This Is How I Disappear Without You.

The begining of a new life

It's 11:34 a.m. and I'm going to my bestest buddies house. I go downstairs while putting my jacket trying hard not to fall.

"Hey you whore, where do you think your going?" screamed my father."Why would you care you asshole go do your crack and leave me along shitshot" I yelled back going from the kitchen to the living room picking up my back pack, my guitar, and a snack. "Hey bitch don't you dare walk out that door!" The fat man said. "Yeah.Wow I'm scared Mr.D" I said to him. "Listen Shitface, you better not.." he was saying ,but I didn't bother to stick around and listen to his bullshit.It's the same routine.

1)I know his lines so I know what can be my next moves.
2)I'm late as it is.
3) I wanna get out of here as soon as possible.

I got in my car start the engine and see the man coming out of the house with a bottle of whisky ready to pop it on my head, but it was too late for him I had already drove off the drive way and went onto my way to my job which is at the mall and the very best store of them all Hot Topic!

I turned on the radio to forget all of the problems I have. If you haven't noticed my "daddy" isn't the type of "dad" that would greet you a good morning or wish you a safe trip. How did he get like this?

It all happend when my mom left us for another family that she had already ,but I knew she was doing it because I would stay up late wondering where she was and finding her coming in the house late with hickes all over her, even when dad was in a different rehab every 3 months. Luckly, he wasn't around to screw me over that far back in life.

All the thoughts keep getting bigger and bigger in me. I do my best to push it aside and remind myself I have Jaylee and Ben ,my best friends who have been there for me my entire life and never left my side. We are so close we started a band when I got my first guitar at the age of 12. It wasn't a gift from my mom or sweet ol' dad, I had to work for it and it paid of.

I was starting to get a massive headache just thinking of that fatass that holds me back from complete happiness, the father. The good thing was I got at the mall, parked ran to the store and found out I was on time; I need to set my clocks on the right time. I got on the counter and which two people do I see come into the store? Jaylee and Ben, those goofballs where giving each other nuggies.
"Hey don't kill each other" I said, doing my best to keep the laughter in.
"I'll do my best not to kill him" Jaylee said with laughs of victory.
"Ok, what do you guys want I'm working. "I asked paying little attention as possible.
"Yeah we see that ,but we just wanted to make sure you can make it to band practice at 7:00" Ben reminded me, still trying to restrain himself from getting Jaylee back.
"Yeah I can ,I'm off at 6:30"I said tapping my watch, checking if it's battery is still working.
"Sweet 'cause I was thinking we can try out that new song you wrote last night" Jaylee said, she loved it.
"Yeah sure ,but can you guys do me a favor?"I asked them.
"Yeah what is it?" Ben asked.
"Leave!! 'Cause y'all are going to scare off the customers and if I can make at least two hundred and ten dollars worth of sales then i can get the raise and that means I can move into an apartment away from the asswipe of a 'father' " I said with the airquote, rolling eyes deal.
The guys decided to chill and hang around to make it look like customers where there.

One of the cool things at this place is that there are guitars there beign sold and if the people buying them weren't sure if they worked properly ,then I would play it for them and test it out. It's so cool to see the expertion of a kid when they seem me play. Somewhere around 4:15 people poured in and a couple came just to watch,actually asked me, to play guitar and they loved it. A couple asked if I was in a band and I just told them the story and by the end of my shift I got three hundred and fifteen dollars worth of purchases,which was past my goal of the day.

It's just about closing time and out of nowhere, five guys dressed in black ,but completely different outfits, came in to look around. At first I didn't notice them ,but once they got closer I did, My Chemical Romance! Bob had Frank on his shoulders, since Frank is that small to carry, and Gerard was talking to Mikey while Ray was listening to music. They walked in and asked about the guitars and I had to play for them. I was nervous at first when they asked ,but I closed my eyes and started to play "I Don't Love You" and they knew it was their song ,ofcourse, I had to sing to it too. I have to admit I'm not the best singer ,but they liked it, it was all ok once I opened my eyes and saw smiles on their faces.

"Hey,what's your name?Your really good" Gerard said with a stunned smile.
"The name is Jance and thanks!" I said putting the guitar down .

