Status: writer's block... small hiatus :(

It's a Brand New Day

After Dark

"There's a clearing in the woods... No one knows the exact location so you kinda just have to wander until you find it," Caitlyn said.

"That sounds promising. Y'know I don't really do the whole dark thing. Especially not dark and wodded, it's not uhhh cool," I relied.

"Take your flashlight and you'll be fine. You can't miss it, once you find it I mean." Mitchie handed me my flashlight off my bed, and they all pushed me out the door with my phone in hand.

"Fine... My mom would kill me if I didn't call anyway." I headed down the stairs and towards the woods. Flicking on my flashlight i started humming to myself to keep my brain occupied.

See I'm not afraid of the dark per se. It's more that I'm afraid of what's in the dark. I mean I've been around the block, I've watched enough law & Order: SVU to know not to be out by myself at night.

I heard a twig crack in the distance and jumped. I cursed under my breath and waled faster, moving my light in a circle.

I jumped at every noise and sound. My mind played tricks on me making me think I was seeing things even though I was the only person out there.

I finally made it to the clearing. The moonlight was flooding through the clearing. I turned around, backing in as I shone my light at where I was just standing.

I continued backing into the clearing. I bumped into something solid and jumped. It had to have been a person because they screamed, causing me to scream. We fell and went tumbling down a small hill and I landed on top of whoever it was a loud oof coming from both of us.

I shone my flashlight, which had thankfull stayed tight in my grip, on the person's face.

"Jason! What the hell you could've killed me!" I wailed.

"I could've kill you!? You landed on me!" He wailed back.

"Ughh whatever..." I rolled off him so I was sitting on the ground. "What are you even doing out here anyway?"

"Our mom wanted to know how her brother was doing, and since Brown pretty much always here, he doesn't have a phone so I told him i'd text her and let him know," He answered.

"Oh I was just texting my mom too... She wants to know how my first day at camp was. I don't think I'll be telling her about this, or how I spit on you this morning, which I'm still really sorry for," I replied.

"It's fine. You don't have to keep apologizing."

"Oh and I wanted you to know that I totally agree with you about what you said about potatoes being Earth's happiest vegetable. I would love to be able to sleep for years in the warm ground," I added.

"I knew someone understood. Oh and i just wanted to say, I like that song you did tonight... Did you write it?" He asked.

I ducked my head as my cheeks heated up, not that he could see.

"Yeah... I've been writing my own stuff for as long as I can remember. I'm glad you liked it, I was afraid you, I mean, they wouldn't like it," I told him. I could've punched myself for saying that.

"You wanted me to like it?" He asked.

"Uhhhm... I gotta go Jason, I've got to get up early to help Mitchie and her mom in the kitchen. I promised I would." I got up taking my light with me and headed back up the hill.

"Wait I'm going to see you tomorrow right?" He yelled.

"I have your class tomorrow so of course you will," I called back and continued scrambling towards the clearing so I could go back to my cabin.
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alright just posting this filler before I go to bed...
Zoo tomorrow I'm excited!!!!!

comment/sub :)

nighty night!