Status: Active. Will post 1-2 times a week

Tell Me It's All a Dream


After a few minutes, I rolled off the bed and went to my desk. I opened my notebook that I wrote down homework. Of course, this was the only weekend teachers didn’t give out homework. I groaned. There was no way I was going to hang out with Dmitri. I clutched my wand and I snuck out of the dorm. I peeked my head around the corner to see the common room. Dmitri was sitting by the fire, watching the stairs and the front door. I was trapped. I turned and sat against the wall.

There was the possibility that I could wait until he was distracted and run for my life. Or I jinx him again. A boy walked by and I tugged on his pants.

“Oi!” he called.

“Shhh!” I stood up. “Can you do me a favor?” I asked.

“Depends.” I sighed.

“Distract Dmitri while I make a run for it.” I said. He thought for a minute.

“Alright fine.”

“Thank you! Make sure he’s turned or something so he cant see me, and please don’t tell him I told you to do this.” I begged.

“Yeah, fine.” he said and walked away. I saw him walk over to Dmitri and talk to him. He got Dmitri away from his chair and I took my chance to run. I didn’t care if he saw me, I was free. I sprinted to the Great Hall. I was really hungry. It was lunch time, and I squished in between people from the Ravenclaw table. I saw Draco at the Slytherin table. I wanted him to come save me. I knew Dmitri saw me. Right as I finished stacking my plate with food, I glanced up and saw him at the door. He was looking around. I ducked my head and ate.

I was having a little panic attack. What would he do when he found me. No, if he found me. And he did. I had finished my sandwich when I felt a firm hand on my shoulder pulling me up. I screamed. I screamed and fought as loud as I could. I was trying to get Draco’s attention. Maybe he would do something. I looked up and Dmitri looked pissed.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me away. I was screaming and struggling all I could. A lot of people were watching. Why. Didn’t. Anyone. Do. Any. Goddamn. Thing?! The whole room was spinning, I could tell where Draco was. I tripped, and I realized that he was trying to drag me up the stairs.

“I cant believe you ran out. How tricky.” he said. I stopped struggling, and tears started to stream down my face.

“Let go!” I called. I thought he was taking me to the Ravenclaw common room, but he didn’t. He led me down a corridor. “Let go!” I screamed. With my free arm, I tried finding my wand. Where was it? “LET GO!” I yelled.

“No!” he yelled back.

“Dmitri. Let her go.” I heard a calm, cool voice. My head snapped up and I cleared the tears away. I saw Draco. I think. I blinked and sure enough, it was Draco.

“Why do you care? You hate her Malfoy! You pick on her all the time, then dance with her. I’m surprised she didn’t turn you down.” Draco’s eyes narrowed. I had never seen him this ticked. He drew his wand out and right as he lifted it, I was thrown in front of Dmitri as a shield and Draco stopped.

“Why stop? This is what you want isn’t it? To hurt poor Shane? You hate her enough.” Dmitri said. I whimpered. We did hate each other. Before we became best friends. Maybe he did want to hurt me then, but not now. And I knew he wouldn’t do it.

“I would never hurt Shane.” he was talking more to me then to Dmitri. “But I will hurt you, for hurting her.” he said. I stepped on his foot and elbowed him and he let go. I ran to Draco and stood behind him. I got my wand out of my jacket just as Draco hit him with a spell.

“Obliviate!” I shouted at him. He suddenly few back and looked dazed.

“Why did you do that?” Draco spun around and asked me.

“So he wouldn’t tell.” I said. Draco grabbed my arm lightly and we ran before we got caught. Up to the Astronomy Tower again. We stood near the edge. “I’m sorry about earlier.” Draco still had his hand on my arm, and he slid it down to my hand and squeezed.

“Its okay. I was being a dick. I’ll be there Tuesday.” he spun me to face him. “And Thursday. And every Tuesday and Thursday to follow. Unless I saw otherwise. Days are subject to change.” I giggled and hugged him.

“Okay. Thank you.” I said into his chest. He nodded.

“Shane?” I heard. I let go of Draco and looked over at the doorway. I saw Harry. And Ron and Hermione. It sounded like Harry that talked.

“What is this, Find-Out-About-Everyone’s-Secrets-Day?” Draco mumbled. I held back a laugh.

“Hi.” I said. I mean, when else am I supposed to say?

“What’s going on? Are you and Draco… dating..?” Hermione was astonished.

“No! We’re friends.” I said.

“Best friends.” Draco added. They looked disgusted.

“Since when?” Hermione asked.

“Since.. Uhm..” I tried to think of a good time to say.

“Our second year.” Draco said. Whywhywhy?!

“So you’ve betrayed us for 4 years?” Ron asked.

“No! I just didn’t say anything, because you would have acted like this!” I said.

“Whatever!” Harry said and he and Ron walked out.

“Hermione…” I trailed off. She shook her head and followed the guys. I stood there. Shocked. I had betrayed them. For someone else. “I’m done with this. I don’t care anymore.”

