‹ Prequel: Falling
Status: So, you've probably been wondering where I've been..I lost the next chapter I had written up and I suck at rewriting things. So I've been desperately searching for it. Sorry!

Your Tragic Fate

Chapter Nine.

Chapter Nine

Lexie’s POV

I felt like I was getting to know Damien again. I still didn’t trust him, but it was nice to just sit here and talk.

“Damien? What are we going to do there?” I asked.

“What ever we want,” he said a grin coming across his face. We had approximately spent 89 minutes in this car together and he was pulling into the streets of Huntington.

“We have no money,” I said pointing out the obvious.

“Ha ha, my fair lady, I have lots of moola,” he said.

“Really?” I asked.

“Mhm, look into the middle dash and in the glove box,” he said. I open the compartment between us. It was full of change, Quarters, Dimes, Nickels, but mostly pennies.

“Where did you get all this change from?” I asked looking up at him.

“Find a penny pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck,” he sang.

“This is really all from the street?” I said.

“No most of its loose change from things I bought open the glove box,” he said. I did and in there was dollars.

“How do you get this much money?” I asked.

“I’m a money saver,” he said proudly. He was pulling in to a Wal-Mart.

“How are we going to get this all into the store?” I asked. He pulled a book bag from the back seat and started putting change in it. “Really?” he nodded.

“Start counting those ones,” he said and I did as I was told.

“$57,” I said when I was done. He was still putting change in the book bag. I helped him. We made sure we got all the change and walked into the store and to change cash booth thing. We clicked the buttons we needed to before unzipping the bag and dumping the book bag slowly in the machine. We got many wary eyes but we just laughed it off. It took forever to get all that change in there. It ended up having $107, which was a lot of change. 107 + 57 = 164. We had $164 dollars altogether. We got the slip out of the machine, took it to a cashier, and the $57.

“Have fun with it you two,” she said smiling at us like we were a couple in love.

“We will,” Damien said as we walked away.

“I’m going to go to the bathroom before we leave,” I said walking toward the ladies room.

“Me too,” he said. We both went in to the different rooms. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. I looked in the mirror. The irritation on my neck and face had disappeared. My ear was still a little red. The hands on my wrist had faded to slight bruises. My hair was sticking up in random places. I patted it down. My small waviness was coming back. I got my dad’s hair. My mom’s is straight, perfectly straight. I washed my face and looked more refreshed then I did five minutes ago. I walked back out to see Damien leaning up against a wall.

“God damn girl, you took forever I was out five minutes ago,” Damien sighed.

“You did wash your hands right?” I asked walking to the exit.

“No not at all, you wanna see,” He said putting his hands up to my face.

“No thank you, they are probably diseased,” I grimaced.

“I washed them Lex, but I think I realized what you did in there,” he said slyly. We reached his car. I got in. He got in. “You patted your hair down, washed your face, and analyzed your marks,” I looked over at him gaping.

“How do you know?” I said.

“Your hair’s not sticking up in those cute little places anymore, its calm relaxed, that smudge of dirt is off of your cheek, and while washing your face you had to look at it right? Hence the marks,” He said smiling but it turned into a frown. He started the car and began driving.

“What’s wrong?” I said.

“Nothing,” He muttered.

“Damien,” I sighed.

“I’m going to kill him if I ever see him again,” he said. I could hear the anger in his voice.

“No your not,” I said.

“Why not?” he seethed.

“Because then you’ll go to jail,” I said a small smile on my lips.

“So?” he said looking over at me then back at the road.

“Or be executed,” I said.


“You’d never see me again,” I said as he pulled into his old house. “What are we doing here?” I asked before he could retaliate.

“We need clothes,” He muttered getting out of the car and to the door. I followed. He unlocked the door with a key from his car keys. He let me in first. I hadn’t been in this house in years. Damien started going up the stairs. I followed. He went into what I knew was his room. I followed. I looked. It hadn’t changed much it was still the orange, yellow, and brown shades. The carpet was tan. I walked through his room, my fingers touching items lightly. I looked at pictures across his shelves. There was a picture of his dad, him and Daryk playing guitar together, then Maggie was in a picture with them.

There was a picture of Jimmy with Stephanie and Owen.

There was a family picture for each father with his family Matt with Val, Carol (14), Charlie (11), Cole (8), Carly (6), then the twins, Cloe (3), and Cassie (3). Matt and Val decide to have a big family.

Johnny was with Tricia, Mikey (13) and Sullivan (3).

Finally, my family, my dad, mom, me and Bri, I remember this picture. Bri was just born and we were all around my mom in the hospital bed. Bri was so cute. This picture made me smile. I went over to his bed and laid on it. I looked over a Damien who was digging through his dressers. I noticed the picture on the end table and gasped. It was a picture of me and him. This was taken the day we brought Bri home from the hospital. I was kissing his cheek thanking his for something and someone must have taken a picture of it.

“What?” He said looking over at me. I had tears in my eyes.

“I didn’t know this picture was taken,” I muttered. He came over and looked at the picture and his eyes got wide. He took the picture and hid it against his chest.

“What picture? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said walking away.

”Damien,” I pouted. He could never resist my pout.

“You know Lex, you are a very evil girl,” he said sighing.

“Don’t make me tackle you,” I said.

“I might like that,” he said smirking.

“You asked for it,” I said running after him. He ran out of his room and down the stairs. He must have hid the picture somewhere because when I got down there he didn’t have it. “Where is it?”

“I don’t know,” he said shrugging a smile across his lips.

“Damien, you know it’s not a good thing to mess with me,” I said running after him. We ran through the house. Running and running. Pretty soon he was slacking a little. I ran and jumped on him. He fell back onto the couch. “Where is it?”

