Status: DONE!

Our Destiny is Unknown

Chapt. 13

At the funeral everyone went through the motions and I could tell they were saddened for me and were trying to understand what I felt but they never will fully understand. No one will. Ever. When I went to take Taylor to the casket he started rubbing Luke’s cold hand and looked at me with a very puzzled look. He looked back at the body then looked at me and said “Mommy? Why won’t my daddy wake up? Will he wake up tomorrow?”

“No sweetie. He’s going to sleep for a very, very long time. When it’s your turn to go to sleep for a very, very long time you will see your daddy. But you won’t go to sleep like that for a very long time. So until you go into that deep sleep know that your daddy is in your heart and he will always be by your side in everything you do and he will always be proud of you. He loves you so very much and so do I. But I want you to promise me something. Promise me you will never say goodbye. Goodbye is a very bad word that hurts people and shouldn’t be used unless it’s meant forever. When you say goodbye you’re really saying I’m leaving now and when I am leaving I am forgetting.”