‹ Prequel: Different Letters
Status: Back on for real

Love Made Us Blind

Birthday Plans

If Marie-Adelaide was honest with herself, the best thing about her break up with Draco was the perfect timing of it more so than the relief and freedom it granted her. She was glad that only two days after she gave back his mother’s necklace he was gone from the castle, along with most of the students. Hogwarts was now practically deserted for the next two weeks. The news of their break up spreading would have to wait until after the Easter holiday, giving her more than enough time to cope with it.

With the OWLs six weeks away, all Alice did was study and her days were filled with nothing but revisions, textbooks, parchments, and Ron’s constant complaints about the workload. One day blurred into the other and she didn’t realize it was her sixteenth birthday until a familiar owl landed in front of her on April 22th.


The Malfoy family owl was huge and regal and made pleasant noises when he saw her. Probably the only Malfoy who still enjoys my company Alice thought bitterly as she shared her toast with him. She glanced at the huge package the bird just let go.
My stuff Alice realized with a pang. She took the large package and put it on the bench besides her, wondering if she would have the courage to open it.

"You're not going to open that?" Hermione asked, barely looking away from her parchment full of notes.

"I'll save it for another time."

Despite her intentions her eyes kept glancing at the package. Over the years she accumulated a lot of things at the Malfoys’ mostly from her childhood. Even with an extension charm that was a lot of clothes, books, jewelry and other things to fit in there. And while it did send a strong message, it was so unpractical. Against her initial reaction she took out her wand and opened the box. The package was filled with dresses and clothes and a few boxes, and to her shock, with chocolate and candy. On top of everything a letter with Narcissa's writing. Hands shaking, she took it.

My dearest Alice,
Draco gave me the sad news of your relationship. He tells me that you two grew apart too quickly. It grieves me to hear it.
Despite any differences you and my son might have, I want you to know that I loved having you around again. You will be missed.
I bought you your birthday gifts early and I can't think of any reason why I shouldn't send it today. I wish you the very best Alice. If you ever need me for anything, please don’t be shy.
Until next time,

Alice's eyes started to water. She looked through the clothes and didn't recognized any of them. It wasn't her stuff, at least not her old stuff.

"Addie, are you okay?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, it's... I was expecting something else and it turns out it's just my birthday package."

"It's your birthday today?"

Hermoine immediately let go of all her notes, a first in days. She looked at her friend with a mixture of shock and indignation.

"Addie why didn't you tell us beforehand."

"It's really not a big deal-"

"Of course it is! I would’ve scheduled a small celebration later tonight if I'd know!" Hermione lamented, looking at the study schedules she had devised for everyone, already trying to push things around to accommodate the news.

"Hermione it's really no big deal," Alice laughed, touched. "I'd really rather study and not think about it being my birthday."

Almost as soon as she spoke two more owls appeared, one of them Hedwig. After Alice undid the package attached to her, the snowy bird made her way to Harry, demanding affection from his owner which he gladly did, sharing some of his breakfast with her. Alice opened the small box, hoping it wasn't a bracelet yet again and was delighted to see a ring. She tried it on, the sapphire gleamed beautifully and then opened the letter.

Bonne fête ma chère fille.
J'ai reçu ta deuxième lettre. Je serais très contente de passer l'été avec toi mon amour. On ira ou tu veux, je te le promets. J'espère que tu voudras faire un petit tour au Châteaux, je suis sûre que ton cousin serait ravi de te revoir. Ne t'en fais pas, personne ne va-t’en vouloir si tu arriveras toute seule.
Au plaisir de te revoir bientôt.

Alice couldn't help but smile. Well at least she's trying. She turned to the last bird and it dismissed itself as soon as he was relieved from the message. It was a letter with birthday wishes from the Voltaires with a broach enclosed. Sapphires, obviously.

"I take it your family really likes blue."

"Blue is the colour of the monarchy in France." Alice informed them, feeling slightly silly. "Traditions in France are even more archaic and serious than here if you can believe it, especially within the governing families."

