in his Black Lamborghini driving by us. We almost just cut in front of them. They were both glaring at us as they rode past. My eyes connected with Owen’s and I felt my heartbeat race. Owen looked away first and put his eyes on the road to drive. I looked over at Damien who was watching Lexie; he was feeling what I just felt.

“Trust me Damien, I’m sure,” I said as he pulled out behind them. “And you know you don’t just care for Lexie, you love her as much as I love Owen,”

“You what?” He said.

“Oh, shut up, don’t act like you didn’t know,” I said smiling sadly. Damien put in an Avenged Sevenfold CD and put on Critical Acclaim blaring it through the speakers.

“Are you ready for our guitar lesson?” I asked turning it down a little.

“Yeah, it’s going to be the highlight of my day,” Damien said.

“Mine too,” I said before I began singing the lyrics softly.

Dad was renting a small house in the same neighborhood as everyone else. Brian had moved out here soon after Stephanie and Owen bought that new house. We all still had our old houses and we were using them for getting away. Matt, Val, Johnny, and Tricia still live in the old neighborhood. We just moved here for the Music School, because Mom and Dad really wanted us to go to this school. They thought we deserved the best education in the things we love.

Huntington Beach was our home and none of us will tell you different. We are always going to live there but for right now we’re here trying to improve our lives.

Damien pulled into our driveway. We got out and went into the house and straight up to our rooms. My room was blue with a green trim along the walls. I pushed all the unpacked suitcases out of my way and went into the corner and grabbed my guitar. It wasn’t high tech. I didn’t want to be a soloist like Brian. I wanted to be a cool collect rhythmic guitarist like my dad. I wanted to have fun. I didn’t want the big times but it would be fun. I love playing guitar calm and fast. It didn’t matter to me.

I walked out in the hallway and Damien walked out of his room. We were both smiling. We walked downstairs and then down into the basement. My dad was sitting there like he said he would be.

“Hi boys, are you ready?” He asked. We nodded eagerly. “Okay, you know what to do,” We did. We set up our guitars and hooked it up to the amps. Luckily Dad had this room sound proofed before we moved in.

“What do you want to play?” He asked. He held his guitar in his hand.

“A Little Piece of Heaven,” I said.

“Almost Easy,” Damien said.

“We’ll play Almost Easy then A Little Piece of Heaven only because A Little Piece of Heaven is a longer song.” He said. “If you mess up just keep going, fix yourself later.” We nodded and we started playing in sync. My dad and me. Damien was taking up Brian’s part. He liked the challenge. When dad could, he got Brian over here and we all played together but with little Bri, and Alex trying to improve Scott Owens Records, there wasn’t a lot of time. We played through Almost Easy and I didn’t mess up once. Damien hadn’t nailed Brian’s solos quite yet but he was getting close. My mom had come down stairs during Almost Easy to watch us play. In between songs my dad went over and gave her a kiss.

“Ladies and Gentleman, we give you A Little Piece of Heaven, in this showing it is played for Magical Baker, better known as Maggie,” My dad said in his announcer voice. “We have very special performers tonight, Damien James Baker and Daryk Tanner Baker, I am Zacky Vengeance, their father,” He was back in his place and was smiling again. This time we all sung the song word for word together.
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I'm very disappointed. I only got one comment and it makes me sad. So I am posting this for mistery gurl because she deserves it.

Song: Scared To Death - HIM