This Is How I Disappear Without You.

He's simply amazing

"Wow smooth one Jan!" ,I thought to myself, "right in front of Frank too! Loser".

Everyone began to laugh, simply 'cause of my falling. I laughed too, I mean it was funny. Can't really help to laugh right? I laid there on the floor, possibly hoping that for some odd, crazy miracle Frank didn't see it. Yet again, it was pretty dumb since I was sitting right next to him. If he didn't tickle me, I'd be just fine. Jesus Christ Frank! Why do you have to be so amazing.

"Are you OK?" he asked, lending a hand toward me. All I could do was smile, attempt not to show my embarrassment. " Yeah. I'm fine." I kept grinning. I could not resist his cute smile. How his eyes would sparkle with cute giggles blossoming through. Simply adorable.

"LOSER!" Bob yelled,pointing as if we were back in the play-pin again. Some times I wonder if he was ever dropped on the head as a child onto some nacho cheese boiling pot. He seems to really think cheesy. "Bob, don't be an ass. I ought to smack the donkey off ya!" Jessie yelled, popping her knuckles the way a New Jersey god father would do when he threatens to do his business the right way-- or else. Bob seemed to be scared on the inside, it was noticeable in his shrieking eyes, but posed to have gun fire to shoot back. She walked over swiftly, gracefully with her, as she says "ghetto fabulous", cat walk to his path. For the first time, Bob did the right thing by sitting back down.

One thing must be clear, if you have not noticed it by now. Do not mess with Jessie. Period. No matter how much you think you can make her feel guilty, she will not crack. Be smart and stay out of her dark side. Too late for Bob. At least for the moment.

She death glared him down, Grinch like , turned back around with a smile and continually pranced to where Ray remained seated. My laugh busted out uncontrollably with everyone staring at me funny. Frank was the only one of the group to comprehend why I was at that state. He too laughed along with me. Thank god. The one person I really do not want to look like a fool in front of is the one person who is on the same road with me.

"Yea? What is going on?" Mikey asked standing next to the fridge. He had absolutely no idea of what just happened. "Nothing that would interest your needs." Gerard grabbing a glass said to him.

I calmed down, so did Frank. "OK?" Mikey walked into the room sipping Sprite. "Yeah. You try to figure it out. Janice, Can I talk to you outside?" Frank said getting off the couch, looking at me with the most undeniable stare. "Yes" I got up and followed. I was all smiles until I read what my watch spoke. "OH MY GOD! I have to go or Jaylee will start to get worried! I'm sorry Frank! Bye you guys! See ya tomorrow Jess!" all in one breath I yelled running out the door, slamming it behind me. Unlocking the car was simple. Making it purr like a kitty was the slower. "Come on!" my yelling got worse by the Milli second. A sudden thud on the window. I jumped in surprise turning the key by accident. It worked to my advantage, the engine now roared lion like. I glanced up from checking if all was OK. "Janice " ,Frank was the one speaking, " Can I come along? I really wanna talk to you". I didn't know whether or not to bring him along.

My eyes just locked with his in a mode that would make anyone wonder what one another were really suggesting. "Please?" he puppy dog eyed me. That was the straw I couldn't say no to him. Lucky him. My car unlocked and he dashed to the other side popping the door open and jumping in quickly. I raced out straight to Jaylee's place. Not one single thought came across that didn't involve what Frank wanted to talk about.

The radio was the only thing that was making sound other than the engine running and the endless honks the road had to offer. I kept waiting and waiting for him to talk first. I mean he was the one who slammed like a fly on the window to talk to me. Any minute now. Still nothing. "Janice. I have to tell you something" he finally said. Thank you all mighty Jesus. "What is it?" I politely asked turning on the signal light heading west. "I don't know how to put it". I caught a glimpse of him scratching the back of his head looking out his window. We landed right on the red light. Perfect timing. "Well what is it?" I asked tapping his shoulder. "Um" he turned to face me "I was wondering some thing". Steadily checking for the green light, I looked at him as innocent as possible. Why? I don't know. "Well I was wondering. If..." green light."If you would be my girlfriend" I looked at him to find that he was looking out the window, the reflection on it showed that he had his eyes shut and was murmuring some thing.

The moment I have been dieing for came. Truth was. I couldn't believe it. Was I in the most realistic dream? Could this most breath taking guy really be asking me, the most hideous thing in the world, to be his girl friend? I stayed quite only speaking endlessly in my mind. Answering in silence, Frank took it the wrong way. "I'm sorry I asked" . I looked over my shoulder at his reflection to note he had a frown.

He thinks I said no. Fuck! I parked into Jaylee's parkway pressing the brakes roughly. "Frank. I didn't mean to stay quite. I was just" the rest of my thought couldn't come out. I don't want him to get mad at what they were. Would he even get mad? "What?" he asked turning my direction meeting my eyes. I shot my head down. "What?" he repeated again. "I can't believe you asked me to be your girl friend. It's not bad" "Seems like it is" "No it's not! I just really can't believe it. I mean. I don't see why you like me. I'm not that special". Frank just stared at me as if he were giving me a speech I couldn't hear only read through his facial expressions. "Janice. I've told you before. I really like how you are. Your very different from all the other girls I've dated before" he cupped my chin " your just you. Janice. The most beautiful girl through my eyes. Everything about you is special". Our eyes locked once more. Warm tears filled my eyes. How can this most amazing guy make me feel something no one has been capable of. Not even Adam. This was a new level for my heart to flutter and flip crazy.

I dived into his hazel eyes and immediately got lost. There was not one thing that could get me out and it didn't bother me one bit. All I could do uncontrollably was smile. Big. He noticed it clearly. I mean who wouldn't. He smiled back. As invisable as it was, our hearts pulled us in toward each other. Face to face. He stroke my cheek causing me to swim in a pool of an endless fairy tale. Were the guitarist and singer lived a happy life forever. I opened my eyes and that very thought was still there in his eyes. He leaned in little by little and so I met him half way. Our lips locked. I couldn't bear to think of letting his lips go. And so I didn't.
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Ok. Here it is! Totally sorry for the wait. As I've said before, maybe haven't so here it is, I rarely get on the computer. If I do get the chance it's never really long enough to were I can write a chapter. I check my mail box and thats about it. If you would like for me to update more often just mail me and when I check I'll at least do a draft that way and can just adjust and add then post a.s.a.p. For now it's Jessie turn. Take it away Jess!