‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Seven.

Chapter Seven.

Lexie’s POV

As soon as we pull away from the school I began silently crying. I didn’t mean too, I didn’t want to.

“Lexie, it’s going to be alright, we’ll get through this,” Owen said comforting me patting my shoulder.

“I know, but seeing him again brings back all the hurt,” I said quietly.

“I know it does, I feel it too,” He muttered. He pulled into my driveway. “I’ll see you tomorrow Owen,”

“Perk up, its okay, Lexie,” He said and I got out of the car. I waved bye before going into my house. I wiped the tears off of my face before entering. As soon as I did, Bri came running and hugged my legs.

“Lexie! Your home, your home,” Bri screamed.

“Yeah buddy I’m home,” I said.

“We got surprise for you,” He said running toward the living room.

“You do?” I said right before turning into the living room.

“Yep, Matt!” Bri screamed. I ran to Matt and gave him a hug.

“Matt! What are you doing here?” I said/screeched.

“I’m here to coach you today,” he was grinning.

“Really?” I asked. He nodded. I hugged him again.

“Hey! Who got him here?” My dad said from the couch.

“I love you too dad,” I said hugging him too.

“When are we starting?” I asked.

“Right now,” Matt said. My face turned to horror.

“What? I’m not ready, I didn’t practice,” I said panicking.

“Calm down Lexie, you going to be great just don’t do better than me okay?” he said jokingly. “What song do you want to sing?”

“Brompton Cocktail,” I said instantly.

“Okay,” He said going to the stereo and putting a CD in. “This is the instrumental. You have to learn to sing without the words before you sing with the words, you know all the lyrics?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“I’ll start with you then you’ll do it again on your own okay?” he told me. I looked down at my family. I nodded. He pushed play and waited for the part, I listened too, and I knew where to start. We started singing together and I listened to the music for the pauses. When the song ended Matt sat on the couch and pushed play again. I listened hard hoping to get it right. Matt paused it.

“You’re trying to hard, let it come to you,” He said restarting the song. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths when I felt like it I sang with the music, keeping my voice soft and relaxed. I picked up Bri and danced with him as I sung. When the song ended I looked down at Matt.

“How did I do?” I asked. He was gaping.

“I think you just did better than me at my own song, I told you not to,” he said.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean too,” I said smiling. Bri yawned.

“Are you tired?” I asked. He nodded. “I got it mom,”

As I walked away I started singing the song mom sung to me when I was little.

The Mortician’s Daughter – Black Veil Brides

I will await dear,
A patient of eternity, my crush.
A universal still, No rust.
No dust will ever grow on this frame,
One million years I will say your name.
I love you more than I can ever scream.

Booked our flight those years ago,
I said I love you as I left you.
'Grets still haunt my hollow head,
I promised you I will see you again.


I sit here and smile dear,
I smile because I think of you, I blush.
These bleeding hollow dials, this fuss.
Fuss is made of miles and travels when roadways are but stones and gravel.
A bleeding heart can conquer every crutch.

Booked our flight those years ago,
You said you loved me as you left me.
'Grets still haunt your saddened head but I promised you I will see you.
Booked our flight those years ago,
I said I loved you and I left you.
'Grets no longer in my head,
But I promised you and now I'm home again, again, again, again, again, again.
I'm home again.

I sung the last words to him as he lay in his bed his eyes closed. My mom told me she sung that song to me because she left my dad and it was basically the way she felt. It always seemed to get me to sleep. I walked back down the stairs and listened to them talk, staying on the stairs.

“How are the others?” My dad asked Matt.

“Zacky said Daryk is right on cue with the rhythmic guitar. Daryk’s almost as good as Zacky. Damien is having trouble nailing your solos. He needs a teacher…” Matt hinted.

“I’ll teach him, no one can get those solos perfect but me,” I could here the grin in my dad’s voice.

“How’s Owen?” Matt asked.

