Status: Active

As Long as the Wrong Feels Right

Avoiding the Truth

Tammy observed me as I got in the car. It worried me because some of the bruises and scars were hard to cover up. Clearly no one knew about the sinister side of my relationship with Zack and I never wanted anyone to know about it. I pulled down the sleeves of my hoodie and let my hair down to conceal the visible wounds.

Luckily Tammy didn’t say anything about my actions. Instead she waved at Zack who was waiting at the front door. I glanced out the window and saw Zack watching us. Before I left the house, he reminded me to keep my phone open so he could call me. He always wanted to make sure I was safe.

We pulled into the road and began heading down the street. I wasn’t sure where Tammy was going to bring me, but I knew it was something involving with a band. Working for a small indie label, Tammy interacted with many bands. She met up with them outside her job and sometimes brought me along the ride. The guys usually flirted with me, but I avoided all cost to get caught up with their smooth-talking. I had this fear that Zack watched me over when I hung out without him. He would blow if he saw me talking to a guy.

Tammy pulled to the side of the road in front of a local venue. I recognized the people who were waiting around outside. They were the opening act for Zack’s band. Nervousness came in as I walked out of the car. One of them walked up to me, the one who Zack didn’t like. He gave me a welcoming smile.

“I remember you. You’re Zack’s girl, right?” Cameron asked.

I nodded. “And I remember you, too. You were constantly annoying me with your cheesy pickup lines during the Hopeless Summer Festival,” I joked.

He chuckled. “They obviously didn’t work. Maybe on this tour I’ll make sure those ‘cheesy pickup lines’ stick.” That thought made me cringed. The last festival I went with Zack caused so much problems because of him. His band, We Are The In Crowd, was on the same record label as All Time Low so that was why both bands were either on the same festival or on the same tour. Zack never liked that idea, but it was the label’s call so they had to follow. At least the festival only lasted for one day. This time we were going to be together for two to three months. I wasn’t really looking forward to it.

Tammy appeared from behind me. “Come on, you guys! Let’s do some tour preparations!”


Cameron and I walked around the venue while the others were playing some weird drinking game I didn’t want to participate in. My phone was constantly vibrating from receiving text from Zack. I took out my phone and texted him that everything was fine, answering questions, and reassuring that I wasn’t talking to any guys. It was hard not to talk to any guys since there were only three girls here, including me, and the other two were wasted. I wasn’t sure if I was able to come home on time.

Cameron kept giving me weird looks as I answered Zack’s texts. As each minute passed, my phone received another text. I never talked to Cameron at all as we walked around. I texted Zack the whole time and I was used to this. I never found it weird to text someone just to make sure they were safe. It was an expression of love and care.

“Maybe you should take a break from that constant texting. You might get carpal tunnel,” Cameron commented.

I heard what he said, but I made sure I sent my text to Zack before answering to his comment. “It’s just Zack. He wants to make sure I’m fine,” I replied, removing my eyes from the screen to him. “He’s like that.”

He raised an eyebrow. “That’s just weird. Don’t you think that’s becoming obsessive? I mean, he doesn’t have to text you all the time?”

I shrugged. “I don’t think it’s weird. It shows that he cares for me.”

“If you say so,” he sighed as we continued walking. I removed my hoodie since it was hot in the venue. When Cameron turned to me, his eyes widened. “What the hell happened to you? Where did you get those bruises?”

I glanced at my arms. I completely forgot the bruises and scars that scattered throughout. “Oh…I, uh, I fell down the stairs,” I forced out. “I’m really a klutz.” I wore my hoodie again as I tried to change the subject. “Is your band working on any new material?” I asked, but Cameron gave me a worried look.

“Are you sure you’re alright? Did he do this to you?”

Anger ran through my veins. “What?! Why the hell would you say that?! You don’t even fucking know him! You don’t even fucking know me!” I stormed out of his way. “Go to hell!”

Cameron chased me. “Wait! I’m sorry! I just, I don’t believe that you got all that from falling down the stairs.”

“Believe it since Zack will never do anything to hurt me,” I snapped. “Just stay away from me, okay?” I walked out of the venue as Cameron stared at me in disbelief.

I took out my phone and called Zack to pick me up. I didn’t want to deal with this. Cameron was such an ass to think that Zack would do something like that to me.

But at the same time, he was right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, I know. I'll try to update this more often since I'm getting into writing the story. Yes, Cameron Hurley is the guy Zack doesn't like. He will play a pretty big part in the story as well.

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