My Opinion Doesn't Matter

Chapter 1

I bit my lip as I thought hard about the problem in front of me. My fingers twirled a pencil around until I found the answer. The pencil flowed over the paper leaving my handwriting in its marks. Next, I came to another hard one.

You probably know by now that I'm doing homework. I'm the type of girl who does her homework the day she gets it. Well, doesn't everybody? Actually, no they don't. I'm also the type of girl who sits at home on the weekends to study for a Quiz happening on Wednesday.

"Ronnie!" My father called. A second later my room door was opened. My father's eyebrows were furrowed.

"What?" I asked.

"Is that your homework?" He asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah it is." I replied, turning back to my desk.

"Okay well you've got to finish that up. Your mother and I have a party to attend tonight and we need you to babysit your sister." I bit my lip. Biting my lip was a habit of mine. I did it when I was stumped, confused or just didn't want to do something.

"Okay..." I replied. My father smiled and rustled my hair before walking out leaving my door open.

The truth was I never wanted to do anything they told me, but I couldn't say no. They were my parents. I was the apple of their eye. The one thing they could brag about besides their large house, great jobs, large amount of money, and etc. So actually I really was just another thing they could brag about, just another thing.

I got up, walked over to my door and closed it slowly. My parents hated when I closed my door. They thought that having it open would make me immune to distractions around me, but really I couldn't handle noise when I was studying.

Just another thing they didn't understand about me.

I watched as the car drove off and down the street. I frowned when I noticed my mother and father get in the car all dressed up in a fancy tux and an elegant gown.

Parties after parties they went to and I was stuck here. That was the only thing good about babysitting Laura. All I had to do was put on a movie that she wanted to watch and I had alone time for however long that movie was.

When she wanted to watch Finding Nemo I quickly put the disc in and turned on the TV. She was content for the hyper 6 year old that she was. So, after I put the DVD on I made my way up to my room and closed my door slightly so that if my parents came home they wouldn't be angry, but also so that I had a little privacy. Also, so I could listen in case Laura needed something.

I let out a sigh of relief as I climbed onto my bed and turned on the lamp on my bedside table. The lamp gave off little light in the room, but just enough to cover my bed.

I rolled over so my body was hanging off my bed as I reached under. Once my fingertips ran along the spiral edges I tugged at it bringing my notepad up and into my lap.

I flipped through the first few pages that were filled with writing until I came to a half started page. My fingers pulled the pencil from my bedside table and once again my handwriting filled the lines on the paper with the words:

Nobody understands me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the first chapter. This story isn't about my usual love stories. The main girl doesn't fall ni love with the main guy. That's not the whole plot of the story. This story is different. Not a bad different, but a good one. A change for other readers. :) I hope you all like it.