Status: Will be updated :)

I Don't Want You! Or Maybe I Do

Chapter Fourteen

-- Shaun's POV --

I walked out of the bedroom. I can't believe she did that. Maybe this is karma; God's way of getting back at me. I sat down on the couch, staring into space. I don't know how long I sat there for. Kate walked over to me.
"I'm so sorry. I love you." She whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. I didn't move, didn't say or do anything. I heard her sigh as she walked over to the door. After she walked out, I followed. I walked over to the car. I saw Belle was in the back. I opened the back door.
"Goodbye." I said, kissing her forehead. I still couldn't believe that Kate had done. Maybe this was because of me. Maybe I was a bad influence or something. My eyes were becoming watery. I walked back inside. I tried not to look at Kate, which took some self-control. I heard the car drive away as I walked up to our my room. I sighed as I collapsed onto the bed. I could smell Kate's scent on her pillow. I threw her pillow off the bed. I just wanted to forget about her, if only for a little while. I closed my eyes, sighing.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was morning. I must've fallen asleep. I looked at my phone. I had numerous missed calls; majority were from Kate, a few were Andy and one was Bradie. I ignored them all. I didn't want to talk to anyone. That was when I heard a knock on the door. Well, that lasted. I sighed, before getting up and walking downstairs. I opened the door to see the last person I wanted to...Andy.
"What are you doing here?" I growled at him.
"I want to talk to you." He said. I crossed my arms, glaring at him. "I know I'm gonna regret this..." I heard him mutter.
"You didn't see Kate this morning. You didn't see how much she regretted what she did. She loves you. So why the fuck would you kick her out? Cause I know you love her too. And, it's not like you're so fucking innocent. You've cheated on many times. She makes one mistake, and you won't even talk to her? What about all the times she fucking forgave you?"
"Fuck off." I growled at him.
"Truth hurts, doesn't it?" Andy asked.
"Fuck off." I repeated.
"Just go talk to her." Andy said.
"Why are you even here? Why do you even care?" I asked.
"Because...I love Kate. And even though she doesn't love me back, I still want her to be happy...even if it means that she's with you."
"You love Kate?" I asked. He nodded, looking at the ground.
"You arsehole!" I exclaimed, before my fist came into contact with his jaw. He looked shocked for a second, before attacking me back. It continued until we heard someone shout 'stop!' We looked over to see Kate.

-- Kate's POV --

Sometime during the morning, I decided I didn't want to mope around in my room any longer. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. I kept my head down, walking through street after street. When I did look up, I realised I'd walked to Shaun's house. I hadn't even meant to walk here. That was when I could hear yelling coming from inside the house. It sounded like Andy and Shaun. I walked up to the house to see Andy and Shaun, throwing punches at each other, looks of pure anger and hatred on their faces.
"Stop!" I yelled. They stopped, looking over at me. I walked up to them. They both scrambled to their feet, both looking at the ground. "What's going on?" I asked. Neither of them said a word. It was because of me. I walked up to Shaun, standing right in front of him. He wouldn't look at me. I touched his cheek gently, where a bruise had begun to form. He flinched at my touch. "Shaun?" I asked. He remained silent. I then walked over to Andy. I stood a few steps away from him. "Andy?" I asked. He didn't say anything either. "What happened?" I asked with my voice raised, getting annoyed now. Both boys looked at me, kind of shocked.They both glanced at each other before looking back at me.

I stood there with my arms crossed, glaring at the two.
"Andy said he loved you." Shaun told me quietly. I could hear the anger, the hatred, the jealousy in his voice. I looked over at Andy as I sighed. Andy walked past me, away from the house. What was with that? I looked over at Shaun.
"What did he say?" I asked. Shaun sighed, before telling me. "So, you hit him?" Shaun nodded, slightly ashamed. "Do you still love me?" I asked. He remained silent for a while. "Shaun?"
"Yes. But, it hurts." He answered.
"I know." I said quietly. I walked over closer to him.
"The why did you do it?" He asked.
"I don't know. It's not like I did it on purpose. I love you Shaun, and I don't want to hurt you. I was drunk and, I didn't realise what I was doing. I never meant to do it. I'm sorry. I love you." A single tear escaped from my eye. Shaun wiped away the tear, before placing a kiss on my cheek.
"I'm not mad at you Katie." He said. Well...I was, but not anymore. Because I realised this is exactly what I've done to you, time after time. I guess it's just karma. It's God's way of telling me to fix myself before I lose everything I care about: you and Belle." I smiled slightly, as he smiled a small smile back. He pulled me into a hug.

Shaun drove me back to mum's place, where I got my things and Belle. I thanked Mum for taking me in, and quickly left with Shaun.
"I'm never drinking again." I stated. Shaun laughed at me.
"I'm glad to hear it, but it won't me." The drive back was quiet. The only sound was the radio playing, and Shaun singing along occasionally. He had a good voice, I had to admit it. He held my hand the whole drive back. When we got back, I got all of my bags and took them backup to our room. I then had to begin unpacking. Why'd I take everything with me?

When I finally finished, I walked down stairs. I saw Shaun sitting on the lounge, eyes closed. Sitting on his lap was Belle. I smiled, before walking over and picking Belle up. I sat on Shaun's lap, before placing Belle on my own. Shaun stirred, before opening his eyes. He'd been sleeping.
"Lazy butt." I muttered. He mumbled something, but I couldn't understand. His arms wrapped around me. The door then swung open. We both looked at it confused, as a young woman walked through the front door. She had her phone to her ear, chatting away. Who's she? Shaun held me closer. She finally hung up her phone, before looking at us.
"Shaunie!" She cried, before glaring at me. "Who's she?" She asked.
"She's my girlfriend, Bethany." He answered. I smiled. "What are you doing here?" He growled.
"I came to see you baby. Did you miss me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
So much drama.