Status: DONE!

Our Destiny is Unknown

Chapt. 7

It was time. The second day was here and we were at the airport in North Carolina.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” I sounded like a little kid who has just been told Santa wasn’t real. I didn’t want to say much because I didn’t want to cry. I didn’t want to say something that made this even more real than it already is.
“Promise me something.”
“Yeah. Yeah sure.” Whenever I hear his voice I have to look away because my eyes begin to burn, my nose starts to get all stuffy, and I can’t help but to have this little thought that this may be the last time I ever see him. That this goodbye is forever.
“Promise me that while I’m gone you will plan the wedding the way you dream. Promise you will keep your love for me strong. I will call and talk to you every millisecond that I can. I won’t be able to say where I’m stationed or what I’m doing but I will call to hear your voice and to quiet that voice in your head that says this is it. Goodbye isn’t forever. it won’t be forever with us. I will be back and the day I come back we will get married. I love you and always will. Just remember GOODBYE ISN’T FOREVER.”
As my tears arose again and fell I managed to say I promise and that I loved him with all my heart and soul. They called his flight and I jumped into his arms and cried and cried. When they called his flight for the last time I gave his the strongest kiss and he walked. When he was almost invisible I shouted his name. He turned back and I shouted to him, “Goodbye isn’t forever. I’ll see you soon.” He smiled and lipped the same thing and he was off. My fiancé was on a plane without me going to fight for our freedom and all I could do as I walked back to my car was cry. I had cried the hardest I had ever cried in my life. It was the worst gut wrenching pain I’d felt and that stupid thought kept entering my head.
A few weeks later I learned I was pregnant and it was a baby boy. When I told Luke he cried. He wouldn’t be here for his first baby’s birth and that killed him. It killed him that I would be here in America having contractions and he would be in a complete different country. Months flew by and Taylor Luke Mairiano was born. He was the most beautiful creation I had ever made with another person. He looked exactly like his dad. He had reddish brown hair with the biggest smoky gray eyes. He was built just like his father and he made me cry because I wanted Luke to be sitting beside me holding my hand or holding the baby.