‹ Prequel: It's So Wrong
Status: I have some really good ideas for this ^-^ Comments would help

It's So Right

Where's the fire? You've become the rain

Pages ruffled as I flicked through my magazine, occasionally letting out a sigh of disinterest to break the silence. I was bored, but I couldn’t sleep; too worried about Lucifer. Said boy was sleeping soundly in my bed, completely engulfed by the covers. He must be completely shattered; he’s only woken up once since he passed out in the alley, and that was only because of my silly mother’s questions.

It was now roughly three AM, last time I checked. Lucifer hadn’t woken up; I hadn’t slept. There was nowhere for me to sleep really; although I have a double bed, I don’t want to creep Lucifer out in the morning when he wakes up to find me in bed with him.Although that would be nice

Plus, I don’t think he’d appreciate my version of nightclothes-naked, unless it was particularly cold, then I slept in boxers. What? My mom has the heating up ridiculously high.
I twirled in my computer chair until I was dizzy, trying to decide what to do. I was so ridiculously bored, I was finding it hard to think of something to interest me.

Eventually, I thought of something. Well, not really…more “stumbled upon”. I laid my head down on my desk to try and attempt some rest, when my cheek met the cold plastic of my laptop. Pulled it out and switched it on, fingers tapping a repeated drumbeat on the side.

“C’mon, c’mon….Stupid piece of shit…” This laptop is so old and slow. It’s good I don’t get computer rage, otherwise the hunk of useless-ness would’ve been flung out of the window ages ago.

“Ah!” That was the sound of relief I made when MSN finally popped up. Someone must be up now…


Almost a second later, the screen flashed once, indicating that someone actually wanted to talk to me.

Krystal-James-Gay as Fuck Don’t Hate ;] says:
Why are you up? O.o Shouldn’t you be having some “fun” right now? Or better yet, asleep?

I sighed and shook my head, trying not to laugh, before quickly keying in a reply. As always, Krystal had a humorous screen name, but it was true this time. He really is the campest guy you’ll probably ever meet. Scared of naked girls, adores glitter and pink… the full works.

Luke-If It Matters At All says:
I can’t sleep. I don’t know what you mean Krys, Lucifer’s asleep still. Why are you up anyway?

I waited a few moments, the laptop’s fan the only sound in the room, before the icon that indicated Krys was writing flashed up, a message following soon after.

Krystal-James-Gay as Fuck. Don’t Hate ;] says:
Late with homework, as usual. Are you sure? Is there something you’re not telling me Lukey? ;D

WHY DOES HE DO THIS??! Sure, I know he would…”utilise” the situation to his advantage if he was me…But I’m not like that. Lucifer deserves better. He’s broken enough as it is without someone running their hands all over his bruised and beaten body. And I was going to help him, even if that’s the last thing I do. Friends first, the rest…well, we’re going cross that bridge when we get to it. Baby steps.

Or, just take a different route and not cross the bridge at all…either way.

Luke-If It Matters At All says:
Krys! Behave! Wait…Since when did YOU do homework?

Art was the only response I got, and it was the only response I needed. I quickly said my goodbyes, logging off and shutting the laptop. It was best to just let Krystal be when he was drawing.

I stole a glance over at the bed; my heart felt like it was doing backflips at every rise and fall of the quilt covers. Hell, it was doing a whole gymnastic course.

There was a real, living, breathing person in my bed! And I don’t mean that in a creepy, recluse never-seen-the-light-of-day kind of way. It’s just that that person is Lucifer…and…well….it was me that saved his life!

I started to think, about anything and everything. Problem is, when I think, I worry and all sorts of frantic thoughts are dragged up from the furthest recesses of my brain. What was going to become of Lucifer? Would he still get bullied? How will he react when he wakes up in my bed??

Hell, will he even want to be friends??Maybe more

Lucifer sighed softly, and all thought processes ceased.

Maybe I should just wait and see what happens in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry this is so short ^^; I have some of the next chapter written out, but updates after that may be slow.

-TheTallOne xx Leave some love ;]