I've Had Nargels as Boyfriends, Don't Be a Nargel Zacky Vengeance!

Smackdown V Raw 2009 Chapter Fourteen

“So you guys are ditching California to tramp all across the country?” Johnny asks me as I tap my fingers against my jean pockets.

“Tramp, really? So you guys tramp too?” I ask raising an eyebrow and earning laughter from Jimmy, Brian and Matt. We’re all standing or sitting, lounging in our apartment, waiting on Sierra.

“When did you come up with this plan?” They got here like ten minutes ago, I’ve been doing my best to try an occupy them.

“This morning when we got up, Sierra was telling me how she wants to quit school and just take a break. And I’m definitely all for it.”

“What? She’s fucking quitting school?” Johnny stutters and his eyes slightly bulge.

“Well so am I. It’s a waste of time at the moment, we aren’t going anywhere with it.”

“My parent’s are going to kill her.” Did I mention I don’t know when to stop talking? Because I really don’t, things slip all the time. I tend to break the news to people when I’m not the one meant to do the breaking. That’s a good quality in a doctor.

“She’s an adult; she has the option of thinking for herself and taking care of herself.”

“Do you always stick up for her this much?” Johnny asks with a small hint of annoyance. This feels like an A and B conversation and the rest of the guys are just watching us as a TV for entertainment.

“Would you guys want any company?” Matt asks breaking up that A and B thing. His question totally throws me off and it takes me a minute to understand what he is proposing.

“Um, well I can ask her when she gets back.”

“Do you ask her permission for everything?” Johnny asks and I’m not sure if he’s being sarcastic or not with the tad bit of attitude I hear behind it.

“No I don’t, but this consists us both.” With that the conversation in the room fell, the radio is playing today’s current rock tracks and I mumble along. This isn’t going too great, I feel like the fresh meat. Stupid fresh meat…

After a few minutes of no one saying anything, “Are you sure you’re okay?” breaks up through the radio. It’s on the other side of the door and a few seconds later it opens with Sierra and Zacky walking in through it. He has his arm around her while she is clinging to him almost dangerously. And I look at her face to see her makeup smeared down her cheeks and her eyes red with dryness.

“What the hell happened!” I yell in unison with Johnny, immediately balancing my weight out on my feet to rush over to her side.

“The gas station where she was shopping happened to get robbed while she was…well, shopping.” Zacky says, moving his arm so I can hug her.

“Are you okay?!” I ask, pulling her in really close. I’m pretty sure I cut off her oxygen for a few good seconds.

“Yeah I’m fine, it was just really startling.” I sigh in relief, that she’s physically okay and hug her once more before backing off a bit to let her catch a breath.

“Think we can leave tomorrow?” She whispers and I practically cut her off with ‘fucking of course’.

“Did you go to the station with her?” I ask Zacky as he takes a step to let Johnny and the rest of the guys hug her.

“No, she called me right after.” I mouth ‘oh’ and a slight noise resembling the word comes out.

“I kind of just want to rest, can we hang later?” She asks us and we all say yeah at about the same time.

“Want me to stay over?” I ask her after Jimmy, Brian and Johnny walked out the door.

“No it’s alright. I’m fine, I’m just going to hang with Zack, maybe watch a movie. Why don’t you go spend some needed time with Matt?” She says smiling her silly smile that I love. I nod and tell her bye, hugging her extremely tight. I make sure to tell her that she must call me if she needs anything, no matter what time it is; even though she already knows this.

“Love you, talk to you later.” I say as I walk out of the door.

“Want to go back to my place?” Matt asks, sliding his arm around my shoulders to bring me into a side hug.

“That sounds good.”

We get into his car and almost silently drive to his house, the only noise in the car is the air and the radio.

“So a movie?”

“How about that game system over there, whatcha’ have?” I ask, raising an eyebrow and a smile.

“You play?”

“Fuck yeah! Well, depends what you have.” So we sat on his floor flipping through games for about fives minutes until I picked Smackdown Vs Raw 2009. He popped it in the ps2 and I sat back on the couch with a wireless control.

“You’re going down.”

“Talking shit or you going to back that up?”

“Maybe…I’m not sure. I always play by myself.”

“One player? Then maybe you have what it takes.”

“No, two controllers, I’d just go back and forth between them and make my person win.” I admit and laugh at the expression on his face when I turn to look at him. There’s a click of buttons as we go through menus and choose our characters.

“You fucking suck, how the hell did you win?!”

“I occasionally played with other people.” I say smugly after I beat him in our forty five minute hardcore match. I set my controller down on the end table as Matt goes and shuts down the system, I don’t think he wants to lose again.

“We should have played one of the older games, then we could have wrestled in lingerie and you could really be embarrassed.”

“Why are you so mean?” He asks dramatically, sitting down and facing me, his muscled arm stretching out across the back of the couch, his fingers brushing my shoulders.

“I’m not mean!” I shout in defense and tap his chest with my palm.

“Yeah you are but that’s okay. I think I can handle it.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask and at the moment the word yeah is out of my mouth his lips press against mine. I kiss him back without thinking about it. I like the way his lips touch mine, I like the feel of them and I like the way they fit together. Not even a minute of kissing him and he pulls away, his hand soothing out the tee shirt I’m wearing.

“Sorry,” He breathes, looking into my eyes and they take me back. They’re so beautiful; I really like looking into them. “It was just so tempting to do that again.”

“Don’t be sorry,” I whisper, touching his face with my small hand and placing my lips against his. I like him, I like kissing him and I don’t want to stop. And I’m going to show him that.
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That didn't take too long!! Four months! First nine then five now four! I'm on a roll =)
I love you guys! And maybe i'll get an update of this up before three months.