This Is How I Disappear Without You.

So does he or doesn't he talk?

Next morning, I wake up and get dressed. I put on my green skulled shirt on the corner and the rest was red and white checkered ,but fades away once it starts to reach the bottom to show the skulls with a mid thigh skirt with some black converses. I usually don't wear skirts but today was special ,because Adam was going to go visit me at work! I don't know why I like him so much ,I thought I hated him ,but I only like him as a friend. I hope!

Well I get out of my room and noticed that the old man was knocked out on the couch, already a pretty good morning. I started to walk out the kitchen and grab my stuff as usual and I opened the door straight dead ahead in my face I see Frank standing there.

"Hey good morning." Frank said
"Hey good mornin' what are you doing here?"I asked
"Oh I. I wanted to see if you were ok 'cause you seemed really sad when that kid, whats his face. Andrew?" he questioned.
"Adam" I confirmed with the smallest smile I could make.
"Yeah that. Well when he called ,you looked sad when he said goodbye and I wanted to know if you were ok. Um. Are you?"Frank asked
"Yeah. I am.Thanks" I told him.

He stood quite just trying to look me in the eyes.

"You ok?" I asked
"Yeah. I get nervous around you. I mean. Uh. You going anywhere 'cause you have stuff.?" Frank asked
"Oh yeah I have to go to work"I said
"Oh well you need a ride?" he asked.
"No I'm ok ,I got my car" I pointed.
"Oh. Um. Well I. Um. I guess I'll leave you alone and I'll see you tomorrow" Frank said.

He walked away alittle upset so I had to say

"You can come ,I'll take you with me, you can chill with me" I offered him
"No it's ok" Frank said a little sad.
"No please it's ok 'cause I get bored and I wanna talk to you" I said looking down shyly.
"Are you sure?"Frank asked, both cheeks turning a slight pink.
"Yeah please 'cause I really can get bored and I really do wanna get to know you better" I said.
He smiled and blushed ,I felt my stomach flip just looking at him smile. I walked to where he was and opened the car door ,we got in and just listened to music for three seconds and he said.

"So who really is this Adam kid?".

So I just started to explain everything from the day we met eye to eye was the first time cupids bow stroked my heart with just one look from him ,to the moment he said ''I love you'' in my eyes and kissed me ,to us going out and then ,to the break up he got really pissed off when I mentioned the cheating stuff went on.

After ten minutes of telling him everything to know about Adam he said,

"Do you really think he is the one for you?"
"No" I admitted.

We finally reached my spot at the parking lot and went in the mall and walked to HotTopic. I got everything that was needed ;he laughed when he saw me behind the counter.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked confused.
"You look really cute right now." Frank said in whisper.
"What? I didn't hear you" I told him tightening up my shoe laces.
"I said I wanna play with the guitar. May I?" Frank said covering up what he really did say
"Yeah ,but you break you buy!" I said in a bossy mode.
"Wow, I just starting to talk to you ,don't scare me ,remember that first impressions are huge! " Frank said with a smirk on his face.
"Ok well then i take that back. Want a hug to help you feel better?"I said.

He looked at me with a smile that I've never seen from him. I walked over to him and gave him the hug and I felt his arms shaking when he was holding me.

"You ok ,Frank?" I asked
"Yeah. Now that I'm in your arms and your in mine" Frank said in his softest whisper.
"Did you just say what I think you said?" I asked
"Uh. No." Frank said quickly thinking I wouldn't have caught it.

I let go of him and looked him in the eyes.

"Well what I think you said was really cute, Kid" I said and pinched his cheek and let go to go onto the counter.

Frank grabbed a black guitar with a wammy bar and started to play "Demolition Lovers". People started to pour in once they saw him playing inside. Thanks to Frank I made six hundred thirty-nine and thirty-four dollars worth of purchase in just three hours of working, that raise is defently in the bag!

"Hey what do you wanna eat? I'm buying" Frank said like a gentelman.
"Um. Well first I wanna eat anything you do and second you aren't buying" I said.
"Oh yeah I am!" Frank said back.
"Oh no your not!" I fought with him.
"Uh I'm a gentlemen and it's only right if I buy" Frank said.
"No Frank ,your too nice" I said in a sweet voice.
"Well just where do you wanna go eat?" Frank asked looking around.
Where do you wanna go?"I asked back knowing that the same thing was gonna happen.
"Let's just go to." and at the same time we said,
"Mickey D's" we smiled at each other.

