The Only Words I Have For You

To Myself

To Myself,

I hope you still remember to smile but also to cry.
I wonder if, when the rain comes, you still think of home and everything before the moment in which you stand. I wish everything still means something to you, even fear or the feeling of being lost.

Sometimes it's best to remember that the past should stay behind us, I know you forget that a lot. I also know people have a habit of bringing up things that are personal, don't hold it against them though. Just wishing it away won't do anything. Don't change your name or run off, we all know that won't end well...

I know it's tempting to lie but in the end you're just poisoning your own life. If the truth isn't on your lips, nothing should be because, when you lie, you should expect the same thing in return.
Just respect everyone.

But the most important thing is to breathe.
That's all,
From me.