We started to talk about everything in a matter of only five minutes, we were laughing and talking like old buddies would when they met and catched up with each other. For some reason Frank was really quite like a mime. The only thing I heard from him was coughing. Ray and Bob kept shooting faces at him ,later on Gerard told me

"That means he likes someone in the room" and winked at me.
"I know I'm preety good looking ,but it ain't me" Mikey aggred with him.
I blushed because ,I have to admit, Frank is pretty hot and I never thought someone as good as Frank would ever like me.

It was 7:15 and it takes twenty minutes to get to Ben's house from here to there. I didn't notice it was that time until I looked down and saw the time and just flipped out.

"Oh my god! I'm late! " I shouted.
"Late for what?" Gerard asked.
"Band Practice" I told them turning off the cash register.
"Oh really what time does your shift end at?" Mikey asked, playing around with a button.
"My shift ended at 6:30 ,but the other dude hasn't come yet ,so I'll just close down the place" I said taking out the keys for everything.
"Do you have to leave right now?" Frank said and looked down the second he finished asking.

I looked at him in shock ,he hadn't said anything until that moment ,but I had to get out of shock because, once that came out of his mouth he went behind Bob.

"Yeah I have to go. I'm really sorry you guys ,but I gotta close and get out of here as fast as possible" I said running to the doors closing them and locking them shut getting the rest of the things needed to be done.

All of us got out of the store and Frank offered to give me a lift ,but I had to say no since I have my car .

"Well it was nice meeting you guys. All of you guys" I said with a smile, said my goodbyes, hugged them all and kissed them on the cheak .Frank turned bright red when it was his turn. I walked away and all I could hear was the guys laughing at him and teasing him like little kids would.

I jumped into my car and raced to Ben's. As soon as I got in the drive way I parked and saw the garage door open, dived in and sat down in the couch.

"Oh my god! You will not belive who I met in the mall you guys!!" I said.
Jaylee and Ben just sat on the seats around the couch.
"Who?" Jaylee asked.
"Uh..hello?! Don't you guys know we have band practice?!" Ben yelled at us.
"Shut up Ben, we have the whole night to do that it's story time now sit down and shut the hell up! Continue Jance" Jaylee said to me shifting from crazy physco to caring best friend.
"It's the most awesome band ever. My Chemical Romance!!" I sqeeled.
"No way!" Jaylee tried to deny.
"Yeah I'm serious. " I looked her straight in the eye.

We both screamed and jumped up and down Ben ruined the moment by coming into the jumping and stopped us.

"How about practice !?" Ben said.
"Don't worry we're here to tell the story while she adjusts her guitar" some voice said in the back.
We turned around and see it's them! Jaylee froze and I just walked over and greeted them in shock. They just laughed a little, I walked over to Frank and asked him.

"Why are you so quite?" I looked into his eyes.
"Uh....I'm quite '" Frank said ,but that's basically it. Mikey came in and said
" 'Cause the man likes you " while putting his arm around his shoulder.

Frank turned red while saying "No I don't I barely know her".
"Well that's what I'm saying ,because you don't talk around her!" Mikey said while popping him upside his head.
"Shut up Mikey!" Frank said.

We sat down ,but Ben kept annoying the hell out of Jaylee and I. We got up and practiced.

After an hour we were done at it was around 9:46.

"Wow you guys are really good I loved that song the third one. Um. " Gerard said trying to remember the name.
"Blood is like tears ,we shed them when we're guilty" I said unpluging the guitar.
"That's the one I was talking about" Gerard said with a snap.
"Thanks." I said turning off the amp.
"Who wrote it?" Bob asked, drumming the rythm
"Janice did." Ben said pointing at me with his drum stick.
"No way!" Ray denied.
"Yep I was going through a big depression." I said while grabbing my back pack.
"Sounds like it." Mikey said.
"Are you better now?" Frank asked me and I smiled because his smile was so cute .
"Yeah I'm good. Thanks Frank!" I said with a smile and he smiled back.
"Aw how cute, anyways what time is it?" Ben asked.
"Uh. 9:53" Ray told us.
"Are you serious!? Yeah don't care" I said sitting down.
"Why where do you have to be?" Gerard asked
"At home ,but hey don't worry about it" I told him.
"Are you sure? 'Cause we don't want you to get in trouble" Bob said.
"Yeah I'm not scared of my 'father' as they call the fat man" I said with airquotes on father.
"Why what's up with your dad and you? You don't get along with him? Or what?" Mikey asked.
"Look it's non of your business ok just stop with the questions" I lashed out at him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know ,just curious" Mikey said shivering.
"No no no! I'm sorry for yelling at you.You ok?" I asked him.
"No not really " Mikey said looking down.
"Aw I'm sorry. Do you want a hug?" I asked and opened my arms wide.
"Please?" He asked.
I went over and hugged him. "You better now?" I asked.
"Yeah thank you! " Mikey said in a kid voice.
" I don't know what that was about ,but do you want to go home?" Bob asked confussed.
" I don't want to so. Hey Ben can I sleep over?" I asked him.
"Yeah I don't care" Ben shrugged off.
"Sweet I'll crash on the couch. Thanks man" I said setting my back pack next to his drum set.

