Status: Will be updated :)

I Don't Want You! Or Maybe I Do

Chapter Two

"No." I thought. There it was, a little pink positive sign. "What is it?" Cass asked. I just stared at the test. "Katie?" I opened the door and showed her the test. "Oh Katie, I'm sorry." She said, pulling me into a hug. "It's ok, it's not your fault. It's that stupid mother f*cking slut's fault." I said. My eyes were slightly watery. "What are you gonna do?" She asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea what there was to do. I threw the test in the bin and walked out the front door. I continued walking, no idea where I was going. What was I going to do? I could get an abortion. No! I wasn't gonna get an abortion just because some dickhead couldn't keep it in his pants. I couldn't get rid of the baby. A car pulled up beside me. "Katie, come on." The voice said. I turned to see Michelle in the car. I got in. "Cass told me, you ok?" She asked. I shook my head. "I don't know what to do." I said, my eyes beginning to water again.

"Don't worry, we'll think of something." She said, pulling over. Cass got in the back seat. I hadn't noticed we were back home. Michelle drove off again. "Um, where are we going?" I asked. Neither of them answered. "Cass? Michelle?" Still no answer. "Where are we going!?" They pulled up outside a house. A very familiar house. "Oh no." I said. "Oh, come on." They said. "Nope." I crossed my arms. I refused to move from the seat. "Ok, fine, if you won't get out of the car..." Cass walked up to the door and knocked. I glared over at her, while she just smiled innocently. The door opened. Minutes later, Shaun and Cass walked towards me. I got out of the car and walked away from them. "Kate!" I heard Cass and Michelle yell. Footsteps ran towards me. I turned to see Shaun running towards me. "F*ck off." I said once he caught up.

"I knew you'd be back for more." He smirked, winking at me. "Oh, I can tell you, that is NOT why I'm here." I told him, annoyed. "Whatever, you so want me." I shook my head. My phone vibrated. "Tell him." It read. I stopped and turned to see Cass and Michelle giving me the thumbs up. I turned to look up at Shaun, his blue/grey eyes looking into my brown ones. "I'm pregnant." I simply said. He stared at me, shocked. "What?" He asked. "I'm pregnant." I repeated. He averted his eyes from mine. I turned around and walked back to Cass and Michelle. "Well?" They asked. "I told him, let's go." I said. I got in the car. They looked at each other, then over at Shaun (who hadn't moved). They got in the car and started it, driving away. My phone vibrated. "Is it mine?" It was from Shaun. "Yes." I replied. "What did he say?" Cass asked, breaking the silence. "Nothing." I answered, looking out the window. "He asked if it was his." When we got home, I got straight out of the car, unlocked the door, went into my room and lay on the bed, falling asleep.

When I woke up, it was getting dark. I looked at my clock, 6:05pm. I looked at my phone. I had gotten a text. "I wanna be apart of the child's life." It read. I walked out to see Cass watching the Simpsons. "Look at what happened cause we went to see him." I said, handing her my phone. "Well, at least you won't be a single mother." She looked up at me. "Not helpful." I said, taking back my phone. I sat beside her, sighing. "Well, I hopefully won't see him much. Maybe just every month for my ultrasound." "Hey, when can you have your first ultrasound?" I asked. "When the baby is 1 month. So, 2 weeks away." I told her. "So, you won't have to see Shaun for another 2 weeks?" She asked. "Hopefully."

-- 2 weeks later --

I had just pulled up to the doctors. I saw Shaun leaning against his car. I sighed, getting out of the car. I walked over to him. "Let's just get this over with." I said, walking through the doors. He smirked, walking with me. We walked up to the front desk. Moments later, I heard "Kate Harrison?" "That's me." I said. I walked down the hallway with the doctor into a room. Shaun followed. "Hello, I'm Dr. Lars." She said. "Hi." "Shaun." He introduced himself, shaking her hand and winking at her. She blushed a little. "Ok, so today, we're just going to take some blood and have a look at your baby." She said. Oh great, a blood sample. Dr. Lars came back with a needle. I looked at it nervously. "Don't worry." Said the doctor. "You won't feel a thing." I was still uneasy about it, though. She looked over at Shaun. "Can you distract her?" 'If Shaun comes anywhere near me, I swear I'll...' I thought before he came over to me, sitting beside me. "Kate, look at me." After a few seconds, I took my eye off the needle and looked at him.

He stared into my eyes, while I looked into his. "Alright, all done." I looked away. Dr Lars walked out of the room, returning moments later. "Ok, now if you could get on the bed." I got on and lifted up my shirt, exposing my stomach. She squeezed the blue goo onto my stomach. It was cold. I shivered. I looked at the screen. "There, is your baby." She said, pointing at a spot on the screen. "Really?" Shaun asked. "Uh huh." A tear was in my eye. There was my baby. "Well, from what I can see, your baby looks fine." She said. "Just like you." Shaun muttered. She blushed again. "Would you like a picture?" She asked. I nodded. Shaun stared at her as she walked out to get the picture.

"Here you go." She said, handing me the photo. "Thank you." I went out to the front desk to make an appointment for next month. Shaun followed. "So, when do we come back?" He asked. "Why does it matter? You're not coming." I said. "What? Why not? That's my child too." "I don't care." I walked out. "Why can't I come?" "Because you don't even care about the baby, all you care about is the possibility of getting it on with Dr. Lars." I walked over to my car and got it. "I'm still coming." "Whatever." I started the car and drove away. God, he was so annoying! When I got home, Cass had just gotten home from work. "Hey, how was it?" She asked. "Oh, good, besides the fact that Shaun couldn't stop flirting with the doctor." I complained. "Aww, is someone jealous?" She asked. "What? NO! I don't care who he flirts with. But, did he have to while I was seeing the baby? Our baby." I sat on the lounge."Well, he probably could've picked a better time." "Probably?" I asked, looking at her. "Ok, he definitely could've picked a better time, happy?" I nodded. My phone went off in my pocket. "look, I'm sorry, ok? When's the next appointment?" Shaun. I knew I was going to regret this, but I replied "I'll tell you when, closer to the date." "cool." "So, can I see the baby?" She asked. I nodded, passing her the picture. She just smiled, passing it back. I smiled as I looked at the picture too.