‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Eight.

Chapter Eight

Owen’s POV

Jake and I became best friends in a short time. I mean yeah I talked to him before I just never hung out with him. So here we are behind the school, skipping class.

“What’s the matter Owen?” Jake asked. I shrugged. I had been thinking about Daryk a lot lately. “Well here take a hit it’ll make you feel better.” I guess one wouldn’t hurt any. I took it and puffed. Pretty soon Jake and I were passing it back and forth laughing about nothing. A long time had passed I’m not sure exactly how long but the joint was sadly gone. We were still laughing and giggling.

“Owen?” I heard Daryk’s sweet voice.

“Daryk!” he walked over to me. “Why are you here?” I said smiley.

“Owen, what is wrong with you?” he asked.

“I’m flying high baby!” I yelled.

“Owen, You’re high?!” he exclaimed. I nodded with a big smile. He sighed. “Let’s go, now” he grabbed me and pulled me with him.

“Where are we going? Bye Jake!” I said.

“Not home that’s for sure,” he pulled me across the parking lot to my car. “Owen, give me your keys.” He said.

“No.” I smirked.

“Owen really quit playing around,” he said.

“If I give you the keys what are you going to give me in return?” I said suggestively.

“What do you want Owen?” he asked.

“You,” I said. I moved closer to him. My conscious telling me what’s right and wrong was clouded with smoke.

“Owen, you are high you don’t know what you want.” He said moving back a step. I just crept forward more.

“I know what I want.” I said. Our faces were so close I could taste his breath.

“Owen, don’t,” Daryk begged.

“Why not,” I asked.

“Because you’re high,” He whispered. I did it anyway. I connected our lips for the second time. Daryk kissed back. I smirked and put my hands on his sides. That’s when he pushed me off.

“What the hell Dar-” He cut me off.

“We need to go.” He got in the car. I followed. I gave him the keys. We drove off. I wasn’t really paying attention to where we were going. At this point I was still too high to care.

The car pulled up in a driveway. I noticed it wasn’t mine but it was Daryk’s house. He got out then opened my door and forced me out and dragged me inside. We walked past the living room.

“Hi Maggie, Hi Zacky,” I said a little too happily. The both looked at me then at each other.

“Owen lets go,” Daryk said harshly. He pulled me along once more. We went up the stairs and to his room. He practically threw me in then slammed the door shut. “Owen what where you thinking?!” he whisper yelled.

“I was thinking about you,” I said.

“Thinking about me makes you want to get high?” he said harshly.

“I get all sad, because I don’t have you,” I said. I looked down.

“Owen, You hate me remember?” he said sarcastically.

“No, no, no, no, no,” I waved my finger. “You hate me because I kissed you.” I said.

“Owen I don’t hate you,” he sighed.

“You don’t?” I asked. “Does that mean we can be friends?” I said excitedly.

“Sure, Owen.” He said.

“Daryk, can we be more than friends?” I asked innocently.

“Owen its late go to bed,” he said. (Daryk just wants him to go to bed. It’s not really ‘late’)

“I’m hungry.” I declared.

“Fine.” Before I could tell him what I wanted he ran down stairs. He better bring me dome damned cupcakes.

“Here,” Daryk threw a bag of chips at me.

“But I wanted cupcakes!” I complained. I opened the bag and stuffed my face.

“Daryk,” I said. “I want to watch a movie,” he got up and grabbed a DVD and popped it in. then he sat down on his bed. I plopped down next to him. He looked at me. “Hi!” I said.

“Hi, Owen,” He smiled a little. I haven’t seen that smile in a long time. I smiled back with a mouth full of chips.

About 20 minutes into the movie I was getting bored. I poked Daryk.

“What?” I just smirked and poked him again. “What do you want, Owen?!” I smiled big.

“You know what I want,” I said scooting closer.

“Owen, no,” he said.

“Whyyy,” I wined.

“Because you don’t know what you’re doing,” he said.

“Daryk I know exactly what I’m doing,” I said. Still I moved closer and put my hand on his lap.

“Owen,” he breathed. I moved my hand up and straddled him.

“Daryk,” I whispered.


“Can I kiss you?” I asked.

“Mhm,” I connected my lips to his for the second time today. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip.

“O-Owen I-I can’t,” he stuttered.

“Just relax,” I said. I kissed him again only this time he let our tongues join. My hand traveled to his groin. I started rubbing his hardening member. Daryk moaned in to the kiss. He moved his hand up my chest. Then there was a knock on the door.

“Daryk, Owen?” Zacky’s voice came from behind the door.

“Wait,” It was too late though. Zacky had already opened the door. We all stared at each other. I was smiling again. Daryk gave out a nervous laugh. “I swear it isn’t what it looks like,” he tried.

“MAGGIE!” Zacky screamed. Maggie came running up the stairs and walked into the door.

“Cause I didn’t see this coming.” She said as soon as she saw us. Zacky was still in shock. “Zacky?” Maggie looked worried.

“I can’t believe I just walked in on that! What if you guys were naked?!” Zacky exclaimed. “I’m happy to see that you guys are uhh friends?” he said confused. Daryk blushed and I just keep smiling.

“Behave, both of you,” Maggie said. We both nodded, even though I have no intention on behaving. They left with out closing the door. I waited until I heard their foot steps go down the stairs. I quietly shut the door then jumped on Daryk.

