Status: DONE!

Our Destiny is Unknown

Chapt. 9

After I woke up this morning I could tell something was off but I just wrote it off. I’m getting married today and nothing can ruin this. Not even this irritating voice in the back of my head saying something’s wrong. After I got Taylor and myself dressed we headed out to the airport to pick up Luke so we could start getting ready for the wedding. While I was driving I couldn’t stop smiling. At 5 o’clock tonight I will be Mrs. Mairiano. I’ve been looking forward to this day for 4 long and agonizing years. We got to the airport about an hour early so Taylor and I grabbed something to eat. Taylor was so excited to see his daddy for the first time and couldn’t stop running around and saying daddy and a bunch of mumbled baby language. All I could do was watch him with the biggest grin on my face. My heart was doing so many flips I felt like I was a gymnast. But my stomach was flipping a different way and that voice kept piping up. It was soft yet the loudest thing I could hear. I picked Taylor up and I bought him some toys and this bear that he just had to have to give to his daddy.
“Dis mommy! Dis white here! Dis is for daddy!”
It was this little bear with an army suit on and it came with a pin that said ‘I am loved back home.’ After I was finally able to get Taylor out of the gift shop we got on the escalator and stood waiting on Luke. I could feel the butterflies flutter like never before and in order to calm my nerves I started tidying Taylor up. I wiped off his face and could not believe how much he looked like Luke. About 10 minutes later everyone started crowding around the place where the passengers get off, but I stayed back because I don’t like crowds. Once people started clearing out all I could see was men in military suits grabbing up their women and kissing them and I started imagining those people as me and Luke. Couple after couple. Suit after suit. Passenger after passenger, and I still hadn’t seen Luke. When the crowd cleared away a little more I started to walk up when 2 men in very nice suits started walking towards me.