Status: Active

As Long as the Wrong Feels Right

The Day I Met Him...

I was working at my brother’s tattoo parlor when I first saw him.

The first thing that caught my eye was his smile. He had the most admirable looking smile that could make any girl fall for him. There was this boyish charm about him that made him so attractive. When his eyes met mine, my heart jumped a beat. I was young, oblivious on the meaning of true love. This was just my hormones raging inside of me, wanting him to be inside of me. He glanced every now and then to see if I was looking at him. Of course, I did the same thing and there were times when we gazed at each other the same time. He would smile while I shyly turned away.

My brother, Joe escorted him to the back to get inked afterwards. Since I was Joe’s assistant, I needed to help him to get his materials ready for the tattooing. I felt his eyes on me when I organized the materials. Joe asked him what he wanted as a tattoo. He ended up choosing a biblical passage to place on his lower back. When he took off his shirt, heat went up to my cheeks as I blushed in embarrassment. He grinned and placed his shirt on the table. He had tattoos on his chest as well on his shoulder. That meant he was as least 18 years old.

I sighed in disappointment as I sat down on the desk to update the planner for the upcoming appointments. I was only 17. There was no chance for me to even come near to that guy. I glanced up at him.

His green eyes connected with mine. I couldn’t look away. I heard him chuckle when I stood up to go to the front lounge. He probably sensed that I was becoming insensible every time I saw him.

After a while, the guy came out. The guy came around the counter and walked up to me with his signature smile. “Did anyone tell you that you have the most amazing eyes?” His hand touched mine. I flinched from the shock and he laughed. “Are you okay?”

I nodded and smiled. “Yeah, I’m just…tired. That’s all.” My throat began to close up. I was so nervous around guys, especially good-looking guys like him.

“Oh, yeah I guess it must be tiring to work all day,” he mentioned. “I’m Zack,” he pulled his hand out.

I shook it with caution. “I’m Kayla. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too,” he rested his hand on the counter. “I am guessing you like tattoos since you work here.”

“My brother, Joe is the owner of this place so I work here, too,” I explained. “I like tattoos, but I’m not allowed to get one yet.”

“Too young?” I nodded. “How young?”

“I’m 17,” I replied.

Zack sighed in relief. “That means we’re only a year apart. I’m 18.”

“That’s cool.” Joy flowed through me since I might actually have a chance with a nice guy.

He beamed. “Umm…is it okay if we can go out sometimes? Uh…” he caught himself. “I didn’t mean to ask you out so quickly…” he left off nervously.

I laughed. “You can ask me out.”

“Is that a yes, then?” he asked eagerly.

I nodded. “It’s a ‘yes.’”

Zack was the person I wanted to be with for the rest of my life ever since the first time I met him. He made me feel so special and he was always there for me when I needed him the most. I poured all my love to him. My family was worried that I was moving too fast with him on this relationship since I moved out of my parents’ place and moved in with Zack after I graduated from high school. Joe was constantly calling me as well as my mom and dad. It was normal for parents to worry about their children. It was normal for a big brother to worry about his little sister, but sometimes it was too much to the point that it pissed me off. I decided to break off all contacts with them. It was not the right decision, but I was an adult. I was able to take care of myself. Zack was there when I needed him, so they didn’t have a reason to be worried.

But I guess I was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I just wanted to explain how they first met on this chapter and some background info before going into the story. The upcoming chapters will take place in present time. I think this will be the only time I will refer back to the past.

Big thanks to the first four who commented:

Big thanks to the subscribers as well for giving this story a chance.

Keep reading as always.