“You know Jimmy’s Custom Sticks? He has them, he’s had them hidden in his room, and he just picked them up last night and started playing. It was like he had been playing them for years. He played everything perfectly.” Brian said; I could hear the pride in his voice. Since we were kids Brian had always been like a second dad to Owen and he was always like my brother.

“When are they going to make up?” Matt asked.

“Soon I hope,” My mom said.

“What started it?” Matt asked.

“The only thing I can think of is Jimmy’s death, everything fell apart with them soon after,” mom said.

“They’ll have to talk to each other one day,” Dad said. “The thing I don’t get is what happened between Lexie and Damien, they were fine after Jimmy died. Something else happened there.” I walked in then.

“Nothing happened Dad, and we’re not becoming friends again. None of us. Sorry to ruin your dreams,” I said quietly before walking back up to Bri’s room. He started crying so I brought him into my room and sang him to sleep and I fell asleep too.

Sometime during the night Brian came in and kissed Lexie’s head and covered her with a blanket. He took Bri back to his room and went to bed himself.


“Bye Owen,” I said waving as I walked into my house. I turned the corner but I didn’t see the living room. I saw my dad’s office. I continued down the hall to the kitchen. I took a left but it was the living room. I walked through the door that was supposed to be dad’s office and it was the kitchen. Something about this house seemed awfully familiar. I walked up the stairs and went into my room, it looked like it did when I was 13, then I went to Bri’s room. There was a crib in it. I went back downstairs to the door opposite dad’s office. It was the bigger living room with a big TV and theater system. Sitting on the couch was Jimmy.

“Jimmy?” I asked.

“Hey, Lexie Jane,” He said looking up at me. I ran to him instantly. I knew it was him. He always called me Lexie Jane because he liked the way it sounded together. I hugged him the hardest I could. “I missed you too Lexie Jane,”

“Your really here Jimmy,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

“To go over tour spots with your dad,” he said.

“But your dead, you can’t tour anymore,” I said.

“I know, but it doesn’t mean the Avenged children can’t,” He said.

“What?” I asked.

“You’re going to be a singer one day Lexie Jane, with my son, Daryk, and Damien, and you are going to let it happen,” He told me.

“I can’t,” I muttered.

“Why? Because of Damien? Yes you can Lexie Jane, Damien did some stupid things after I died but he’s going to make up for them, trust me,” He said advising me.

“Owen and Daryk-“I began.

“Those two are going to be fine, they just say a lot of mean things when they are angry, and my son is stubborn just like his mother. Tell him to listen to Daryk once in a while, maybe it’ll help a little.” Jimmy said.

“But,” I began again.

“Lexie Jane, trust me okay, “Jimmy began to fade from my sight and I felt hot sand between my toes. I was sitting on a beach. My face was soaked like I had been crying for hours.

“Lex?” I heard Damien scream. “Lex!” He ran toward me. “I’m sorry Lex, I didn’t mean it, and I’m just confused. I really am sorry.” His lips attached to mine and I kissed him back hungrily. When he pulled away I looked to see if he was going to leave.

“I love you Lex, I really really do,” He whispered. I jump back in shock.

Ow that hurt. I looked up and saw my beds sheets dangling in front if my face. I was on the floor. I sighed. Stupid dream. My mom came through the door.

“Lexie? Are you okay?” She said first looking at the bed for me then finding me on the floor.

“Yeah, I just fell off the bed,” I said.

“You’re crying,” she said coming toward me.

“It was just a dream I had,” I said. “I was crying in the dream, so this happened,” I pointed to my face.

“Okay honey, its time to get ready for school anyway,” She said before kissing me forehead then walking back toward the door.

“Mom? Can you get dad?” I said. She nodded as she walked out of the door. I picked up my blankets off the floor and made my bed. I sat and waiting for my dad to come.

“Hey Lexie,” my dad said coming and sitting next to me.

“I had a dream about Jimmy,” I said.

“It’s going to be okay, Jimmy’s in a better place,” Dads soothing me and patting down my hair.

