Status: Completed! >.<

Dance Like No One is Watching

written for this contest!

Gino is a dancer. He lives in a Homophobic town where his own father, a professional choreographer, hates him. he makes him train from four in the morning until seven in the morning, then from five in the afternoon until one or two in the morning. He's not allowed to drink or eat anything while with his "Trainer." Gino is a black belt in Karate and has won various first place dance prizes, but still, everyone hates him. The only one he has is Griffin.

Griffin loves his boyfriend Gino. But he never gets to spend any time together because of the torture Gino''s father puts him through every day. They have been going out for a year and-a-half and neither have said "I Love you." Can anything come of this relationship?
  1. Faliure
    79 words
  2. life
    3,216 words
  3. Competition
    Griffin POV