Seduction Leads to Destruction

Chapter 12

"I didn't even get to say good-bye." I muttered as Kyle sat next to me. His house looked almost exactly like his old one. His mom was one that loved the things the way it was and if nothing was wrong, why change it?

"I know." He whispered, pulling me into his lap. I didn't want to be where I was, but just any comfort would do.

"But you don't." I told him, getting defensive. He didn't know what I had been through. Everything I had to forget to try and start a new life. Everything that recently had been brought up to the surface, things that were hard to forget. Kyle's eyes dropped and he frowned.

"I know I don't, but those felt like the right words to say." Another tear strolled down my cheek.

"I was angry. I wanted to run away. I hated my life." Kyle looked up and I closed my eyes. I didn't want eye contact, sympathy,as the words flowed from my mouth. "She didn't do anything wrong. It was just the people around me. Every little thing would set me off. She didn't deserve what happened. I should've stayed in the car. Nothing would have gone wrong." Kyle pulled me to lie against him as he stroked my hair. He didn't say a word though. He let me continue.

"Our argument was about nothing really, but I had to get out of the car. I didn't want to yell at her. She didn't do anything and that second I wasn't paying attention." A few more tears dripped, leaving black droplets on Kyle's couch. I bit my lip as the next words came out. "If I didn't get out she wouldn't have slammed on her brakes. She wouldn't have spun on the ice."

Flashes from two years ago ran through my mind. The sounds and lights from the cars that passed by filled my vision. The cold air had filled my lungs. I could feel the wet from the snow and ice.

"My scream was probably the last thing she heard and I-I..." A few more tears came to the surface as I broke into sobs. "Y-you weren't there for me when I-I needed you the m-ost. That was the roughest time and you totally ignored me. You left me useless, friendless, and worthless." I whispered. Kyle's hands enveloped mine and the sudden warmth startled me for a second before I let them grasp mine into the heat of his own.

"I'm sorry." Was all Kyle said. A sudden urge to lash out came to me, but Kyle kept me still. "I shouldn't have done that and I know that now, but I hadn't known at the time. You didn't tell me."

"You wouldn't let me." I snapped. "I couldn't come around you without one of your little girls pulling my hair, hissing, glaring or whatever else they did. You let me down and friends don't do that." My eyes closed again, waiting for a response... any response.

"Hayden I loved you too much to do anything." My eyes flung open and I jumped down Kyle's lap.

"You loved me too much to do anything? You loved ME too MUCH to do ANYTHING?" My voice was raised and all I saw was red. "A little glance, nod or even smile would’ve been all that was needed. When you love someone you don't sit back and watch as they're torn to pieces, ripped the shreds and crying all the time." Kyle suddenly jumped up too. It was his turn to say something.

"I couldn't say a single thing or those girls would've done way worse things to you. They were nasty and cruel and I didn't want anything else to happen to you." The irony in the words his me like a rock.

"So you took my virginity?" The tears of sadness had subsided and all was left was anger. "You wanted nothing else to happen, but anything else would've been better than being beaten by some bitches andslept withyour drunk best friend!" Kyle pushed me against the wall and I groaned at the new pain.

"I didn't mean to do it." He spat. I cringed at the words.

"Oh, but you did. And you accomplished so much." I hissed. With that I kicked and pushed as hard as I could and when nothing happened I brought my knee up and he fell to the floor, groaning and moaning in pain.

"If you loved me as much as you said you wouldn't have hurt me the way you did."
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Hope you like it. :)