“How does that work anyways? Do French wizards really don’t get to elect their leader? What if it’s a Voldemort situation and people in the families start advocating for the murder of muggles and muggle born wizards?” Harry asked, keeping his eyes planted on the broach.

“That would never happen.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Well for starters there’s like twelve families so things get balanced out. And while they do have bigger dislike towards muggle, I’d say almost all of the pure-blooded wizards are much more tolerant of half-bloods and muggle born.”

“How is that?”

“It’s a culture and history thing I suppose. Historically there were quite a few wizarding families who were part of the muggle nobility back in the days of monarchy. And after the International Secrecy Act was adopted, those wizard nobles didn’t really go undergrown like they were supposed to. Nobody talked about it openly of course but it was the worst kept secret in Versaille that some dukes and counts knew how to do bizarre things and sent their children to a mysterious school some place else. The distrust in muggles came after the revolution. I mean when the peasants came for them the wizard nobles knew how to defend themselves. Their muggles counterparts weren’t as lucky. Heads rolled, castles were stormed… The remaining magical nobles regrouped and formed the government that’s still in place today. They remained very scared and bitter against the violence caused by the muggles against their friends but welcomed new muggle borns. In Beauxbatons they still emphasize that you’re in or out of the magical community. And I doubt that the royal families would allow anyone with radical views against the muggle born because they do acknowledge that it’s with them that our community grows…”

“And how does your mother fit in all of it? She married a Death Eater.”

“My father wasn’t a Death Eater when they married although he joined quickly after. And while like I said the French are very traditional and my mom couldn’t marry into any family. The governing families are extremely elitists when it comes to royal ancestry. If you can’t get an advantageous match you send your daughters out of the country so at least the people don’t have to see them married beneath their station. There were no eligible men in my mothers age at the time, so they looked across the canal and looked up old families with French ancestry. I don’t think my grandfather foresaw the involvement the Lestranges would have with the Dark Lord or the marriage would have never happened. And I never heard one prejudice against muggle-borns in France. It was, uhm, here in England that I’d, uhm, learned some behaviours.”

“With the Malfoys.”

“Okay enough of this talk, it’s really making me depressed.” Alice said giggling, trying to change the subject and remain as cheerful as she could.

“Honestly Addie, I was half listening to you” Ron said. “I have enough of studying for History of Magic without you giving me extra information that won’t appear in the OWL.”

“Well I think it’s quite fascinating.” Hermione interjected. “We learn here from a mostly British point of view; the history of magic must be so different and interesting from country to country.”

“Well Hermione, once the OWLs are finished I can fill you in. I have three years worth of French centric history that will go to waste unless I share it.”

Hermione beaned at her. Alice avoided Harry’s stare, glad that she avoided a more in-depth discussion about the Malfoys. She did look at Narcissa’s package with a pang in her heart. Why was she still being so kind with her? And how come Draco didn’t come back home and announced to the whole pure-blooded wizarding community that Marie-Adelaide Lestrange was a blood-traitor. She then wondered if he simply wanted to spare his mother but told his father everything? Her eyes fell on the expensive broach. Why was her uncle giving this for her? Voltaires never acknowledged children with maternal ties to the family, the name was everything to them. And even if he was feeling sentimental wouldn’t this be a gift more suitable for next year when she reached maturity? It finally dawned on her that next year she would be an adult. I’ll finally have access to my Gringotts vault. While her father and uncle were still out there and alive as criminals none of them had access to it except for her mother. She only been there twice in her life. The riches her family had acquired over the centuries of wealth were so vast that Alice wondered how many lifetimes it would take to spend it all. She was the last one who could inherit, all of it would be merged with her future husband’s fortune. Alice dropped her fork as realization hit her.

“My vault…”

“What is it?”

“There’s just me left.”


“How did I not see it?”

“Addie what are you talking about?”

She stared at the opened box, with Narcissa’s letter on top. Her warm feelings evaporated, and she was filled with an icy pang in her heart, her stomach in knots. Was she in on it too? Had her kindness had always been just a front.