While we were ordering he told me to look for a table and to make sure nothing was on there by the time I went back he had the food on his hand.

"You found any good seats?" Frank asked with another smirk on his face.
"You did that on purpose. Didn't you?" I asked with a death glare.
"Yeah I did" he said with a huge smile.
"Ugh! Damn it ,Frank" I yelled for the whole food court to hear.

We sat down and talked like we've known each other for years, but after thirty minutes we were obviously done with the food, but also done with just staying at the food court. We walked around and joked, at one point we reached the water fountain and sat down and he touched my hand, but would look away when he then let go. When he looked back at me at one point ,I just held on to his grip and squezzed his hand and he squezzed back.

"Janice, I know it's too early to be saying this, but your the only girl I've ever felt like this about so deeply so fast!" Frank said while looking down.
"That's really sweet Frank." I smile.

The song "With you" by Chris Brown came on and he looked me in the eyes and began to lean in. Just when we were just a few breaths away from each others lips, we hear.

"Janice! I've been looking for you everywhere!"

We didn't know where it was coming from ,but we looked around and saw that it was Adam. It really didn't help when I just left Frank sitting there, I was just really excited to see Adam for the first time in three months.

"Adam!" I yelled acting stupid.
"Janice!" Adam yelled back.

We ran to each others arms.

"Well I'm glad I found you 'cause I'm only in town for four days and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow. Right now I need to buy my sister a birthday gift" Adam said.
"Ok well then call me later, I'm still working and I have to go back in two minutes" I said looking at the clock on the wall.
"Oh yeah 'cause you and that queer right there" he said pointing at Frank. "looked pretty busy" Adam countinued, his tone of voice turned sour.
"Shut up. He's really cool, well then see you later" I said trying not to blush.
"Yeah ok bye" he smiled looking at me.

I hugged him goodbye and he whispered in my ear

"I'm still in love with you" he softly said into my ear.

I blushed,but looked away and walked to Frank.

"So I'm guessing that was Adam." Frank said alittle upset from me just leaving him there ready to kiss me.
"Yeah that's him ,but are you mad at me?" I asked.
"Why would I be mad at you?" Frank said looking away while getting up and walking toward HotTopic.
"Because one your walking away from me" I said trying to catch up "And two I'm sorry." I said looking at him finishing my thoughts.
He stopped, "I'm ok".

We walked back together and were really flirty with each other. He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed him on the cheek. I only had an hour and twenty-six minutes left ,but it went by fast.

"Hey, thanks for coming to work with me"I said dropping him off at the bands house; three stories tall. They like to live together.
"No problem I'm glad you let me go" Frank said with a smile.

He got out of the car and walked to the house and Bob came to open the door and tackled him inside the house along with Ray giving him a nuggie. I instanly called Jaylee and Ben. They were excited about the whole kissing Frank thing ,because I finally found happiness ,but they weren't so happy with seeing Adam again. To me he's just a friend and nothing more.

I went home and the same as always happend. I walked in he threw a tequila bottle at my face and gave me a huge cut across my face ,but no stiches nessecary. I couldn't take all the abuse anymore. I decided to go to Frank's and the guys' house. I got on the car and did my best to not get blood in it and drove to the house. I knocked on the door and Mikey answered the door.

"Oh my god! Janice, what happend?!? Are you ok?!?" Mikey yelled out since he, obviously, saw my face half normal.
"No" I said.

He hugged me and I started to cry. The boys ran over to see what was going on.

"Are you ok?" Ray said in shock.
"What happend?" Bob asked really worried.
"Janice, What the hell?" Gerard had said as if I did it myself.
"I heard Janice's name what happend?" Frank said pushing through the guys and then he saw me. Blood running down my face like the Nile River.
"Ray get the first aid kit, Bob get some blankets, Mikey finish dinner, and Gerard get some pillows." Frank ordered them, directing them by pointing his finger to their directions.

He wrapped his arms around me ,brought me inside of the house and sat me on the couch. I told them the story and they let me stay in the house. They wouldn't let me go home therefore, I ate dinner and Frank decided to watch tv with me for the rest of the night. It grew really cold and I need some more warmth. Being the flirts that we are with each other, he got on the couch and ,I was laying down, he cuddled onto me. Next thing I knew I was sound asleep with my head into his chest and his arms around me.