“I already told you I don’t know,” he said trying to be innocent. I sighed moving to get comfortable as I sat on top him. I was going to stay here until he gave me that picture. His eyes got wide.

“Lex, stop moving,” he said worry covering his voice.

“Why?” I said, moving just a little more.

“Please,” he whimpered. I looked at his face, he really did look scared.

“What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?” I asked about to get up. He grabbed my thighs stopping my movement.

“No you’re not exactly hurting me,” he said looking at me. His eyes were searching mine begging me to understand. “Actually it’s the quite opposite,” He was smiling shyly, which was weird because Damien shy, ha.

“Then what’s wrong?” I asked. A look of horror came across his face.

“What’s the opposite of pain?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I said thinking what a stupid question. “Pleasure,”

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“What’s the point in all these questions?” I asked getting irritated.

“Just answer the damn question,” he said.

“I’m trying to get that picture back because I want to see it. So I’m sitting on you, torturing you until you give me what I want,” I said.

“How are you torturing me exactly?” He said slyly. The worry getting lost and the confidence replacing it.

“I’m sitting on you, duh” I said stupidly. His eyes closed and he began breathing deeply. His hands were lightly touching my thighs and they moved up to my waist.

“Lexie?” he whispered.


” I asked perking up an eyebrow.

“Lean toward me, please,” he breathed. I didn’t know why he wanted me to but I did it anyway.

“Now what?” I said.

“Unless you want me to attack you, slowly and carefully get off of me,” he said calmly still breathing in.

“Attack me?” I asked. His breath was brushing my face and I was getting a little light headed. Breath Lexie Breath, Think come on you can do it.

“Lexie, I’m a guy, you’re a girl, a girl who I lo- care about very much, what do you think me ‘attacking’ you means?” Damien breathed.

“Oh,” I said slightly surprised.

“So I’m giving you a choice, either you stay on like this and we see what happens or you get up and we act like this never happened,” he said slowly, sadly. His eyes closed the entire time, only opening them at the end to see my reaction. He must have seen the shock and desire written across my face. I was frozen solid where I was, inches away from his face. “Lexie you have to choose, if we do something we can’t go back,”

“Damien,” I breathed my eyes closing slightly, lowering my face closer to his, my lips barely touching his as I spoke. “What if you leave in morning? What if you change your mind? Decide change isn’t good anymore, what if I give you everything and we end up like nothing? I can’t take my heart breaking again over you, won’t be able to live anymore.” I opened my eyes slowly. His green eyes were looking back at me they were full of love? I’ve never seen love in anybody’s eyes like that before so how would I know if it was right. I brought my fingertips up and brushed them across his lips, his sweet lips. He kissed my fingertips. His hand came up and caught mine.

“I love you Lexie Jane Haner, with all of me. I’m going to be there for you as long as you will let me, I can’t change my mind anymore, you’ve intoxicated it too much,” Damien said before he gently placed his lips on mine. I moved my lips in sync with his and it was like we fit together. Sweet innocent kissing, it felt right, good. He gently flipped us over so he was on top of me. His fingertips caressed my cheek. I grabbed his other hand and held it in mine. My other hand was against his chest feeling his heartbeat pound with mine. He removed his lips from mine and placed his forehead against mine, breathing in each others faces. He lifted his self up off of me, holding his hand out for me. He walked me toward the kitchen and out the back doors.

“I don’t think we’re going home tonight,” he said smiling lightly, a happy smile. “We better call our parents,” I knew he was right. I brought out my cell phone and dialed my home number it was about 8:00.

“Hello?” my dad answered, his voice sounded worried.

“Hi, dad,” I said.

“Lexie!” his voice was relieved. “Where are you? Do you now what time it is?”

“Yes dad I do, you know how you wanted me to fix my relationship with Damien? Well I’m doing that dad, I’m in Huntington, fixing everything dad,” I said calmly.

“Why would you go to Huntington?” He asked keeping his anger under control.

“Dad, why wouldn’t I? It’s my home. I love it here. Why not fix everything here?” I asked.

“Just be careful Lexie,” He told me, I heard the smile in his voice.

“I will dad,” I said. “I love you,”

“I love you too,” he said. “Oh and Lexie?”

“Yeah dad?”

“The school called, you ditched?” He said, his smirk was more evident now than ever.

“Yeah but I have a good reason, and unless you want to be furious right now I’ll tell you when I get home on Sunday,” I said.

“Sunday?” he asked concern in his voice.

“Yeah, might as well stay the whole weekend right? I love you dad, bye,” I said.

“But Lexie,” He began.

“Bye dad,” I said.

“Bye,” He said and then I hung up.

“Now yours,” I said to Damien. He took out his cell phone and dialed his house.

“Hey dad,” Damien said.

“Damien! I thought I told you to not to run off anymore,” I heard Zacky scream.

“I’m fine dad, I’m in Huntington, I’m with Lexie, something happened at school and we needed to leave, Brian already knows. We’re staying until Sunday; Brian wants us to become friends again. I have money for food and stuff. We safe, we’re staying at our house.” Damien said in all one breath.

“Well if everything’s okay then I guess its fine,” Zacky said, “Except that fight at school we have to talk about it,”

“We will on Sunday, I love you dad,” Damien said.

“I love you too Dam,” Zacky said. “Bye,”

“Bye,” Damien said before hanging up. “Where were we?”

“I believe we were here,” I said grabbing his hand and walking toward the beach.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to a7xgirl6661 for commenting. i appreciate it.
Thanks to mistery gurl for her loving comments. I always love those.

Tell me what you think is going to happen with Lexie and Damien!!!

Song: Like We Used To - A Rocket To The Moon.