Status: The Update will come tonight <3 11-15-10

Life Between Two Worlds

Chapter Seventeen: My Feelings

Karin Kurosaki was cuddled up in her bed, she was glad to have a day off for once. The academy was starting to become too much for her, but whatever happened she had to get through it for the sake of her father and her brother. She looked around the room, it was empty, and the other two girls were out. She learned that they were two of the pranksters around the campus; they were all the time getting into trouble. Finally getting ready to relax, she stretched out across the bed and closed her eyes. The door burst open and Karin’s eye flew open, “About time you get here!”

Ichigo, Ki-Ki and Isshin jumped on the bed, “Sorry sis, we ran into some trouble this morning, that’s why we are late.”

Karin became amused, “What kind of trouble?”

Ki-Ki turned her face to the side to reveal the cuts, “I got kidnapped, by Hisagi and Soifon.”

Karin rolled her eyes, “He has been down my throat all week, I think it is just because I’m your sister,” she said looking at Ichigo.

Isshin smiled, “its okay you don’t have to see then anymore for a long while, neither one of them.”


Ki-Ki lay on the bed beside Karin and threw a pillow in the air, “Have you learned anything since you came last week?”

“Yeah just some basic things, I want to learn big things, like you three know.”

Isshin laughed and Ichigo smiled, “That takes time, a long time.”

Karin blew her bangs out of her face, “Well then, feels like I am going to be stuck here forever!”

“Don’t worry, I felt that way when I first started, but then along the way it got to where I was making friends, and it became fun,” Ki-Ki told her.

Karin looked up at her, “I miss my friends back at home, but you’re right I have a made a friend here and he’s Captain ranked.”

Isshin, Ki-Ki, and Ichigo looked at each other, “Say what now, who?”

Karin blushed slightly, “Toushirou.”

Ki-Ki’s eyes grew wide, “Whoa, so you are saying that he actually talks to you?”

“Yes, he’s quiet nice.”

“He is stubborn towards me,” Ichigo told her.

Isshin sat quiet, he didn’t like that fact that Karin was starting to interact with boys, but it was time since she was growing up. Ki-Ki eyed Isshin and she wanted to laugh, “Don’t worry, Toushirou is nice, sometimes.”

Karin shrugged his shoulders, “He said that I really understand him when others don’t.”

“That’s a good thing, if you understand him, just like Ichigo and I, we understand each other.”

Isshin cleared his throat, “Ki-Ki they are friends, they aren’t dating.”

Karin blushed again and looked out the window, “But I like him…”

“AWWWWW, well tell him that,” Ki-Ki told her.

Isshin started beating his head against the bedpost, “I’m not ready for this!”

“DAD, stop,” Karin hollered and grabbed him, “Trust me, you have to.”

Isshin stopped and hugged his daughter, “Alright I trust you, I love you.”

That night after Ichigo, Isshin and Ki-Ki left Karin laid back down, finally she got the cat out of the bag and told them about her liking Toushirou. She didn’t know how to feel at them moment, all that had happened earlier and she didn’t know about it, Ki-Ki being kidnapped, Ichigo fighting Hisagi. She made a promise to herself at that moment, “I need to get out more!”
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