He's got all the girls wrapped around his finger. Better yet, all, but one.

Chapter 34


"Izzy it's ok." Zeke told me, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what's going on and quite frankly I'd like to know." I said brushing her hand off of me.

"Hun it's not something I can tell you." My heart dropped when those words were said.

"What do you mean?" Zeke looked uncomfortable as she took a step towards the mirror next to mine.

"Nothing, forget I said anything." I was not one to forget so I turned to face her and demanded an explanation.

"I'm not going to forget anything. I'd like to know what's going on right now." Zeke looked down for a second before making eye contact with me.

"He never ended the bet Izzy. You're still just a game to him."


The words stung like a snake's venom running through my veins and towards my heart. Aburning sensation caused my breath to skip an intake or two.

"I-he-we-" My eyes fell to the ground of the restroom floor.

"I'm sorry Izzy. I didn't want to tell you, but I felt you should know." The fakeness in her voice made me not want to believe her, but how was I to know if Kale really was still messing around or not.

"Thanks. I think our food is probably done." Zeke nodded and I tried to recover from my little moment two minutes earlier. I just followed behind her towards our table. When I noticed Blaze and Kale with an uneasy expression on their faces it made me uneasy also.

"That’s a good one." Blaze whispered. I slide into my seat.

"What is?" I asked.

"Oh nothing… important." Kale assured me. Blaze picked up his glass and smirked.

"Yeah nothing, Izzy." Blaze reassured.

"Here we are." I looked up to see our waiter with a plate of food. "The young lady." He placed my food in front of me and I smiled as best as I could without making it look fake.

"Thank you." I muttered. I started to eat, but everything was bugging me so I didn’t talk. I just listened to Blaze, Kale and Zeke as they talked.


"That was a pretty good meal.” Zeke complimented. I nodded, agreeing.

“It was.” Blaze agreed. “Just thought Izzy would talk a bit more.”

“Just leave her alone.” Kale snarled. He grabbed my hand in his, but the touch didn’t feel the same. Something was missing.

“Wow, guess you do love her.” I felt my cheeks heat up. Did Kale say he loved me? “Guess I can take my car back then.” This caught my attention and I glanced at Kale.

“What car?” I asked, nervously.

“Just an early birthday present.” My eyes narrowed. He was lying and I could tell.

“Your birthday isn’t for a long while.” Kale shifted in his seat.

“Hun, it was just a little bet.”

I thought over the situation and something happened within me. Sadness didn’t overcome me like before. I had a feeling like it was true, but didn’t really expect it. Instead anger filled me. I was enraged with emotion. How could he do this to me after everything we’d been through?

He apologized and I thought it was ok. I mean hadn’t he done enough?

He told me it was over, but obviously it wasn’t. He told me that it would be different this time. It hurt to know I had been lied to, not just once, but again.

I thought he really loved me…

“Izzy?” I looked to see who had called my name and looking down at me was Kale. His eyes looked frantically for mine, but I kept them low.

“I want to go home.” I told him. I didn’t want to make a scene. I just wanted to get home so I could cry my heart out by myself. I didn’t want to be near the man who disgusted me the most at this exact moment, but I didn’t trust anyone else.

Kale nodded and stood up. I walked out ahead of him and hurried. The faster I could get home the sooner I would have to be in his presence. Zeke and Blaze kept quiet as we walked out. I felt that they had set me up, but Kale wasn’t showing any sign of them being wrong. As soon as the car door closed he spoke.

“Izzy, let me explain.” He pleaded.

“Just get me home.” I muttered. I didn’t want to hear his excuses. He didn’t say a word as he started the car and neither did I.

I didn’t want to look at the guy I had once felt I loved so I turned my gaze to the window. The darkness of night took over and all that could be seen was things that were near lights either by the road or in a store.

The ride felt like forever. It had felt like an hour by the time we got to the end of the road that the restaurant was located. The rain had picked up and a couple walked a bit faster towards their car, but once they got there the man pulled his girl towards him and gave her the most passionate kiss. Tears filled my vision and my voice came out in a croak.

“Why?” It was the one thing I wanted to know the answer to. “Why?” I whispered again. The light turned green, but Kale didn’t move.

“I was so caught up in what we had that I didn’t stop to think about other things.” I kept my gaze on the streets beside us, but responded.

“Don’t lie to me.” My voice was low and almost unheard beneath the rumbling of the storm.

“Izzy, I’m not.” Kale tried, but I didn’t believe him. “I was so caught up in our love that I had totally forgotten.” This made me even angrier.

“You were so caught up in us that you didn’t do the one thing that you promised to do?!” A car honked from behind us, but Kale didn’t move.

“I meant to, but I forgot. It doesn’t mean anything because I love you Izzy Rein. I love you like no other.”

“They’re all lies.” I hissed at him. “Every single one! I can’t trust you!” I let out a frustrated groan. “It doesn’t mean anything?! How about it means everything! If you really loved me you wouldn’t have continued a single thing! You would’ve gone right up to Blaze and told that son of a bitch that that little bet was over, but you didn’t!”

“Izzy I couldn’t look like an idiot in front of Blaze. He bet me I couldn’t do it, but he was right. I didn’t want to let him win, but I swear to God that I told him right before you and Zeke came back!”

“Fuck you Kale Sparks! You should’ve done it the second Blaze came up to you on the field, but you didn’t!” I spat my words at him like venom.

The car honked once again and this time Kale stepped on the pedal so our car jolted forward. He was so enraged like me that he pressed the pedal to the floor of the car and sped forward. Anger filling his vision and the car came around the opposite side from where I was looking. At that exact moment my head was in such a rush that I hadn’t seen the lights headed towards us and when it actually hit, it was too late to change.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, I won’t go into a huge complaining story, but I swear computers are out to get me. Some of my keys on my laptop won’t type so each one that doesn’t work which is the s, w, x, cap lock, and 2 have to be inserted by symbol on Word. -_- It’s soooo annoying so that’s one reason this was so late, but I also had a ton of homework due and I was sick so please forgive me! I hope you liked the chapter though and only one more before the sequel!