Status: Feel free to share no ones going to judge you.


My best and Worst Memory.

My best memory is when I was ten. For once on Christmas day my whole family was together. There was no fighting or curse words being exchanged just love. We laughed,talked,hugged,and played. That mas the only day I felt like I had a family. The day when I didn't feel like my parents and I were UN-wanted by our family. I felt happy.

That was my best.

My worst happened last year. I just got out of school and that night we received a call from my aunt telling us my Grandmother had dyed in the operating table. I was unable to go to the funeral because I had recently had surgery,and it was in Mexico. So when everybody else left I stayed behind with my neighbors unable to see my grandma one last time. Not to be able to kiss her or hug her. I was the only one who couldn't do any of that because I was left behind.

That was my worst.
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