Status: Will be updated :)

I Don't Want You! Or Maybe I Do

Chapter One

I woke up to an arm wrapped around me, holding me close. I turned to face the person. I got out of the bed. ‘What was I doing here? God, I’m so stupid!’ I thought as I gathered my clothes, putting them on in a hurry. I quickly, yet quietly, walked out the door, down the hall and out of the house. I got into my car and drove home. Maybe if I got there quickly, she would notice I was gone. The house was silent when I walked through the door. Hopefully, she wasn’t awake. It appeared that God didn’t love me enough for that, though. The moment I closed the door, I heard a voice ask “Where were you?” “I went out for a walk.” I lied. Maybe she would believe me, seeing as some mornings I did get up and walk, to clear my head. “Wearing last night’s clothes? Nice try.” Damn. I turned around to face my best friend, and roommate, Cassandra. “Listen, Cass, I was out, alright?” “Out where? Your make up’s all smudged; your hair is a mess. Who were you with?” She asked. “Does it matter?” I asked, getting annoyed. Why couldn’t she just drop it? “Yes it does matter, Kate.” “Look, I really don’t want to talk about it, ok?” “Fine.” She gave up. Finally!

I walked into my room, looking in my mirror. She was right. My make up was smudged all over my face, I had obvious sex hair. I ran a shower, stripped off my clothes and got in, the warm water hitting my body. I got out after washing myself and wrapped a towel around me. I dried my blonde hair and ran a brush through it. I put on my white shirt and my black skinny jeans. I put on my make up and walked into the kitchen, pouring cereal into a bowl. Cassie soon joined me, turning on the tv to SpongeBob. “Can you please just tell me what happened last night?” She asked. I shook my head, my eyes fixed to the tv. “It can’t be that bad, Kate.” She said. Oh, it could be. My phone began to ring. “Hello?” I answered. “Hey sexy.” Said a voice on the other line, a voice I’d been dreading. “What do you want, Shaun?” I asked. Shaun was the one I had woken up beside this morning. “You.” I could pretty much hear his smirk through the phone. “Well it’s not happening.” I told him. “But Kate, it already has.” He’s smarter than he looks, but he’s still a dumbass. “Just leave me alone.” I told him, hanging up. “What did Shaun want?” She asked. I looked over at her.

“You didn’t.” She said. “I did.” I admitted, ashamed. “Is that why you didn’t want to tell me?” She asked. I nodded. “Oh, Katie, honey.” She said, hugging me. You see, Shaun was the local player. All the girls knew him, and most wanted to be one of the “lucky” girls he f*cked. Lucky, pfft, yeah right. All the guys wanted to be him, how typical. Shaun Diviney was the most envied and wanted guy around. Some people were so stupid! Even his past “victims”, as I like to call them, still want to f*ck him. He wasn’t even that good, really. Well, ok, he was, he was excellent! But I’m not going to let him know I think that. “You wait until I see him; he’s going to get the beating of his life!” Cass exclaimed. I laughed. Cassie always looked after me. “Leave some for me.” I said. She laughed too. “Well, I got to get to work, see you later.” She said, grabbing her keys and bag. “Bye.” I said, waving. I heard the door close. My phone vibrated. I had a text. “I know you want me, just admit it.” It was from Shaun. I shook my head and put my phone back on the bench.

There was a knock at the door. I opened it, revealing Michelle. “Hey Shelly.” I said, hugging her. “Hey Katie.” She hugged back. She was my other best friend. “So, how’s life?” She asked, as I invited her in. “Alright.” I told her. “I heard about what happened last night.” She turned to me. I froze. “What?” I asked. “Shaun’s already bragging.” We sat on the lounge. I shook my head. “Dickhead.” I muttered. “Yeah, he is.” She agreed.

-- 2 weeks later --

I was sitting around, watching tv, and eating ice cream. I had been craving ice cream lately, don’t ask me why. I heard the door open. “I’m back!” Cassie announced. “Good, I was getting bored.” I told her, as she walked into the room. “Entertain me.” I said. We looked at each other and laughed. “He tried calling again?” She asked me. I nodded, looking back at the tv. She shook her head, walking into her bed room. “He showed up at my work today.” She complained. “You work at a coffee shop, Cass.” I reminded her. “The best coffee shop.” She added. “Yeah, and everyone in town goes there. You were bound to see him sometime.” I informed her. “Yeah, but he tried to hit on me.” She whined. “Be glad he hasn’t screwed you.” She walked back out, sitting next to me. She had changed out of her uniform. “Yeah.” She grabbed the remote off me, and began flipping through the channels. “Ice cream again?” She asked. I nodded. “I felt like ice cream.” I told her. She looked at me. “What?” I asked. She got up, grabbed her keys and walked out the door. I heard her car start and drive away. “Or you could just not tell me, sure.” I muttered to myself.

It wasn’t long before she was back. She opened the door and threw a bag at me. It was a paper bag from the chemist. I looked up at her. “Go.” She said. I was confused. I opened it to find…a pregnancy test!? “Cass, I’m not pregnant.” I told her. “You’ve been craving ice cream, Katie. And you’ve been feeling sick in the mornings.” She pointed out. “Doesn’t mean I’m pregnant.” “Go.” She pointed down the hall. “Fine, just to prove you wrong.” I told her, getting up. I walked down the hall to the bathroom. I got the test out of the box. A few minutes I had to wait. I’m not pregnant, Cass is just being silly. “Done yet?” Cass asked. “Yeah, should be.” I told her, looking down at the test in my hand.