Status: Active and updates will be regular


Light Bulb!

The day went quickly, but smoothly. All the teachers were really nice, except for the Math teacher. But do take not of the fact that math is my worst subject. I thought it would be nice to ask Ruby over, but Julia would get mad probably.

I thought to myself about my mum. The days we spent together in the parks out in the sunshine. If it was raining she would take me into the sweetie shop and buy me a comic and some sweets and we would sit down and read instead. Mum always loved me, but I knew and I have to admit was partly jealous of the way she was so dedicated to her aerobics.

I jogged the rest of the way home. I wished I had asked Ruby home, I needed her. But it was too late to go back now. I thought about Ruby. She’s smart and slim because of the varieties of sports she does. I wish I could be smart and slim, life is so unfair sometimes.

I dumped my bag by the door of my bedroom as I yelled down to Julia that I was home. I loaded up the computer and quickly signed into MSN. I added Ruby’s name, she had told me earlier it was Sport Chick. Mine was Casual Freak. Luckily, as I had hoped she was in.

Sport Chick: Hi.
Casual Freak: Hi, I have a question
Sport Chick: What?
Casual Freak: Do you know if the school has any after school activities?
Sport Chick: They don’t but if you find at least 1o pupils or more who would want to join in with a club like that they will make sure to find a teacher. There is already a chess club, dancing and tennis.
Casual Freak: Thanks. Would you ever join an Aerobics Dancing club?
Sport Chick: You bet!
Casual Freak: Got to go, so see you soon.
Sport Chick: Bye
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