My Opinion Doesn't Matter

My parents are never home. I study my way through weekends. I go to school five days a week and at least spend 20 hours studying. Some might say I waste my time, but it's for the best. My parents think that this way I'll get into a great college.

My mother told me once she spent her whole Christmas break studying so that she could make it into Harvard. She didn't regret it and she says neither will I. My father went to Princeton for a few years and after graduating got a job right away.

Of course both of my parents came from wealthy families, but that never brought up the idea that they could just pay to get into the college that they wanted.

Last year when I told my parents I wanted to become an author and just not go to college, but just to start writing my first novel.

My mother laughed and told me, 'Ronnie, you want a career that can actually get you somewhere in life.' My father sat back and told me that no great authors madeas great livings as we have. Obviously, my father has never read great authors.

But sadly, this is my story.

I am Veronica Lee Manning and my opinion doesn't matter.
  1. Chapter 1
    Nobody understands me except for this little notepad.
  2. Chapter 2
    Some things shouldn't have to be kept hidden.
  3. Chapter 3
    Even Barbie dolls are more respected than I.
  4. Chapter 4
  5. Chapter 5
    One person's junk is another person's treasure.
  6. Chapter 6
    “Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.” -Confucius
  7. Chapter 7
    I'm not as smart as everyone thinks.
  8. Chapter 8
    When I Do Something Wrong, It Feels So Right
  9. Chapter 9
  10. Chapter 10
    It Won't Just Be Over.
  11. Chapter 11
    Who Would've Thought
  12. Chapter 12
  13. Chapter 13
    Fake Tutoring