‹ Prequel: Different Letters
Status: Back on for real

Love Made Us Blind

Dumbledore's Army

Addie was standing in front of a wall at the end of a corridor on the seventh floor, between Harry and Hermione. She took a breath as Harry took a step and kept it as he walked pass the wall three times. When he finished he took a step back and fixed the wall along with his housemates. It seemed like very long two seconds passed before the wall started too changed and turned itself into a huge polished door. They entered and found themselves in a big spacious room. It seemed to be equipped with all sort of useful tools and books, perfect to learn how to fight and duel.

"It's perfect Harry." Addie said, flashing Harry a huge smile as Hermione and Ron walked around admiring the place

"And we owe it all to Dobby." Harry said looking at the black haired girl

"Hey Addie, one question!" Ron yelled, started to walk towards the girl "Won't Malfoy start suspecting something once you start disappearing once a week or so?"

"No. You see we have this thing between us that we call an 'off day.' Once a week we spend the day and evening without each other. Also, we agreed that unless the other person tells us what they were doing, we are not allowed to ask what the other was doing. So even if he asks me tomorrow morning what was I up do, I'm only going to kiss him on the lips and remind him it was an off day. Okay sorry for the detail, I'm used to talking to Rachelle when it comes to Draco and we tend to be very descriptive." Addie added once she noted that judging from their faces, the kiss detail was not necessary. "Point is he's never going to know, because he's never going to ask."

"That's surprisingly very mature." Hermione stated "The off day system..."

"Yeah well..." Addie said blushing a little considering this was the first positive thing ever said of her relationship by the golden trio "We're serious and we know what to do to make sure we have enough private life..."

But Alice stopped as people started to come in and they all passed comments how great this place was. Some even exchanged their stories with this room, since it always changed according to the person's need. Only when everyone came, Harry explained what this room was to those who were amazed and wanted answers and attempted to start the class before Hermione raised her hand.

"Yes Hermione?"

"I think we ought to elect a leader."

"Harry's our leader."

Alice wasn't the only one who spoke. She looked around to see who was the girl who spoke at the same time as her and her glance landed on a black haired girl from Ravenclaw, whom she believed was Cho Chang. The girl stared at Hermione as if she was wondering if the intelligent girl was mad. Harry looked down and it seemed like he didn't even heard Addie's voice in the first place since he didn't even bother to look her way.

"Yes but I think we should vote on it properly, It makes it more formal and it gives him authority. So everybody who thinks Harry ought to be our leader."

Absolutely everyone put their hands up. Alice smiled sweetly to Harry when their eyes met as he was sweeping the crowd.

"Er, right, thanks everybody." Harry started and tried to start the class but was interrupted by his friend once more "What Hermione?"

"I also think we ought to have a name."

A lot of names were proposed until everybody seemed to agree on a one that Ron's little sister, Ginny, proposed, Dumbledore's Army DA for short. It was after all what the ministry feared the most according to her. It also relieved Alice since by naming it so, it was clear that this was an anti-ministry thing, nothing about the Dark Lord or his servants. She caught some students eyeing her, probably thinking what she was doing here. As if it wasn't bad enough that everyone knew that her father was a Death Eater but her boyfriend made no secret how much he supported Umbridge and the ministry.

"I was thinking." Harry started, finally begging his class. "We should begin with something pretty basic like the Disarming Charm. I want you all to grab a partner and spread out. I'll give you a couple of minutes to practice and then you're going to pass one by one to see how you are doing. This is not to embarrass anyone but merely so that others can learn on your success or mistakes."

Alice looked to find Hermione's eye but she was too far and Ron had already taken her. She looked around hoping to find a lonely soul, but no such luck. When everyone had a partner, she got stuck with the other one who couldn't find anyone.

"So I guess we're working together." Alice said awkwardly as she weakly smiled to Neville. "Do you want to start?"

