Status: Will be updated :)

I Don't Want You! Or Maybe I Do

Chapter Eight

-- 5 and a half months later --

I kept running, never stopping, never looking back. My breath was heavy, I was exhausted, but I pushed myself forward. Don't stop running. Voices yelled after me. Keep going.My legs felt like jelly, ready to give out at any point. The voices got quieter and further away. Once I could no longer hear them, I turned around. No one was there. I sighed and sat on a bench in a park. It was unfamiliar to me. I hadn't realised how far I'd run 'til then. I was ages away from "home". Not that I could call it that. Home was where your heart was. My heart was never there. It was a house, nothing more. It would never be my home. Bruises were forming on my arms and stomach. Nothing I wasn't used to. I couldn't go back, not again. I was sick of the beatings, the yelling, the lack of love. I didn't know where I could go though. Anywhere but there. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed the only number I could: mum's.
"Hello?" She asked, tiredly. I hadn't noticed the time. It was late.
"Mum, it's me." I told her.
"Katie, honey, where are you? Your father called, saying you'd run away." She sounded worried.
"I don't know where I am. I'm at a park, that's all I know. Mummy, I'm scared." I said.
"Oh, Katie, it's ok. I'll find you. Was anything familiar?" She asked me. I looked around. Across the road was a shopping centre. I remembered going there last time I saw my mum. I didn't live with her. I lived with my so-called "father" and his wife; my "step-mum".

"Remember the shops you took me to I last saw you?" I asked her.
"Yes, I do."
"I'm at the park across from there." I told her. "Ok, I'm on my way now. I'll be there soon. Bye." She said.
"Bye mummy." I hung up, putting my phone away. I waited, and waited, until I finally saw her car. She got out and walked over to me. I couldn't get up, the pain in my legs was too much. There were bruises beginning to show on them too.
"Did he do this?" She asked, referring to my "dad". I nodded. "Honey, it's ok. You don't have to see him ever again, I promise." She said, hugging me. I cried into her shoulder. When she made a promise, she kept it. Especially when it was a promise to me. Mum had always looked out for me. It felt as if she was the only person who cared for me. "Come on, let's go home." She said, as we began walking to her car. Her phone rung repeatedly the whole car trip.In the end, it annoyed her so much, she finally answered. "What do you want?" She asked furiously, venom dripping in every word she spoke. It scared me, to be honest. I'd never seen her like this. She didn't talk much, or for long. "Never call this number again. Never talk to me, or Katie, ever again!" Mum yelled, hanging up her phone straight after.


I woke up to Shaun looking at me oddly.
"What?" I asked him, sleepily.
"You were talking in your sleep and, at times, you were crying." He explained.
"Just a nightmare." I told him, cuddling into his arms. That's a lie. It wasn't a nightmare, it was a memory from when I was 12. I remember that day clearly. My mum had kept her promise though, I hadn't seen my "father" since.
"Are you ok?" He asked me. I nodded. My phone rung. I climbed out of Shaun's arms to answer it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Katie, hello." A familiar voice said through the phone.
"Mum?" I asked.
"Yes Katie, it's me." She answered, laughing slightly. I hadn't spoken to her in a while, since before I was pregnant. That means she didn't know. "How is everything?" She asked.
"I'm pregnant." I told her.
"Seriously? And you didn't tell me sooner? How far? Girl or boy? Who's the father?" She asked. I laughed at her.
"Yes, seriously. 8 and a half months along. Girl." I told her.
"Congratulations!" She said.
"Wait...8 and a half months? You're almost due?!" She asked.
"Yes mum." I told her.
"Well, I have to come visit. I could fly down as soon Saturday." She said. I had to start talking, before she could continue. If she did, she wouldn't be able to stop.
"Mum, that'd be great." I said.
"Well then, I'll book the ticket." I could tell she was smiling. "But you're in trouble for not telling me sooner, missy." She said.
"Ooh, I'm so scared." I joked.
"Well, I should probably go. But I will call you once I have the ticket and everything booked. Bye." She said.
"See you mum." I said, hanging up.