“I never understood why Draco’s father accepted me into the family. I think he wanted my vault.”

“Your vault?”

“The Lestrange’s Gringotts vault. I mean it’s so huge and filled with not just coins but centuries worth of treasures, jewels and silverware. And if I married into his family…”

“There’s no way he would be able to use that money or anything while you still lived.” Hermione observed, careful to choose her words.

“Even if he doesn't get to enjoy that money, he knows that future Malfoys will, and it will just make his family stronger. The Lestranges are older and richer than the Malfoys. Draco's father isn't rich because his ancestors were selfish. They invested that money for their descendants and made sure their fortune grew. With one marriage, my family’s legacy gets absorbed into his…”

A barrage of memories was suddenly unleashed within Alice. The Malfoys welcoming her, buying her first broom, and brining her on many trips. She had been an investment. She looked over at her gift from Narcissa. Was her kindness now a contingency? Did they just assume that Draco and she were having a little spat and wanted to stay in her good graces when they would get back together? Or was this something darker? A bribe, a reminder of their goodness.

Before Alice could sink deeper into a rabbit hole full of memories that now had a second meaning attached, laced with years of manipulation another owl landed near her. Temporarily distracted from her woes, she undid the letter attached, a bit surprised to see Marie-Adelaide Lestrange Voltaire scratched out on a piece of parchment, in a handwriting that was familiar to her, yet she couldn’t place it.

“More birthday wishes I presume?” Ron asked

It didn’t make sense as everyone’s wishes were accounted for, especially those who would bother spelling out her full name. She did think of Rachelle, but she was sure this wasn’t her writing and giving how they left things last time they spoke, she would be surprised to get anything from her former closest friend. She opened it carefully, intrigued who else would remember to write to her today. Her eyes skipped right to the signature.

“Oh mon...”

“What is it?”

“It’s from Suzanne, my former Beauxbaton friend.”

She read it over once and was glad that it was written in French so that no passing glance could interpret it. After finishing reading it once she crumpled the letter, heart wrenching.

“I have to go”

Before the others could object, she jumped out of her seat and was walking towards the door the crumped letter in hand while her new ring, broach and box full of expensive clothes were forgotten and out of mind.

A few hours later Harry eventually found Alice. She was sitting in front of the fire, lost in thought, the crumpled letter was straightened out, sitting on her lap.

“Some bad news?”

“No. Well yes, but I completely over reacted.”

“Hermione brought the gifts to your room.”

“Oh, I’m going have to thank her.”

Alice tried her best to avoid his gaze, but one short glance and Harry knew that she had been crying in the last hour.

“Addie, are you sure that-“

“No really Harry, I’m okay, I was just a little emotional because it was my birthday and then I figured out that every happy memory I have from childhood was a bribe and having Suzanne reaching out just... it became to much.”

“I was always under the impression that you left things well with your Beaubaton friends.”

“Not with Suzanne. Merlin, it was so stupid.” Alice gave a hallow laugh and positioned herself more comfortably on the couch. She looked at Harry and gave a weak smile. “If you really want to know-”

“I do. I’m here for you, you know that.”

“Last year after Draco and I got together, publicly at least, Suzanne sided with Pansy and tried to stir things up. I told you it was stupid.” She said but Harry was still looking at her, without a trace of annoyance like she thought there would be. “She implied that I was in love with this guy I met over the summer, which was untrue, and said in front of Draco that I was only using him. A fight did ensue between Draco and I-” Her voice momentarily got caught in her throat as she remembered that it was after that fight that she had told him she loved him for the first time. “I became furious with her and we got into a huge fight. We stopped talking for weeks. Suzanne eventually got over it and tried to reconcile but I wouldn’t let it happen as long as she didn’t apologize.”

“Is that the apology?”

“Yeah. She explained her actions. Pansy told her a bunch of lies. She told Suzanne that she had came to me and confessed how in love with Draco she was and all I did was laugh. This imagined conversation happened a week before we became public.

“So why now?”