"Sure" The boy said quietly, avoiding her look

Alice turned so that she could walk away to give some distance. Out of everyone she had to end up with him? Of course it could be worse and Alice was glad that the rest of the students weren't aware of what happened between her father and Neville's parents but it didn't make things less awkward. Alice stood in position, ready to get her wand thrown away.

" Expelliarmus! " The boy yelled but nothing happen. The wand was still in Alice's hand

"You can try again!" Alice said, trying to encourage him

It was no use he tried to do it again and again but wasn't able to disarm the girl. She tried holding the wand as loosely as she could but there was a limit to how little force she held it with before dropping the wand. Alice still didn't pass and Neville wasn't able to cast the spell correctly, even losing his own wand a couple of times before they were standing face to face in a circle.

" Expelliarmus! " Neville yelled but nothing happen. Harry tried to help him and gave him tips, some familiar to the tips he gave people earlier but they could all perform the charm, except for Cho who claimed she was distracted by Harry, by the fifth try, which was also the final attempt they got. It was now Alice's turn.

" Expelliarmus! " She yelled and in a second, Neville wand hit the wall behind him. People looked at her as she reddened, realizing that out of all the attempts, it was Neville's wand that flew the furthest. Only one person seemed impressed

"Addie that was brilliant!" Harry exclaimed "Did you see guys? She had everything right. Her wrist movement was perfect and she didn't hesitate saying the spell and it worked perfectly." Alice looked down as he praised her and noticed how Cho started at her, furious.

A couple of other teams passed after them but no one succeeded as well as she did. Hermione had the spell also under control and also got it on the first try but Ron's wand didn't go flying as fast and furious as Neville's did. It was soon time to finish up. Harry tried to set a date for their next meeting but was reminded by the three Quidditch captains that the season was starting and their teams needed practice. Everybody was giving dates but it seemed to clash with one team or another.

"Can I make a suggestion?" Addie asked, putting her hand up. "We can plan our classes at the same time as Slytherin has their practices. I mean if they have the pitch, it obviously means you guys don't."

"And how are we to know when Snape books in the pitch in advance?" Cho asked, crossing her arms

"I sorta know the Slytherin Seeker, I'm pretty sure he'll be able to tell me their weekly schedule." Alice responded with a hint of sarcasm.

"Alice will tell us Slytherin's next practice and we'll decide what we do from there on, how about that?" Harry proposed and everyone seemed to agree, even Cho nodded her head.

After Harry checked with the Marauder's map to make sure the coast was clear he let everyone go. The golden trio and Alice stayed behind, exchanging their thoughts on the lesson.

"You were really good Addie!" Hermione commented

"Thanks Hermione, but it's not a big deal, we covered that spell in our third year at Beauxbatons." Alice had always been good in school but when it came to courses were spells were needed like in DADA, Charms or Transfiguration she always excelled. "Don't forget, you got it right to."

"I know but you disarmed him with such force."

"It's all the in the wand." Alice informed them before changing the subject.

The DA meetings had finally made sitting in Umbridge's class more bearable for Alice as she had to hear Draco's sucking up and Umbridge's praises what a great wizard he was every class. It also helped her smile when Umbridge told her she should try to be more like her 'friend' because it seemed like she refused to admit that a person with such a bright future like Malfoy could be involved with Lestrange who was only going to end up in Azkaban like her father. Draco just thought she was paranoid but how could she think differently after the comment the toad gave right after giving them their marked essays on how to indentify Dark Magic. You would probably know all about it. Addie was outraged when she heard that whisper, which Draco didn't hear at all, and was more pissed that he got an Outstanding with a worse essay than her.

"You're trying to over-achieve. An E is also very good." He told her but it didn't help her mood.