“Now, where were we?” I smirked.

“We weren’t anywhere,” he said trying to push me away.

“Yes we were,” I insisted.

“No we weren’t,” he said again trying to push me off.

“Yeah I was like muah, muah, muah and you were like muah, muah, muah,” I said rubbing my pointer fingers together to signal our kisses.

“Owen, I don’t like you when you’re high,” He said.

“I like you when I’m high,” I said. Daryk frowned. I did too. “I want you, Daryk,” I breathed. I moved in closer, so close my lips barley touched his.

“O-Owen,” Daryk stuttered. I didn’t want to hear what he was going to say. I kissed him, it was rough and lust filled

“I need it,” I said. As soon as I said that he flipped us over and attacked my lips. I never thought he would take control like that. He has always been the shy type. I have to say I like this new found confidence. I kissed back hungrily. I entangled my finger in his hair. He had forced his tongue in my mouth not waiting for me to open it. His hands were at my waist. He rubbed his groin against mine, I tried to push him up but he forced himself back down on me.

“Mmm,” I tried to push him away again. He moved his lips to my neck.

“Darykkkk,” I tried but it ended up being a moan. I pushed him up. “Daryk stop,” He just looked at me.

“I thought you wanted it, Owen, I thought you needed it,” he hovered over me still, “I’m here Owen, giving you what you want and what you need and you’re not even going to take it?” he looked at me for an explanation.

“You don’t want it,” I said. He looked outraged.

“Oh, so now it’s about me,” He looked down at me.

“Daryk it’s always been about you,” I propped my self up on my elbows the best I could with him on me. He grabbed my stomach so he didn’t fall off.

“Since when has it ever been about me?” he asked crossing his arms on his chest.

“I love you, Daryk,” I said.

“You don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about!” he exclaimed. He slapped me in the stomach. I wasn’t expecting that. I groaned. “You’re high and delusional!” he slapped me again.

“If there’s anything I’m sure of it’s my love for you.” I sighed. “Don’t you understand Daryk? I left because I couldn’t take the pain of not having you. I didn’t just leave because of my father,”

“You shouldn’t have left Owen! I looked for you! You weren’t there. Did you ever think about how I would feel?” There was a knock on the door but Daryk didn’t seem to notice. “Because I felt broken, how could you just leave me like that?”

“Guys?” Zacky said walking into the room.

“I hate you, Owen,” Daryk was crying and hitting me. I tried to restrain him with out hurting him. His fists were just going one after another.

“Daryk!” Zacky was pulling Daryk off me. “Daryk stop.” He said. When Daryk was off he was standing behind Zacky. His eyes were red and puffy. “Owen I think you should go sleep in the guest room for now.” Zacky’s arm was in front of Daryk just incase he decided to attack me again. I made my way to the guest room. I flopped down on the bed. I had eventually passed out.

Daryk’s P.O.V

“I’m sorry you had to see that Dad,” I said pushing the blankets off my bed onto the floor.

“Do you want to talk to me about it?” He asked.

“I don’t know what there is to talk about,” I said straitening out my sheets, picking up a blanket and spreading it out.

“Daryk,” my dad said. “You don’t want to talk to me about being…gay?” he didn’t say it like I was some alien.

“I’m pretty sure you know I’m gay dad, considering what you just walked in on,” I said picking up my last blanket, which was my baby blanket.

“Can I talk to you then?” He said. I sat down on my newly made bed.

“Fine,” I said tracing the names on my blanket.

“Daryk you know I love you right?” He said. I didn’t mean to but I shuddered at the word love. Owen told me he loved me which was hard to believe.

“Yeah, I know, I also know you would accept me no matter what and you don’t care that I’m gay,” I said looking up at him.

“You should have told us sooner,” he said his fingers were hovering over Damien’s name.

“It’s not like I’m gay for the world dad, I never even thought about it. It’s just Owen. He’s the only one I’ve really thought about for the last three years dad. For now, he’s the only one I’m gay for, but that won’t last long,” I muttered the end.

“I’m sorry, but I need to know, is this the first…incident?” He asked.

“Pretty much, whenever we’re near each other we end up fighting,” I said.

“Pretty much?” He asked. I told him how Owen kissed me right after Jimmy died, which uncovered all these feelings. I didn’t tell him about the rude words I said though.

“Dad, I’m tired, can we continue this tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah, sure,” He said standing up and almost walking out. “Wait, there’s a reason I kept coming in here, do you know where Damien is?”

“No, he left a note in my locker telling me Owen was giving me a ride home, but that’s it,” I said standing up and walking toward my bathroom.

“Okay, goodnight Daryk,” He said exiting my room and shutting the door. I walked in and got in the shower. I know I shouldn’t have done this but I got a little excited tonight and I had to finish it off. I kept trying to stop myself from moaning Owen’s name but they just kept slipping out. I got out of the shower and ran and jumped on my bed nothing but boxers on. I cuddled under the covers and stared up at my ceiling as I cleared my mind and fell asleep exhausted.
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Here's a chapter. I really would like some more feedback. I have 11 subscribers...that's it? I thought this was better than that :(

Song: Airplanes - B.O.B. ft Hayley Williams