“Shane?” Draco asked, he sounded concerned.

“I don’t care if people see us together anymore.” I said, turning around.

“But I do! I’m sorry Shane, but I still need people to respect me. Please don’t take that the wrong way. I’m just trying to protect you the best I can. Please understand that.” he pleaded.

“I guess I kinda understand. I mean, your well respected and feared, you don’t need everyone knowing about me.” I sighed. He didn’t really look all that happy.

“That sounds terrible. Like I’m embarrassed to be around you.”

“That’s how our society works. We cant be friends. We shouldn’t be friends.” I shrugged.

“Listen, I should probably go. I’ll talk to soon.” he said and he hugged me. When we pulled away, he walked away. I sighed and walked over to the railing. The wind stared blowing and my hair flew in my face.

I left the tower a few minutes later and walked down to the Black Lake. It was about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. It was a little windy and I didn’t have a jacket. I wrapped my arms around my body as I looked out at the water. I wanted someone to come find me. I remembered the last time I was down here. It was when Cedric found me. I sighed.

I sat down and took my wand out. I started drawing scribbles in the sand and dirt. I hugged my knees to my chest and rested my chin on them. Maybe no one would come this time. Why wouldn’t Draco tell me his plan? Its not like Voldemort would find out. I thought for a minute, actually he might. But I couldn’t do anything to stop Draco. I wanted to know what it was so bad. What if he had to kill someone. Or what if the end result was killing himself? Like what the Muggles would call a suicide bomber. Whatever bombs were, but it sounded dangerous.

What if it was Harry? I laughed to myself. There was nothing I could do. Harry hated me, I knew it. And I knew Hermione and Ron did too. I could only imagine what they were thinking. That I was some sort of spy. Which side was I really on? If Draco asked me, would I turn to be a Death Eater, would I do it? Well, why not? Its not like I had any friends on the good side. Maybe I would be a bad guy and be a spy and pretend to be a good guy.

The real question was, would Draco let me? I mean, I heard that you were a Death Eater for life. Would he really want me to do that with my life. I laid back and straightened my legs out. It was getting colder but I didn’t care. Did I really want to be a Death Eater? Well, I got a cool tattoo. I would be accepted with Draco’s friends. Maybe I would know more about what Draco was, and would be doing.

“Shane?” I heard. I looked up and saw an upside down Draco walking up to me.

“Yeah?” I asked. He sat down next to me. The worried look on his face changed to relieved.

“I thought something happened to you.”

“I’m okay. I’m just laying here thinking.” I said, watching the clouds.

“About what?” he laid down next to me and put his hands behind his head. I hesitated. Should I really say?

“I was thinking about.. My mom.” I lied.

“No you weren’t.” he shot.

“What? How the hell would you know what I was thinking?” I asked.

“I know when you lie. Its not hard to tell.” he simply said. I sighed.

“Becoming a Death Eater.” Draco sat up immediately.

“Shane.. What.. I.. Why the hell would you be thinking something like that?” he asked looking hard at me.

“So I’m guessing your answer is ‘no’?” I said.

“It’s a hell no! Don’t you even think of something like that!” he was angry.

“Sorry. I was just weighing my options.” I sat up and brought my knees to my chest again and looked at the water.

“Options? What are you talking about?”

“I.. I don’t know. What if there was a war? What side would I fight on? I have no friends on the.. Well, the good side. And your on the bad side, so why not become a Death Eater?”

“Why not? I’ll tell you why not! Because your stuck in this for life! If I had to choose, I would never choose this life. I’m only in this because my father is.” he grabbed my shoulder and pulled to turn me around. “Look at me.” he said more calmly, and I looked into his eyes. They were unreadable. “You don’t want this. Please don’t consider this life for yourself. The Dark Lord would break you.”

“So your saying I’m weak?” I scoffed.

“No, I’m saying that you wouldn’t be able to handle Him. He would destroy you. Torture you. I wouldn’t be able to see you go through that.”

“So I’m the lucky victim that gets to see you hurt?” I asked. He didn’t say anything for a minute. He took his hand off my shoulder and looked out to the waters. “I’ve already seen you hurt. Your father abused you. You don’t know how much that hurts me.”

“Really? I bet it hurt me more. Don’t act like I haven’t seen you in pain. You may not have been abused physically, but you have verbally. By your father. I know that that hurts you. You have no friends. Just me. And its not like I’m a great friend.”

“Your turning this into a pity fest. Godric. It was just an idea.” I said and got up. I was about to walk away when Draco got up and grabbed my arm.

“I-I’m sorry. I overreacted. I just don’t want you to make the same mistake as me.” he said.

“I get it. I really do. I’ll see you Tuesday. Or whenever the fuck you decide to show up.” I said and he let go of my arm as I turned and walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hiii. :)
Thanks for reading. Im watching The Notebook for the first time right now., It just started. They're at the movies. ajdsbnrhignerjsfdjkemrnjfhvjnje sdjkfmnt

Anyways, Comments i love, and subscribers are amazing. Thanks :P