To her dismay, the DA meetings were on hold for a moment since Harry had to practice for Quidditch almost every day. The Slytherins also seemed to be practicing a lot and Addie chose to spend her time with Rachelle, Hayley or Hermione. But even with the much increased time of girl time, it seemed she couldn't stay far from the Slytherin-Gryffindor bashing and seemed to be often caught in the middle of it. She had a rather hard time to keep her mouth shut when Draco would yell something mean to Harry or Ron and she had to stand right beside him, even hold his hand sometimes... And the situation became worst when DA members would be nearby and they would see her there with Draco and on his side. One thing Draco particularly loved doing was to pretend to drop an imaginary Quaffle every time Ron and he crossed eyes. Luckily the trio didn't hold it against her, maybe because they noticed that Slytherins didn't hold back from insulting them even when Alice was with them, especially Pansy who had the sick pleasure to make fun of Gryffindors when Draco wasn't around.

"Hey Potty, I heard Warrington's sworn to knock you of broom on Saturday."

The four of them looked and saw Pansy with a couple of fifth year Slytherins. After making sure that Draco wasn't in the crowd, Addie stepped forward ready to give Pansy a piece of her mind but Harry grabbed her and pulled her away.

"Warrington's aim's so pathetic; I'd be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to me."

Nothing that Addie would have said would have made Pansy react as she did now. Ron and Hermione laughed, joining Alice. The two black hair girls glared at each other and Addie kept her stare until the Slytherin turned and walked away. The Gryffindor girl knew she was going to find Draco and tell him how horrible Alice was to her but for now, she didn't care about that. She was just happy that Harry had been able to shut her up. The trio ate dinner together but the boys left early for a practice, leaving the girls all alone.

"You seem really happy." Hermione noticed

"You bet. Parkinson's face was priceless. It had been a while since I wanted to see someone put her in her place."

"I was under the impression you and Parkinson were friends." Hermione said surprised.

"What made you think that?"

"I don't know you hang out with the same crowd. And I remember seeing you talking to her last year and thinking 'Well she's friends with Parkinson, there goes all chances of her being a nice person.'" Hermione explained making Addie giggle

"Unfortunately we do hang out with the same crowd. Hayley's cousin is friends with her and Draco's pretty found of her..." Alice said with a dark tone she rarely spoke in "Last year we did occasionally speak to each other but it stopped after I started dating Draco and after she turned one of my close friends against me..." Alice stopped, trying to get rid of all the sadness in her voice, trying to get mad again

"I always thought she fancied Malfoy. It became obvious in our third year."

"Well now I have to deal with a jealous pug faced bitch." Alice commented making Hermione chuckle a little

"I can see why that can be a problem. And I'm curious, which of your-"

"Suzanne." Alice cut her, knowing the rest of the question "She had short black hair. She uhm..." Alice continued after Hermione nodded, indicating she knew which one "When she knew Draco was listening, she made it sound as if I still had feelings for another guy in hopes Draco would go cry on Pansy's shoulder. I haven't spoken to her ever since."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. Point is, Parkinson is not my friend. I actually really hate her. Feeling is mutual obviously. We had a couple of rows; obviously Draco assisted neither of them. Pansy behaves every time he's around. It's actually quite frustrating." Addie said letting a little laugh "He believes she's all so innocent and every single time I try to mention that she has feelings for him, he gets annoyingly defensive. You're just being jealous. Don't you trust me? You're paranoid. There's nothing between us. I think by now I've heard it all."

"Are you worried?"

"Not really. The only thing she can do is lie. She knows that if she'd get caught, Draco wouldn't forgive her. She's careful alright but I don't think there's much she can do yet. So she picks on me every time she can. Sometimes I think I'm going to lose it and hex her."

"I don't think a lot of people would complain about it." Hermione said.

"Yeah well Draco would." She mentioned sighting "And I don't want him on her side. As long as he's neutral, I have the upper hand."

"Well if she ever causes you problems again, tell Harry or me and we'll deal with her." Hermione promised, making Alice smile

But before the girl could thank her; a blond girl came up to them. Her hair was getting longer and longer and her locks were now cascading down her sides. Her Ravenclaw robes suited her very well and with a book in her hand, she looked like a model student.

