Where Did My Heart Go?

Anya Maria was born without a working heart, and due to having a rare DNA combination, her doctors could never find a donor. She lived 17 years straight in the same hospital bed in the same room. She has never seen the world outside of the hospital.

Brooks Remington is a seventeen year old ne'er do well with carefully messy hair and a mischievous smile. One crazy night goes wrong and his parents have him volunteer at the local hospital, helping kids his age. Brooks is assigned to help Anya. He takes it upon himself to show her what real life is like.

Through his guidance and her stubbornness, they develop a unique relationship that nothing can match.

But Brooks disappears and suddenly Anya is thrown into depression.

Brooks is finally discovered, but he is barely hanging on. His last words would change Anya's life forever.

Story Title Credit: Too Much - All Time Low. I don't own it, though it is an excellent song.

© Copyright 2010 sowrongitshayley

I realize my idea is pretty original and people can steal it just as easy as 1-2-3, but we all know that it was here first, don't we? Bottom line, don't steal and it'll be easier for everyone involved.