A Cherry Sunset

Pessimisms + Optimisms

“Hey Nanna!” I smiled wide as I gently wrapped my arms around the fragile woman.

She laughed and hugged me back. “I’m not a china doll, Emily.” She chided and I giggled myself as I squeezed her. “That’s better. Now tell me how you’ve been. How was that tour thing you went on?”

I sat down in the seat across from her and bit my bottom lip. “It was fun. I got to see a lot of my old friends and I even made some new ones.”

“That’s good, dear. But why is it you’re blushing? Did something happen?” My grandmother had never been one to miss anything, but her pointing out my blush only made my cheeks go redder as I tried to hide my face. “Oh, tell me Emily. You know how boring it is in this place. I need a bit of excitement.”

“It’s nothing, really.” I shook my head and bit my lip harder.


“I met a guy.” I blurted out and then smiled as she laughed.

“That’s where this new glow around you came from.” She nodded and then gave me that look that said I’d better explain some more.

“He’s great, Nanna.” I smiled softly as I brought Oliver’s grinning face up in my mind. “He’s sweet and kind.”

“Well, why didn’t you bring him with you?” She asked incredulously and I giggled as she shook her head. “I would love to meet him, Emily. What’s his name?”

“Oliver and I’d love you to meet him too Nanna.” I could just imagine her reaction of first seeing him. “But he’s at home right now, in England.” I sighed and frowned.

“That’s a long ways away.”

“I know.”

“It takes a lot of effort to make a long distance relationship work too, Emily. You know, your grandfather and I were apart for the first seven months of our marriage.”

“Seven months?”

“Yes, your grandfather was in the army. He was overseas too, during World War II. It was hard without him, but we made it. I would write to him every other day and he would try to write as often as he could.” She smiled sadly as she reached over and took my hand in hers. “I’m sure you and Oliver can make things work, dear.”

I smiled and squeezed her hand. “Maybe.” I still wasn’t convinced, but I couldn’t tell her that. She was always so optimistic and tsked at my pessimistic outlook on everything.

“Do you have a picture? I’d like to see what he looks like.”

I bit my bottom lip. “I’ve got some back at the hotel. How about I bring them tomorrow when I come to visit?”

“Tomorrow would be great, but don’t forget we’re going to your parents for dinner.” I rolled my eyes and tried to keep my disgust inside. “Your mother is very excited to see you, sweetheart.”

“I doubt that.” I muttered and she gave me a stern look. I sighed. “I meant that I’m … interested in seeing her too.” I struggled with words that wouldn’t be too harsh. “It’s been a long time.”

“It has. We miss you so much, Emily. Why don’t you move back here?”

“I have a job in New York, Nanna. A good one.” I frowned. Usually I added how much I loved my job, but I couldn’t bring myself to do that this time.

“I know. Maybe some other day.” She nodded and stared out the window.

“You should come visit me sometime, Nanna. You’d love Central Park and Madison Square Garden. The whole city is just beautiful.”

“I’ll make you a deal, Emily.” I giggled as she grinned.

“What’s the deal?”

“You bring Oliver over and I’ll come visit the both of you there.”

I bit my lip and nodded. “Okay, Nanna. It’s a deal.” I grinned too as I imagined Oliver and my grandmother both in New York with me. It would make life simply perfect.

“Good. Now let’s get some lunch. I think the cafeteria has some kind of pasta dish today. You still refusing to eat meat?”

“Yes m’am.”

“It’s a no wonder you’re so thin, Emily. Are you making sure to take the vitamin’s I suggested for you?”

“Every morning, Nanna. My health is just fine.”

“I’m proud of you, dear. You’re such a strong person, always standing up for what you believe.”

“Thanks, Nanna.” I smiled as we left her room and started down the hallway. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it. The least I could do was give a few hours of attention to her without distractions, even if it was Oliver who was calling.
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maybe I should mention here that this story has a really slow start. I swear it's about to pick up though. soon. with some more Oliver : ) thoughts?