"Alice." Rachelle greeted her "Draco's looking all over for you. Well not anymore." She added when Alice turned to look at the Slytherin table. "He left a while ago for Quidditch meeting, Blaise assured me they weren't practicing so it can't take too long."

"You know what he wants?"

"No clue. Maybe he just wants to see you, you know."

Alice smiled since she didn't want to show her annoyance. That sounded like Blaise not Draco. If Draco wanted to see her it was because he wanted to tell her something or make out with her. Sure she and Draco had some mature moments, where the girl started to believe that they were much more than a couple based on looks and physical affection but it never lasted forever. Draco's most used compliment was 'beautiful' and rarely used words to describe how she was inside. Alice wasn't panicking, after all they were only fifteen and they had a life time to reach that point in their relationship. But what Alice couldn't stand was that Rachelle and Blaise had reached that almost instantly. It's like they didn't even try. Blaise could spend the day without kissing Rachelle and he still would be happy to have shared his time with her. While Draco acted that the time they spend talking was time wasted that they could be kissing.

"We'll see how that turns out." Alice commented

It's not like she minded making out with him so much. She loved it obviously but was scared he might try to bring it further. They had a couple of disagreement about what base they wanted to reach. Fortunately for her, there wasn't a place at Hogwarts where they could go all the way, that is unless the blond agreed to let her in the Slytherin common room. Even if they got in a couple of fights, at the end of the day Draco was still a gentleman and he assured her he wasn't going to force it upon her. Alice wondered if she would ever get used to his mood swings. He could be a perfect romantic boyfriend one evening but then turn into a boy who just wanted to fool around. But as long as she was getting the romantic boyfriend once in a while, Addie was far from complaining: he wasn't making things boring.

"You two are alright? No fights recently." Rachelle asked, concerned for her best friend's relationship

"We've been both busy. It seems he's having Quidditch practices daily. I miss him a little." She added to make the blond a little bit happier.

"Well once Slytherin wins the game this weekend, you'll get to celebrate and gain all the lost time." Rachelle commented with a smile, forgetting or simply ignoring Hermione's presence. "And don't forget, go see Draco. He sounded eager."

Rachelle hugged her quickly and exited the Great Hall. Hermione and Alice got up soon after in attempt to walk to their common room but were interrupted by someone.


The girl in question turned around at the sound of the familiar voice. She saw a blond boy walking towards her. He didn't have his cloak on, just his white blouse, not tucked in like regulation demanded, and his green tie. Alice looked a moment at Hermione and flashed a smile.

"I'll see you in the common room." She said before running towards her beau.

When she reached Draco, the first he did was kiss her. But after a couple of moments he backed up, creating some distance.

"I feel like it's been forever since I haven't seen you."

"I was under the impression you've been too busy with Quidditch to even notice that." Alice said, smiling to him

"I would much rather spend that time with you." He said brining her closer to him

"Well with all that time you spend practicing, I hope you'll catch the snitch this weekend." She said, challenging him

"So you're cheering for Slytherin?"

"For you mostly." She informed him "It's going to be kind of weird watching you play."

"What am I going to do without my favourite Beater?" He asked, kissing the girl once again

"You better catch the snitch, that's what you should do." She responded, laughing a little.

Draco took something out of his bag and before Alice could see what it was, he put it around her neck.

"I'm borrowing you my scarf. That way everyone will know that you're my favourite fan. And I'll feel better knowing you're wearing it."

"I might not give it back." Alice teased him

"I will never understand why you like it so much. Is it the colours?"

"At the beginning it was. But now, I like to wear it because it has your smell."

"I love you Alice. Thanks for making my life better."

Marie-Adelaide smiled. The romantic Draco might not show up every night but when he did, it was worth the wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to Jinx Killjoy and MeilaKay Without your comments. this story would not be rolling at all! Thank you so much! (L)

So here's a little half-filler I guess. Next one is the Quidditch game! For all you who read the book, remember how it goes down? How will dear Alice react? (:

Feel free to comment. I'd love to hear what you think about my story :D
Hope you guys liked it! Thanks so much for reading