“It wasn’t a bad dream dad; he told me everything is going to work out if I let it. So dad, you can set up tour dates and anything you want for me because I’m going to be a singer.” I said confidently.

“Slow down a little Lexie, your only 16. Wait 2 to 5 years please.” He said laughing.

“Okay, I just thought I would let you know. He wants the Avenged children to play. And play good.” I said.

“Okay, but while we wait to get you onstage you can fix your relationship with the boys,” My dad said.

“I’ll try dad,” I said. “The next time Matt comes over can he bring Carol? I need to hang out with a girl,”

“I’ll mention it,” He said. “I’m so proud of you Lexie,” He kissed my forehead.

“I love you too, Dad” I said as he walked out of the room. Okay. Time to get ready for school.

?????????????????????????????????Later At School????????????????????????????????????

“Come on Lexie babe, don’t you want some sugar,” Ronnie said giving me kissy lips.

“Ew, no thank you,” I said pushing my way around him.

“Oh come on sugar pie you know you want some of this,” He said pulling me too him and kissing/licking my ear.

“Please don’t make me puke,” I said almost gagging. I was trying to push myself away from him.

“Only because you can’t handle something so big,” He said trying to kiss my neck.

“Get off of me Ronnie,” I said pushing his face away.

“Now why would I do that sweet pea?” He said. Where were all the teachers?

“She said get off of her,” I knew just by the voice that it wasn’t Owen.

“Oh come on Owen don’t ruin the fun,” He said starting to turn around with me still in his arms.

“That’s not Owen,” I said before Ronnie could see.

“Who are you?” Ronnie said to Damien.

“Damien, just leave,” I said with tears in my eyes. If he had to save me I would die.

“Mind your own business, Damien is it?” Ronnie said.

“I’m sorry to be the one to inform you, but she” Damien pointed to me, “is my business,” His hand twitched toward the floor and only I knew he was telling me to duck. It’s what he used to do when we were little and he was going to save me.

“Whoa, looks like we have stolen property guys, all the better to mess with,” Ronnie said nibbling on my ear. I watched Damien’s fist to know when to duck. As soon as it was close enough to Ronnie’s face I ducked. Damien punched him right in the jaw. He punched him again in the nose and I heard a definite crack. I pushed myself against the lockers. After the second punch, Damien turned around to look at me.

“Are you okay?” He asked. I started walking away. ‘Lex, come on, I wasn’t going to let him maul you,”

“I could have handled it,” I muttered.

“Lex, you wouldn’t have an ear by the time you got away,” He said tailing me.

“So I didn’t need you to save me, we aren’t little anymore,” I said turning to him.

“I still can’t let anyone hurt you,” he said looking in to my eyes.

“Why? Because you sure did enough damage,” I said.

“Look let me take you somewhere, people are going to be asking about those marks,” He said. There were probably red marks all over my face and neck. My wrists had hand marks around them.

“Fine, but we need to leave Owen and Daryk a note,” I said. We wrote each a note and left it in each locker. Owen would have to give Daryk a ride home today. We walked straight out the front doors and to Damien’s hummer. I got in and he got in. We pulled out of the parking lot and he started driving the opposite way of home.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Well we can’t go home because our parents will freak when they find out we ditched school, and because you look like you are diseased.” He said. “No offence,”

“None taken,” I said waving it off.

“At least you remember the duck signal,” He said smiling.

“I couldn’t forget it, it’s too useful,” I said trying to resist the urge to smile.

“Yeah, we used it a lot when we were little, you were picked on so much,” He said. “Beach or Huntington?”

“Huntington? We can’t go there it’s too far away,” I said.

“About an hour and a half drive,” He said shrugging.

“It’ll be dark when we get back,” I said.

“We’re in trouble anyways.” He said. It would be really good to see home again.

“Okay, both,” I said. So he turned onto the thruway and started the 90 minute drive to Huntington Beach, California.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song: Buried Alive - Avenged Sevenfold