"You didn't tell your mum you were pregnant until now?" He asked me. I nodded.
"She's gonna kill me." I said. He laughed with me.
"What was that nightmare about?" He asked. I had hoped he wouldn't ask. I thought he'd forgotten. I sighed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want." He said, kissing my cheek.
"It wasn't a nightmare, more of a...memory." I began. "From when I was 12. It was about the last time I saw my dad. He use to abuse me, along with his wife, my step-mum." He looked at me shocked. "I had run away. They tried to chase me, but I was faster. I ended up at a park, and I called my mum, and she found me. She promised me I'd never have to see them again. And I haven't. I don't want to." I told him.He looked kind of...angry.
"How could someone do that to their own child?" He asked. I shrugged. He hugged me. "I'd never hurt out know that, don't you?" He asked. I nodded.
"You don't seem like the type." I explained.
"The type?" He asked, curiosity in his voice.
"They drink, cheat, smoke, don't care for anyone but themselves, get angry at the simplest things...some do drugs." I listed. "You're too caring and loving to do anything he did." I told him. He smiled, kissing me.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said, kissing him this time.

-- 1 week later --

Shaun and I were at the airport, waiting for my mum. Shaun was a little tense, nervous about meeting her.
"Relax. She'll love you, don't worry." I assured him, kissing his cheek. The plane had just landed, and people began pouring out. I watched, keenly, waiting for the woman I would recognise as my mother. She was one of the last people to walk through the doors. I hadn't seen her in so long. I ran over to her, Shaun walking cautiously behind me. We embraced in a hug. "Hi mum." I said, a big smile on my face.
"Hello Katie." She said, her smile exactly like mine. She then saw Shaun behind me. "Is he the father?" She asked me. I nodded. She smiled warmly at him. "Hello." She said. "I'm Nikita."
"Hello, I'm Shaun." He said, putting his hand out. She shook it, still smiling. He relaxed a little, smiling also. My mum's smiles were contagious. By the time we arrived at the hotel mum would be staying at, we were all laughing, smiling and talking. She checked into her room, and we left.
"See, I told you there was nothing to worry about. She loves you." I told him. He just smiled at me. When we got home, a car was parked outside. Shaun looked at it curiously.
"I wonder whose car it could be." He said. But I knew. Tears were in my eyes, but I would not cry. I had already cried enough because of them. "Kate, you okay?" He asked. I nodded, wiping my eyes. He put an arm around me.A man stood by the front door of our house. A familiar man.


Shaun and I got out of the car and walked up to the man. I held Shaun's hand as tightly as I could. The man looked directly at me.
"Katie? Is that you?" He asked. I nodded, still clinging to Shaun.
"Who are you?" Shaun asked.
"I'm Harry; Kate's father." The man told him. Shaun immediately put his arm around me, glaring at him. My "father" looked at me. "Katie, you've grown up so much. I haven't seen you since..." He started, before Shaun cut him off.
"Since she never wanted to see you again." Harry looked shocked.
"I don't know what you've been told, but I can't see why she'd never want to see me again. I'm her father."
"Not much of one, I've heard." Shaun muttered. Harry looked angry.
"Kate, come here. Give your dad a hug." He put his arms out. I shook my head, scared of what he'd do. I may have grown up, but I was still scared of him...just a little. He put his arms down after realising I wasn't going to hug him. "I'm a changed man, Katie." He said.
"Don't call me Katie." I told him.
"But, that's your name." He reminded me.
"No. My name is Kate. Only people I love and trust are allowed to call me Katie." I said.
"And who would they be?" He asked, anger hiding in his eyes.
"Mum and Shaun, mainly." He glared at Shaun. Shaun, on the other hand, never stopped glaring. "I want you to leave." I said quietly, but he hadn't seemed to have heard.
"You're having a baby?" He asked.
"Obviously." Shaun said.
"I'd watch your mouth." Harry warned.
"Or what? You'll hit me...just like you used to hit Kate?" He asked.
"I am a changed man! I'd never harm anyone." Harry raised his voice.
"People like you never change. Leave. NOW!" Shaun was getting angry too. Harry's hands were balled into fists.
"Please." I added. He looked over at me with a look I used to get all the time. It still scared me. It was the look I got before he hit me. He began walking, but not before grabbing my arm and whispering 'I'll be back.' He let me go and continued, getting in his car and driving away. Tears were in my eyes. Shaun hugged me.
"It's okay, I won't let him hurt you." He assured me.