“She recently got a letter from Pansy. A scroll of eighteen inches worth of recollections how she fought to get her man and how she finally prevailed over the harpy. Her claws were sunk deep, but I helped him deliver himself out of her grasp, patiently and selflessly as he took them out, inch by painfully slow inch.” She rolled her eyes for show but it made Alice uneasy that someone out there held her in such undeserved contempt.

“Did she actually write that?”

“Yup. Suzanne wrote that the letter was full such phrases, but she didn’t wish to subject me to more.”

“Why now?”

“She wondered if she made a mistake. The letter confirmed it. She wrote that she apologizes for her actions and she’s sorry that I lost him.”

“And are you upset about Suzanne or Draco?”

“It’s a mix I suppose. I should have expected that he’d jump on Pansy right away, he knew it would-”

She was already picturing the humiliation. How loudly and often would he declare that Pansy was so much better than his previous girlfriend, how better suited they were together. That’s when the solution hit her.

“Harry, I have a huge favour to ask of you.”

“What is it?”

“I realize this is selfish, an absolutely terrible thing to ask- ”

“Addie just tell me.”

“Would you pretend to be my boyfriend?”

Harry didn’t respond for long seconds, staring at his friend, baffled and taken back by her request. Boyfriend.

“Never mind, I should never have said it. I take it back” Alice said, agitated as she got up from the couch, ready to hide in her room, ashamed she would even think of something so stupid. Harry grabbed her wrist with surprising strength, preventing her from leaving.

“I didn’t say no.”

“It’s so stupid.”

“Hold on. You just need to explain. What would this entail.”

With cheeks flaming hot, Alice sat back down. Thinking of it had been one thing but speaking it out loud made the whole affair sound so foolish.

“Draco hates you. Really hates you. I simply can’t think of anyone that pisses him off with a look.”

“Feeling is mutual.”

“And he might have gotten over me and moved on, but I just know that it will make him angry to see me with you. He had always been incredibly insecure about our friendship, always reminding me that one day I’ll have to ditch you. He’ll buy it in an instant that I’m into you, I have no doubt. And if he believes I have romantic feelings for you, he’ll know that he can’t hurt me by flaunting Pansy in front of me. Any power that he thinks he still has over me will vanish. And I’ll be free of him.”

Harry and Alice sat in silence for a while as they thought it over. She realized that it wasn’t a great idea but if it would hurt Draco, she was willing to try it.

“I’ll do it” Harry finally answered.

“Are you sure? I won’t be mad if you refuse, I mean it’s a mad idea- “

“Yeah it’s mad but I’ll do it all the same.”

Alice let out a huge smile and hugged him. She held on a little longer, trying to get used to him as someone she would hold.

“We’ll need some guidelines of course. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable with anything. We should also limit the people who know the truth to as little as possible.”

“We have to tell Ron and Hermione.”

“Of course. And Hayley.”


“Oh yes” Alice have Harry a mischievous smile. “Hayley is my mole. She’ll be telling tales to her friends how happy we are together. And how we got together the day before Easter break. Harry I want you to know that you can stop this at any moment.”

“Don’t worry Addie, I trust you. You won’t let this get out of hand.”

“I promise.”

“I am... worried I won’t be able to sell it right.”

“I’ll guide you. I won’t expect any grand gestures. You just have to be comfortable with invading my personal space, along with touching me casually.”

She put her hand on his forearm gently, moving a little closer. Harry nodded, still nervous. Not at the task at end, but he was worried he’d disappoint her.

“We’ll start on Monday, on the first day of term.” Alice got up, ready to go to her dorm and meditate on what she just started. “Thank you so much Harry. I owe you for this.”

“You’re making it sound like it’s such a terrible burden for people to think we’re dating.”

“People will talk. It’s going to look so ugly for you, dating me, considering my family.”

“I know you’re not them.”

Alice smiled and bend down to give Harry, who was sill sitting, a kiss on the cheek.

“I’ll let you think over it once more over night. I promise I won’t be mad if you sleep on it and you don’t want to do this anymore.”

With that she turned and left her friend alone in the common room. Despite the later hour her dormitory was delightfully empty save for her favourite dormmate.

