You Are Pathetic.

No Gives A Damn About You

“Blake, please! You don’t have to do this!” You cry out in a desperate last attempt but no one can hear you, there are no classes over on the oval during this period.

Holding your hands together behind your back, he shoves you into the cubicle with him, slamming the door behind him and locking it. A single tear rolls down your cheek from fear; you try hard to contain a scream from escaping your shaking body. Pushing you up against the cubicle wall, he plants a rough kiss on your already trembling lips. You try hard to knee him away from you; but all Blake does is shove his tongue further down your throat making you want to gag. Sensing your pure fear and loss of control, he effortlessly unbuttons your dress and undoes the clip on your bra whilst still having you pressed defenceless against the wall. It was like he had done this a million times before, you wouldn’t be surprised.

Whilst feeling up your chest, he bites down hard on the tip of your tongue, making it go numb and a pool of blood begins to form in your mouth. You want so much to let the blood spill all over his face but your lips keep clamped shut. There was nothing else for you to do except for swallowing it. Of course all Blake could do was smile darkly at you with a strong taint of lust in his heavenly, blue eyes. He begins biting down your neck, leaving a trail of marks, claiming you as his. Blake had always been a possessive boyfriend, this was nothing new to you, it was just a matter of time before he would go this far. Why hadn’t you listened to your friends and never gone out with him in the first place, you would have been a lot better off.

With tears beginning to escape down your face, you swallow the mouthful of blood. It was sure going to come back up, but right now it was the least of you worries. Your neck is throbbing in agony and your panties had been ripped off already. You knew there was no point, but opening your mouth was your only reasonably stable defence.

“I apologised to you a million times already, I’m sorry Blake!”

“Quit protesting and use that big mouth of yours for something useful”

He shoves your head quickly downwards to his waist and without a second to think his hard member is in your mouth.

“I wouldn’t bite if I was you either, that is not the only long object I have with me.”

Closing your eyes tightly, you knew that he was bound to knife on him or something to make this “interesting” and exciting...for him at least. Grabbing a fist full of your hair, he forces your head backwards and forwards along his hard member. Although knowing he was not joking, you still decide to bite down; you shouldn’t have to comply unless you wanted to. Growling at you, he stumbles backward into the opposite cubicle wall but it unfortunately doesn’t take him long to recover.

“You really should not have done that ________. It’s going to eventually cost you something very valuable”

You let the scream escape through your dry, blood crusted lips and curl yourself up into a ball. This could not be happening; your virginity is the only thing left.

“Please Blake, be reasonable. Being pure is the only thing I have left.”

Blake kicks you harshly in the ribs, “Get up!”

All you could do was hold you ribs, hoping the pain would go away somehow by applying pressure. You knew this wasn’t even the start of what was to come but you just couldn’t bring yourself to move.

He kicks you again in ribs, getting the same spot as before only this time a nice, loud crack followed.


Blake moves even closer to you, if that was even possible, and picks you up by your hair.

“That’s right, scream my name. Now we seem to be getting the hang of this”

“Blake, fuck off! I’m sick of your bullshit!”

“You’re telling me to fuck off? Ha! I’m never leaving your side again, especially after what you did”

He slams your face side on into the wall.

“Especially after what you did”

You slide down the wall, your whole body is beginning to ache, uncontrollably shake and become extremely weak from his temper tantrum. He still stands in front of you, looking down with almost a hint of pity in his eyes. Blake lets his pants and skins slide down fully hitting the floor. He was not showing any mercy and once again you were face to face with his testosterone.


His commands were becoming short, you were starting to be forced way out of your comfort zone and he just didn’t care.

“What happens if I don’t want to?”

“Oh, so you will suck Jay’s puny member but not mine aye? Nice try there ______, but not nice enough. Jay has told me everything you have done, in full detail-“

By this point you had stopped listening, you didn’t want to know what he was saying anymore. What you did with Jay was supposed to be yours and his secret.

“Blake, just shut up! I don’t want to hear about it anymore!”

“You will hear about this till I say no more. ______, I love you and I’m only doing this for your own good.”

His hard member is shoved in your mouth once again and you follow his order, swallowing it and rubbing his tip with your tongue.

This was getting ridiculous, what was his problem? All you did was simply flirt and have fun with another guy (Jay) after you two had broken up for a month, nearly two. Blake hadn’t even spoken to you for nearly the entirety of your break up. His jealousy was one of his big weak points, as soon as he couldn’t have you that were unacceptable; he wanted you more so than before. All guys played this game; you knew that, some just played rougher than others.

“Blake, if you loved me, you would leave me alone and stop hurting me over and over again. We are through! I broke up with because of your major ego and possessiveness. Even you know this isn’t true love. It’s just pure lust and a sick little game I’m not even playing.”

“_____, I remained faithful to you this whole time, not once touching or looking at another girl. And yet you lay here on the floor in front of me, pleading to me you remained innocent. Well you know what? I don’t buy it one bit.”

“Well you know what? You don’t own me; I’m not another one of your pets. So I don’t have to listen to what you say or comply with what you do. I’m over this and there is nothing you can do to stop me from walking out that door screaming!”

“Aha! Are you serious? You honestly believe anyone cares? Where are you going to run to? There’s nowhere to hide where I can’t find you. I could kidnap you and NO ONE would notice. You’re just that remember able.”

Blake pushes you up into the back right corner of the cubicle; he squishes you in with a big grin on his face.

“You honestly believe there is nothing I can do to stop you? You are a weakling. You are pathetic. You have no clue. You are just a nothing. Things can get way worse ______, and by the end I can guarantee you, you will be whimpering childishly on the floor, even worse than what you were before. No one gives a damn about you ______; no one even knows you exist anymore.”

With that thought lingering in the air, he smashes your shoulders into the corner and kicks your knees in, letting your head crash into the toilet seat. Your eyes close and roll back, no will power to try fighting the enclosing darkness, what use was it? He would win either way anyway. All you could do was let your body lay cold on the toilet floor, waiting for the next onslaught.