Status: Reviving...

The Punchline to the Joke Is Asking

Chapter 23

I struggled, not sure how I’d wound up with my wrists tied behind my back, ankles secured together, and tossed over someone’s shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got your guitar.” Jon’s voice said, somewhere to my right. I was gagged and blindfolded, so I couldn’t ask or see anything.
“Damn girl, you’re light.” Spencer mumbled, and I scowled a muffled response at him, squirming as best as I could.

We walked for what felt like forever, but was really only 5 blocks if my calculations were correct. I heard concerned mummers of passersby, but the guys just shrugged them off, and I felt air conditioning as an automatic door slid open, then heard an elevator ding a few moments later.
As the doors slid shut, ensconcing the three of us in the elevator, I was briefed on the situation.
“The guys have no idea we found you, but everyone is currently in Brendon and Ryan’s hotel room. That includes My Chem and Fall Out Boy.” Jon informed me.
“This is a surprise, so you need this.” Spencer said, and I felt something stick to the top of my head. I immediately started thrashing and shaking, trying to get it of.
“Relax, it’s just a Christmas bow. A giant silver one, since we couldn’t find black for you.” Jon informed me, obviously rolling his eyes.
I paused, considering this, then nodded my assent, just in time for the doors to slide open.
“Good, now, we’re going to dump you somewhere everyone can see you, so don’t bother trying to escape.” Jon informed me as I heard a lock click open, a door soon following.
“We brought a gift!” Spencer yelled, and the entire room went quiet as I was dumped onto someone’s lap.
“Well, open it.” Jon snickered, and I felt someone start tugging at my blindfold, hopefully untying it.
Another pair of hand started in on my gag, and the two came off at once, leaving me blinking at Frankie and Gerard, who were staring at me, slack jawed.
“CYN!” Frankie recovered first, then hugged, me, which was semi-awkward because I was on Gerard’s lap. Then Gee hugged both of us.
“HI GUYS!” I yelled, not wanting to leave anyone out or scream everyone’s name.
Then Pete, Joe, Brendon, Mikey, and Ray dove on us, too
“As much as I love awesome hugs, I’m still kinda tied up.” I said awkwardly, once the hug had broken up.
“Ryan or Joe, come get your problem!” Frankie shoved me off Gerard’s lap and onto the floor, laughing. I glared at him, just laying on my back, then sat up and tried to reach my pocket.
“That’s a funny little twitch you’ve got going on.” Gerard remarked, grinning wickedly. “You should get it checked out.”
I rolled my eyes, finally reaching my pocket by contorting into an odd shape, then pulled out my penknife. “Score.” I grinned, then flipped it around in my palm, not needing to see it to use it. I flipped it open with a flick of my wrist, then started sawing at whatever was tying me up.
“Hey! I like that bandana!” Spencer protested, and I paused, raising an eyebrow.
“So get it off me.”
“No.” Pete smirked, reclining on a sofa as I glanced at him, giving Spencer an opportunity to steal my knife.
I huffed, then just sat on the floor, feet tucked underneath me.

We had a normal conversation (as normal as it ever was with my friends), and I had fun. I’d missed laughing, having fun.
So, inevitably, someone had to ask.
“So, why’d you run this time?” Patrick inquired.
I sighed, not liking the fact that I was coward enough to always run from everything. “I was right. Families… not good.” I studied the floor, fidgeting with my fingers, which were still tied behind my back.
“Why didn’t you come back to us?” Joe asked, looking hurt, and I met his gaze in surprise.
“Why would you want me back?” I was shocked and confused. “I mean, I wasn’t the nicest person, I just left, and-”
“You had your first chance at a family, we won’t begrudge you that.” Pete waved off my questions. “But how many times do we have to say that we love you before you get it?”
I stared at him, slightly slack jawed, blinking.
“It’s true, you know.” Ryan spoke up for the first time since I’dbeen delivered arrived.
I stared at him for a moment, then glanced quickly around the room, taking in everyone’s expression, which only confirmed what they said.
Then I pulled my knees up to my chest and buried my face in the worn denim, trying not to let them see me cry.
♠ ♠ ♠
... I know. It's short.
I'm sorry!
Please don't hate me :'(