Status: Reviving...

The Punchline to the Joke Is Asking

Chapter 22

It had been four months since I’d made it to Vegas, and I liked it here very much. I’d been able to ‘ninja’ into concerts (Cobra Starship, The Academy Is…, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance), but had never gotten caught. Not even spotted.
I’d even crowd surfed right up to the front during My Chem’s set, and Gerard hadn’t even blinked at me.
I didn’t know if I was just that good,or if they'd already moved on.


Panic! At The Disco was playing a show in a few days, out on the strip, and I was thinking about going as I strummed my guitar in the park.
It would be high-risk for me, since Fall Out Boy and MCR were headlining with them; but I thought I might go, just to practice being a ninja.

“I’m not crazy, I’m just a little unwell, I know right now you can’t tell, but stay a while and maybe then you’ll see a different side of me…” I was singing as I played, sitting across the street from a bank where a snotty doorman was glaring at me.
He was starting to tick me off, so I started belting out ‘Take the Money and Run’. I had the satisfaction of watching him turn pale, then hurry inside. That was my cue to scat.

I hustled down the sidewalk in my favorite t shirt, my extra clothes stuffed into my guitar case. I was wearing my hoodie over boot cut jeans and my signed MCR shirt. I knew it wasn’t exactly inconspicuous to wear my ‘Ninja Girl’ shirt, but I couldn’t just leave it. Too many memories.

I fell onto my usual bench at the park, sighed, then bent my head to play and sing.
My choppy, half reddish, half black (from the grown-out dye job) hair, looked stupid as it hung in front of my face, falling to just brush my shoulders.
I started playing one of my own songs, not just a cover.
”Walking down the road
Past the Invisibles,
Warm embraces, blank slates
And hidey-holes.

Tiptoe through the memories,
Around all the mistakes.
Don’t take the time to notice
But, protected, take a break.

Open up the door,
Go ahead, walk through.
Shed your skin inside,
The armor protecting you.

Take off your skin to feel the chill,
Bare your soul and see if you burn.
Someone exposed is someone to kill;
Someone past the point of no return.

Walking down the road,
Past the Invisibles,
The kids without a skin;
No walls or hidey-holes.”

A pair of me who’d been walking the track that wound through the park had stopped to listen, but I paid them no mind, just finished up my song- one I’d never even let Pete read- and moved back to covers before someone stole my words.
“Do I know you?” A vaguely familiar voice stirred something in my memory, but this was just another sound I couldn’t place.
“Doubt it.” I didn’t look up, though I wasn’t sure if it was because I was being coldor something inside me screamed that this voice used to make me happy.
“I dunno, what do you think, Jon? She ring a bell?” He asked his companion, who studied me before replying.
“Now that you say that, she does. Her two-tone ‘do is throwing me for a loop, though.” The second man replied, and I glanced up.
“I knew it!” Yelled the first man.
“Cyn?” Asked the second.
“Guys?” I blinked, shocked.

Granted, it was only Spencer and Jon, who I’d never exactly been close to, but it was still them.
All we did was stare at each other; delighted, shocked, and slightly awkward.Why is it that, in books and movies, they never depicted the awkwardness of a chance reunion of friends?
“Cyn, what are you doing here?” Jon finally asked, overcoming the awkward shock before Spencer and me.
“Playing my guitar.” I answered automatically, then hurried to elaborate when he gave me an annoyed look. “I ran away because nobody would look for me here.”
Spencer nodded. “Good point.”
“What are you guys doing out here? Your concert’s a few days away, and it’s on the Strip, not way out here.” I was curious, and curiosity had a way of killing me.
“We’re visiting family; we grew up out here.” Jon reminded me, and I nodded. I knew I was stupid for picking Vegas, I just couldn’t put my finger on the reason.
“You’re going to come hang out with us, right? We’re here with My Chem and Fall Out Boy, and we all miss you.” Jon added.
“Especially Joe and Ryan.” Spencer cut in, and Jon elbowed him.
“Um… I wasn’t planning on it?” I tried, knowing it wouldn’t go over well.
“Cyn, you better start planning on it.” Spencer snickered.
“Why?” I asked, slightly alarmed.
“Because it’s happening.” Jon informed me. Then the two sauntered off, smirking, and leaving me very worried.

The next day, I was sitting on the same bench, still playing my guitar, when I spotted Spencer and Jon coming down the path, one of them wearing a backpack.
I quickly shoved on my hoodie, procrastinating the eventual revelation of my new scars as I dragged my fingers through my bangs, hiding the small scar on my forehead. I was thankful it wasn’t centered or lightning bolt-shaped, as that would be embarrassing, no matter how awesome Harry Potter was.
“Hey Cyn, still not going to hang out with us?” Spencer smirked, and I just shook my head.
“Good.” Jon grinned evilly, unzipping the backpack Spencer held out to him.
“What are you-?” I began, but was cut off by a gag and a blindfold.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Cyn's 'original' song really is by me, so no stealing! I've written a couple things with her background and perspective in mind, and I kinda want to work them into the story... 'Casue I'm thatawesomesauce odd. XD
I know, it's been forever! I was working every day (this is my first day off since last Friday- yes, I work weekends), and I have a research paper due and I'm in AP history and there's so much homework from all my (honors) classes- they even give us BAND homework! FML!
I was also distracted by the trailer for MCR's NEW ALBUM!
The album is 'Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys' and it's due out November 22, 2010! Their first single from 'Danger Days' will be 'Na Na Na', which will be made available in its entirety on November 8, 2010.
The trailer on YouTube is 'My Chemical Romace- Art Is The Weapon'. Look it up, it's awesome (laser guns, bad guys, men with weird masks, Gerard Way's now NEON RED hair *swoons*)! XD