“I left your presents on the bed.” Hermione told her from her bed, Charms notes sprawled in front of her.

“Thank you, sorry for leaving them in the Great Hall.”

“Oh, and I think you have another birthday present.” Hermione picked up a parchment and revealed a box.

“That’s weird.” Alice took the small box from Hermione and sat on her bed. It was wrapped in a soft black paper and once unwrapped Alice felt the comforting touch of velvet. “I don’t know who else it could be.”

“A raven carried it to our window. I wasn’t aware that ravens knew how to deliver messages.”

“They did centuries ago. But as relations between countries grew the community opted for owls as they were stronger and could easily make the longer trips.”

She was about to confess that her family crest featured a raven as her family’s early fortune was made by breeding the best ravens when it downed on her who was the sender of the package could be. With shaking hands, she opened the small box. The gift was light, and she was expecting more jewelry. Instead inside she found a thin circular ornate silver box. She studied the detailing. It gleamed with diamonds. She opened it and saw it was a mirror. It was beautiful, and she couldn’t get enough of it. She looked back to the box and found a small piece of parchment with one line. I would love to see you soon.

The though of seeing her father and speaking to him filled her with anxiety and made her nauseous. She couldn’t face him. A few months ago, she might have been ecstatic at the opportunity but after putting her views and morals into a new perspective she couldn’t smile to a man who would sow such violence into the world. Who participated in an inhumane torture that cost Neville his parents. Spooked, she threw the message into the fire in the middle of her room and shoved the mirror back into the box it arrived.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.” Alice lied, forcing a smile. “I just think it may be a joke from Draco.”

“Do you want me to get rid of it.”

“No. I’ll keep in case it turns out it’s from someone who simply forgot to sign.” Alice forced a smile. “Listen I need to talk to you about something rather awkward.”

Hermione made her way to Alice’s bed, sitting down besides her dormmate.

“What’s wrong.”

“For the next couple of weeks Harry and I are going to pretend to date.”

Hermione’s mouth slightly fell. She wasn’t expecting this turn of event at all.

“I know it might sound weird-“

“It sounds like a terrible idea.”

“It’s not that bad-“

“Someone is going to get hurt.”

“That’s what I’m counting on.”

“Addie, you and Harry have to think this through.” Hermione’s speech was now speeding up, clearly thinking of too many things at once. “You have to understand that Harry and you are on a completely different level when it comes to relationships.”

“That doesn’t matter because we’re just pretending anyways. Look he simply agreed to hold my hand and kiss my cheek in public every now and then. And, to not correct people when the eventual rumors fly that we’re an item.”

“Is this really worth it Addie? Before you go ahead and do this just think what it is you wish to accomplish by this.”

Alice knew she was talking about Draco. She took a deep breath and tried to present her side as cohesively and rationally as she could.

“I know Draco might not care. I know it’s stupid and I should strive to be above it, but I care what’s said about me. Just call it a side effect of growing up with the Volataires and the Malfoys. And Draco is coming back with a new girlfriend. I will not appear weak. Draco broke up with me because I chose Harry over him. I’ll show him and everyone else that I chose him in more than one way. He thinks that getting together with Parkinson will hurt me. Well let him try to make me jealous. I’ll reciprocate.”

Hermione simply nodded, realizing there wasn’t much she would say to change her friend’s mind. She would be talking to Harry tomorrow hoping to talk some sense to one of them, but she figured that he wouldn’t pass the opportunity to deliver a blow to Malfoy where he knew it would hurt.

“Let the record show that I disagreed and tried to stop you.”

“You’ll be beyond reproach if this all goes wrong, I promise.”

Alice laughed and gave Hermione a hug, who in turn smiled. They stayed up late that night, enjoying the fact that it was their last night just the two of them in the dorm. Tomorrow Hogwart’s students were coming back from their Easter holiday brining along with them, rumours, conflicts, and dramas. But tonight it was just the two witches, from opposite backgrounds, talking and sharing past experiences with each other.
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Thank you for reading!!