Status: DONE!

Our Destiny is Unknown

Chapt. 12

It’s been two days and my supply of tears still hasn’t run out. Today is the day of the funeral and I haven’t stopped crying since I was told. When Taylor smiles or laughs I cry because of how much he looks like his father. When I’m out shopping and I see a couple goofing around I immediately get angry at the fact that that should be me and Luke. My friends and family keep calling but I don’t want to speak with anyone but Luke right now, but with him being dead and all I can only manifest his voice and what I think he’d say in my head. I can only use my memories as my reality.
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hey! it's almost over. the next few chapters are short. but please o please leave comments. they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside! and right not i'm dying hypothermia due to lack of comments!