"I can't stay here. Not while he's around." I told Shaun. He nodded, understanding.
"Do you want to stay with your mum?" He asked me. I nodded.
"Will you stay with us too?" I asked.
"If you want me to, of course." He said. So, we walked inside and packed our stuff. I called mum.
"Hello?" She answered.
"Mum. Dad's here." I said.
"What do you mean?" She asked. I could tell she was a little scared too. She had taken me away from him. He'd want to hurt her too.
"He found me. He showed up at mine and Shaun's house. Can we stay with you?" I asked.
"Of course, honey. He won't find you here." She said. After a few more minutes or talking, we hung up. Shaun was packing the car. I put my arms around him. He did the same.
"She's fine with it." I told him. He nodded.
"Are you scared?" He asked.
"Just a little." I told him, barely above a whisper. He held me tight.
"I won't let him anywhere near you." He assured me. I nodded, resting my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head.

-- Nikita's POV --

After I hung up the phone, there was a knock at the door. Curious as to who it could be, I made my way to the door, opening it wide. Big mistake. It was Harry, his eyes filled with anger, hatred and many more emotions that I couldn't place. My eyes were wide with fear.
"You took Kate away from me." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. I didn't answer, for I was frozen in fear. I remember the last time I'd seen him. It was years ago, before I took Kate away. It was so similar to the way he treated Kate when they last saw each other (excluding today). It was why I took her away from her. I understood what she had to go through. She didn't deserve the treatment, especially as she was a child.
"Why would you do that?!" He asked furiously.
"She deserved better than the way you treated her. She was a child! I knew what it was like, and I never wanted that for her. She asked to leave. She didn't want to see you...ever again!" I almost yelled. He looked at me shocked for a second, before recomposing himself.
"She wouldn't ask for that. She loved me. You took her from me." He said, so sure of himself.
"She never wanted to be around you." I assured him. His hand made contact with the side of my face. "I'm not scared of you anymore." I told him, pushing him away from me.
"Still as stubborn as ever." He said, attempting to hit me again. I caught his arm, pinning it behind his back. I pushed him against the wall. "Mum?" Kate asked, from the door, which was still open. She walked inside, along with Shaun, to see what was happening.
"Did you really never want to see me again?" He asked. He sounded hurt. She nodded.
"You hurt me dad. I didn't want that anymore." She told him, talking so quietly that even I barely heard her. I let him go, backing away from him quickly.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you." He said.
"But you did..." She told him, once again barely audible. "Please leave." She said, this time a little louder. He looked angry again, lunging at Kate. Shaun was quicker, moving her out of the way. Harry ended up lunging at Shaun. Both men fell to the ground. Harry punched Shaun in the jaw. Shaun retaliated, kneeing him in the stomach, pushing Harry off him. I pulled Kate away from them further.
"STOP!" She yelled, resulting in both men stopping and looking up at her.

Both stood up, brushing themselves off. Both were injured a little. Shaun walked over to Kate. She lightly kissed a few places where he'd been hurt. He just hugged her, apologising for his actions. We all turned to Harry.
"Please leave." I said. He nodded, turned around and walked out. But we all knew it wasn't the last time we would see him. After a few hours, Kate and Shaun decided they'd have no better luck avoiding him here than at their house. So, they went back. Not that I minded. There was more of a chance of him coming here. Kate wasn't sure about leaving me here alone though. I assured her that I'd be fine, and if he showed up again I'd call her. She always did worry too much.

