This Is How I Disappear Without You.

From One Great Thing To Another

Oh wow! I need air! How long have we've been kissing? No longer than five minutes right?
Frank pulled away gently taking a deep breath. His eyes wide with surprise filling them. He finally controlled his breathing and smiled at me. Was him dieing for air a good thing or a bad thing?
"What?" I asked alittle frightened at his reaction to kissing me. He shook his head left to right. "Nothing. It's just." he cut off opening the door. I hope he does not think that I am going to let him out that easy.

I get out of the car and chase after Frank. He turned around and started to run around the yard. I smile back and begin the most accidental prone chase. He moved swiftly around the tree and plants. After three minutes of actually doing good, my feet end up being pushed by a rock. The minute my face was going to land straight down on the ground, Frank's arms grab around my waist and pull me up. I thank my lucky stars that I didn't fall infront of him. Again.
"Can't let my angel fall" Frank smiled his gorgeous smile that sent incredible waves to my heart. My cheeks felt warm and puckered up from smiling back at my hero. "Wow. You look even more adorable when you blush, baby" he added on. Can this moment be any better? Frank and I under the stars still in the same position, the famous dip after a fast dance, looking into each others eyes. Wrong. Moment could have gotten better ,but it got ruined instead.
Out comes Ben shaking his 'tail feather' as he was chanting in between lyrics of "Just Dance". Frank pulled me up to my feet as soon as Ben's vocal sound waves jammed to his ears. I shake my head and head toward the door. " Hey! Where do you think your going without giving me a hug,missy!" Ben called after me. I turn and make a huge leap into his open arms. "Ok I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, kid! Text me, babe" Ben said walking to his car and waving hello to Frank. I watch Ben drive away and notice Frank's face.
"What's wrong, baby?" I asked. Woah! My first time calling him baby! Won't be the last time. Hopefully. His face dropped and he gestured for a hug. I do as he asks and feel the warmth of his chest against me. Oh how I love this safety area. "It kinda bothered me when you passed by him"Frank admitted. I look at him funny. "Why?" I asked kissing his cheek. "Because, as you passed by him. He checked you out" his hands turned into fists. "Oh" I tuck his face in my hands. "Frank, please calm down" I said in the best innocent voice I could do. His eyes shut and he takes slow breaths. "OK"He opened his hazels back open. He grabbed my hands off his face to hold into his own. He leans in and presses his soft lips to my cheek and smiles. "Come on. I'm pretty sure Jaylee must think that I'm the reason your not around so much" he said leading me to the door. If only you knew that you are the reason. And thing is, I don't regret it either. In fact, I'm delighted with that very reason.
We walk in like nothing. I mean I do semi live here. On the table I notice another Jaylee farewell. This one was short and simple. "What does it say?" Frank asked grabbing me with his arm around my shoulder. "She said she'll be gone for acouple of days. That I'm in charge of the appartment. Ben's might go with her. It's definite that he will. Um. That's pretty much it." I set the note down on the empty trash can and turn to face Frank.
"Wait. So your going to be alone?" Frank asked pushing my bangs away from my face. "Yeah" he stopped."I don't think you should be here alone. You can get hurt". Can I really get hurt when I'm alone? Yeah, actually it's happend. " I hope you don't think I'm moving too fast or anything ,but can I stay here with you so that I know for a fact that your ok?'' he asked with his head bowed down.
Would it be moving too fast? I really don't think so. I mean it's temporary and for my safety. Plus, Frank around 24/7 would be the best. "You can stay. Under one condition" I said with a smile on my face. "What?" he asked kissing me. "As long as I get to make you breakfast!"I jumped up and down. He laughed adorably, "Deal. If you can beat me before I make you breakfast! DUN DUN DUNNN!!". I laugh and kiss him. We hug for a bit and notice the time. "Looks like it's time for you to go to bed,baby. You seem tired" he picked me up and laid me down on my bed. He pulled a blanket over me and turned to leave the room. "Hey!" I pull my arms wide open. "Yes, love?" he asked coming closer."Do you mind cuddling with me? I can sleep better in your arms" I let out of my mouth feeling warm cheeks again. "Awww! Sure thing,baby!". He molded into my arms.
This may be too soon to say,but, this is what I want my future to be. Frank laying down in my arms. For an eternity.
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Suri* it took so long to update!
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(¸.·´(¸.·´ (¸.·¨¯`☆ ♥LiZ♥