The rest of the night we spent it talking and talking for hours, Frank actually shared a story,but when I was in the bathroom. Damn it Frank! By the time I got out of the bathroom I sat next to him and he got really sweaty.

"You ok?" I asked him.
He look at me "Yeah I am. Thanks!" Frank said wipping away his sweat from his forhead.
"Wow you can talk! What else can you do?" I said sarcastically.
"Play guitar, Sing and oh I just got that! I'm stupid" Frank said with a little laugh and then looked down in embrassment.
"No it's ok, if you are then I'm retarded 'cause I got like that with this really hot guy; I actually gave him my whole career before I caught on. He just laughed" I said.
"Did you two start to date 'cause he actually talked " Mikey said and looked at Frank.
"Yeah we did" I said.
"You see what talking can do for you?! Frank!!" Mikey yelled out.
"Mikey!Shut up why you gotta be so mean?" Frank said upset.
"It's ok Frank. I still love you" I said and got up to give him a hug.
"I love you too" Frank whispered in my ear.
I had a laugh and said " Your pretty cute yourself".
He smiled "Well your pretty!" Frank said ,but my cell phone started to ringing "Tear Drops On My Guitar" which only one person would call.
"Hold that thought" I told him.
"Who it is?" Jaylee asked me.
"Oh my god! No way!" I yelled.
"What?" Ben asked confussed.
"It's Adam!!" I yelled out.
"Not him!!" Jaylee and Ben yelled out.
"Yeah it is"I said.
"Who's Adam?" Mikey asked.
"Ex boyfriend " I said. Frank looked really upset.
"Do you still like him?" Ray asked consirened for Frank.
"Shhhh!Hello?" I said.
"Don't shhh me woman!" Ray whispered to himself.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello?It's Adam" He said.
"Hey! What's up?" I asked in excitement.
"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" He asked.
"No I'm open tomorrow" I said playing with my fingers.
"Ok. So you wanna hang out or go to the mall " He said.
"Oh shit. I have to work tomorrow." I said smacking my forehead for not remembering.
"Don't you work at the mall?" He asked confussed.
"Oh yeah! So I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked him.
"Yeah!What time?" He asked.
"Um. Around 3:15 'cause that's the time I get out" I told him.
He laughed "Ok well I just wanna catch up so I'll see you later" He said.
"Yeah, I can't wait" I said with a smile.
"Me too! I really wanna see you smile.Well see you tomorrow" He said.
"Yeah ok bye!" I said with a couple of giggles.
"Bye" He said.
I looked at my cell phone and clicked off.

"So what did Adam want?" Jaylee asked pissed off.
"He wants to see me tomorrow to chill and see what we've been up to" I said setting my phone down.
"I don't think you should see him " Jaylee told me.
"Jay I know that you don't like him ,but I don't know what it is about him ,but I really like him .I don't know why" I said.
"Can you explain who Adam 'cause I'm lost buddy" Gerard asked.

I spent the rest of the night just talking about him ,how amazingly cute he is, how sweet he is, why we broke up, the works and I kept singing the song "Teardrop On My Guitar".

"You ok, Frank?" Mikey whispered into Frank's ear once I fell asleep.
"No." Frank whispered back.

They got up said their goodbyes and left ,we gave them our numbers and planned to meet up tomorrow before I go see Adam.
♠ ♠ ♠
Adam is Janice's Ex boyfriend. He is 21 years old.He is half italian and half french and has green eyes and dark brown hair. Reasons why she broke up with him was because he cheated 2 times on her. Eventhough they spent 2 1/2 years together she was hospitalized for the actions she took on herself ,because of the pain he put her through.