-- Kate's POV --

"I hope mum'll be okay." I said aloud. Shaun laughed at me.
"Did you see her when we walked in? She'll be fine." I joined in laughing.
"Yeah, I guess so." We pulled up outside the house. The door was open.
"Did you leave it open?" We both asked at the same time. We both walked up to the door, cautiously. A girl appeared in the doorway. She had short, blonde hair and was very pretty. I had to admit, I was a little jealous. But...what was she doing here? She smiled at Shaun, running over to him, leaping into his arms. She greeted him with a kiss.I could feel my heart break. She pulled away from him. He looked shocked. She then looked at me, glared and asked
"Who is she?" I was shocked.
"Who am I? Who are you? What are you doing here?"
"I have a key. Shaun told me to come over whenever I needed...entertainment." She showed me the key. I looked over at Shaun. He'd put her down by now.
"Katie..." He started.
"Don't call me that." I told him. How could he do this to me?
"I swear, it's not what it seems like. Just let me explain." He said. I shook my head, turning around and walking out the door. He followed me. "Kate...don't do this. Let me explain." I wouldn't listen to him. I didn't want to. He'd hurt me already. I was sick of hurting. Everyone I ever got close to hurt me. Everyone except for my mum. She was the only person I'd ever been able to trust. The other girl followed Shaun, pulling on his arm.
"Let her go...she doesn't love you like I do." Oh, how she was wrong...even though I wished she was right. I didn't want to love him. He stopped following me. I looked back for a second. He had such regret and hurt in his eyes. No, it's all a lie. Don't stop. I was nothing to him. I kept walking. I kept going until I couldn't see him anymore. But...then I felt odd. My water broke. I thought of the only person to call (who I'd want to); Cass. It wasn't long before she came, but to me it felt like forever.
"Why didn't you call Shaun?" was the first thing she said to me. I explained. "I'm really sorry about this then." She said, before calling him, telling him what was happening. If I wasn't in the state I was in, she'd be dead.

-- Shaun's POV --

Kate just kept on walking. I stopped, knowing she wasn't going to listen. I turned back to Josie.
"Why did you do that?" I asked.
"I miss you. I want you back. And you deserve better than her anyway." She answered. I looked at her like she was crazy.
"I don't want you back. That's why we broke up. And that was 4 years ago! And, she was better than I deserved." I said. After I sent her away, I went back inside. The moment I walked through the door, my phone rang. In the hope it was Kate, I answered immediately. It wasn't. It was Cass. I was in for it now...and I hadn't even done anything. "Cass, I swear to god I didn't do anything. It's all a big misunderstanding." I said quickly, before she could say anything.
"I'm sure it is...and you can discuss that with her later. But right now, I have to take her to the hospital. Her water broke. Tell her mum and come to the hospital." And with that, she hung up.

-- 10 hours later --

Nikita, Michelle and I were sitting in the waiting room, as we had been for hours. Cass was with Kate. They refused to let me in, as only one person could be with her. That, and Kate didn't want me in there. My eyelids were heavy, I was battling just to keep awake. But I wouldn't sleep. Michelle had gone to sleep a while ago, and Nikita was almost asleep. Until Cass came in, smiling. She woke up Nikita and Michelle.
"Only one person in at a time. Nikita, you go first." Cass said. Nikita went in as Cass sat in her seat. Michelle went in next. It felt like forever until Michelle walked out.
"I didn't tell her you were here. But I told her someone else was going in. Kate's pretty tired, so she shouldn't give you that hard a time." Michelle said.
"Thanks." I said, before I walked through the doors, making my way to her room. Kate's eyes were closed. She looked so tired. In her arms, she held our daughter. I walked over towards them both. She looked up at me. She had my eyes. She was so small. Kate stirred a little.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, sounding annoyed and angry, but most of all tired.
"I want to explain what happened today." I said.
"I don't want to talk to you." She said stubbornly.
"Well listen, please." She glared at me, but didn't speak anymore. "That was Josie, my ex. I broke up with her 4 years ago. She was really clingy, and a little crazy. She still is, obviously. She never was one for dealing with things well. I swear to god, nothing is going on between her and I. I love you...and I never want to hurt you." I said. Her expression softened. "Can I hold her?" I asked. She nodded, handing her over to me carefully. "Hello." I said quietly to her. She reached her hand up to my face. It brought a smile to my face. Even Kate was smiling.
"I haven't named her yet. I wanted to discuss that with you." She said. I couldn't stop staring at this little life we'd created. And yes, I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. She was beautiful, and she needed a name to match. "Belle." I said. Kate smiled. I knew she'd like that name. She nodded.
"Belle Louise?" She asked. I smiled at Kate, nodding.
"Belle Louise" I said, looking back at her. I sat with Belle and Kate for a while, until the nurses kicked me out, as it was "after visiting hours". I left with the biggest smile imaginable on my face.