This Is How I Disappear Without You.

So what does this mean?

Next Morning, I wake up to the sweet smell of French Toast! Woah these guys can cook? That's so cool I thought. I rolled over to my belly to rub my eyes and make the view less blurry and at that very minute I remembered that Frank had fallen asleep with me on the couch.

"Where did he go?" I asked myself.

Instead of just sitting there and letting myself fall asleep again, I got up and went to the kitchen to see who was cooking; thinking of the angel it was Frank!

"Good Morning, Bella"said Frank.
"What you call me?" I asked him in a pissed off mood.
"I said Good Morning, Beautiful! Jesus I can't call you beautiful?" Frank asked.
"Oh my bad I forgot that Bella means beautiful! I'm sorry, Frank." I told him with puppy dog eyes so he can forgive me.

He glanced at me and saw my expression.

"It's ok!" Frank told me with his sweet smile that bared his lip piercing with such delight..
"Ok. And thank you for the beautiful thing! " I said while tugging his sleeve like some little kid would to get someone's attention.
"Your welcome. Now stop pulling my sleeve, I need to make sure it's perfect. You see I was hoping you would still be sleeping by the time I was done making you breakfast. Well parctically everyone has eatin' breakfast already ,because the first time I finished what was suppose to be your plate ,but Mikey walked in, looked around waited until I was turned around and ran with the dish to the dining room and he started that trend! After him was Bob, then Ray, and last Gerard!" Frank said yelling into the dinning room so the boys know what he was talking to me about.
"Thanks, Frank" The guys all said in unison, some still chewing.
I smiled and said "Aw! Your really sweet!".

All he did was smile and I decided to rest my head on his shoulder.

"You sleepy?" Frank asked me.
"Nope just a little tired" I yawned.
"Oh well then just go lay down on the couch and I'll give you your breakfast" Frank said as if he was my mommy.
"No it's all good, I'm gonna be here with you" I said while adjusting my head into a comfortable spot.

The guys walked into the kitchen and looked at the table to see if there was any food laid out.Then they noticed I was tip toeing to reach a cup for some Apple juice

"Janice!" Mikey said in a excitied mood. He ran over to me, picked me by throwing me over his shoulder and spun me around. I'm not sure how ,but Mikey and I get along the best. I'm not saying that the other guys and I don't get along well, but Mikey and I got along the easiest and quickest. He put me down and I shook my head to make the room stop spining after a couple seconds I got my balance back.
"You see I'd do the same, but I can't pick you up so instead of that" I said to him, cleared my throat and said, "Mikey!" jumped on his back with a huge teddy bear hug! I'm guessing the jump was pretty huge ,because he was about to fall. That would've been bad if he fell, I'd fall too.
"Ok why does Mikey get the special 'Hello' and we just get a Hey or Sup?" Gerard asked.
"Because, I'm just that awesome" Mikey said while giving me a high five,but not so sure it pulled off since I was still on his back.
"Well ask Mikey to put me down so I can tackle you next Gerard" I told him trying not to laugh so hard that I would fall.
"Mikey put down the woman I want my damn hug!" Gerard told Mikey in a miltary voice with a power stomp.
"Yes sir, Ol' Bastard, sir." Mikey replied in the same voice tone. He put set me down gently.
"And no sass!" Gerard told Mikey with the 'I'm watching you sign'.
All he did was just roll his eyes ,then Gerard gave him a death look.
"Chill out ladies my hugs aren't worth it now." I told them and cleared my throat "Gerard!" I said and gave him a teddy bear hug.
"That's more like it" Gerard gave me the thumbs up and proceeded.
"What about us,huh?" Bob said the same way Gerard did.
"Ok ok ok. Bob!" I said the same way again. I gave him a teddy bear hug like I did with the others.
" Ray!" I said so he won't have to ask like the other pansies. I gave Ray a hug and grabbed the cup set it on the table.
"Hey Janice" I heard Mikey say.
"Yeah?" I asked him.
"You should feel like a lucky girl." Mikey said while nudging Frank.
"How come?" I asked him again.
"Because I never have seen Frank make breakfast for any other girl, but you!" Mikey said while grining at Frank.
"What does that mean, Frank?" Bob sarcasticaly said, covering his mouth.
"It means I actually take care of the guest while others eat the guests' food" Frank said trying to cover up what the boys were trying to say.

All I did was just laugh at what Frank had said.

"Okay! Whatever you say, Frank!" Mikey said while poking Frank on the sides.
"Stop! Damn it your gonna make me throw this on the floor" Frank told Mikey while trying to kick him away.
Mikey and the rest of the guys just laughed at him.
"Next thing we know his gonna leave you roses at your job while your working and say ' I do that with all the guests' "Mikey said mockingly.
The food was ready "Thanks Frank" I said while hugging him.
"Awwwww! Cute!" Mikey said teasing Frank even more.
"Shut the fuck up Mikey!" Frank yelled at him.
"Woah I was just poking some fun at ya.That's it. Jesus." Mikey while backing up alittle.
"Frank, chill ok he was kidding around." I told Frank. Mikey was just playing around.
"I'm sorry " Frank told me.
"Yeah, tell that to Mikey. " I said while walking to the table with my cup of apple juice and eat my breakfast.
"I'm sorry, Mikey" Frank said.
"It's ok Frankie!" Mikey said in his childish voice. He ran to Frank and hugged him.
"Get off you queer! I don't like it when people get this close to me." Frank said trying to get push Mikey off.
"You like it when Janice is though." Mikey said with a smirk and Frank gave him another death glare.

In just that moment I remembered that I had to go to work, but I didn't panic because I knew I had time to eat and go back home to change and shower. I gave the clock a quick glance saw it said 11:34 ,thought it was nothing for a second, then remembered that I had to be at work at 12:15.
"Holy shit! I gotta go!" I said while getting up from the table and taking a quick sip of juice.
"Why?" Gerard asked.
"I totally forgot that I have to go to work." I said going from kitchen to living room with the guys followed meall around. I grabbed my jacket, cell, and backpack.
"Thank you guys so much especially you Frank for breakfast. " I said giving him a quick hug ,but he wouldn't let go.
"Frank. Let go, I have to hurry " I said.
"Oh right my bad" Frank said his lips creased into a frown. I couldn't find my car keys.
"Where are my car keys?" I asked the guys.
" I don't know" the boys said in a weird echo. I looked into my backpack.
"Ok nevermind I found them" I told them. Then I just stuffed my things onto the backpack while walking to the door.
"Thank you guys so much for everything for letting me sleep here, breakfast , hugs " I said while laughing.
"I'm sure the breakfast was great. Frank; thanks for it" I told him.
"Oh it is" Bob said with a mouthful and a wide smile.
"Look take a bite" He said again while stuffing it in my mouth, I swallowed the piece.
"Oh my god. That is amazing thanks Bob! You too ,Frank! " I said while walking out the door.

I opened the car door and threw my stuff in the backseat.The boys lined up to give me a hug goodbye and ,ofcourse, the first in line was Mikey then Gerard, Ray, Bob and last Frank. When he hugged me I felt this warm blanket feeling. He did this weird movement with his head. He made some space between the both of us looked at me ,then got closer to my face ,far ,close ,and far again.

"Ok. I gotta go Frank." I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Mikey ,beign Mikey, grabbed me before I could get in the car and gave me a huge hug. I jumped in the car turned on the engine waved goodbye and drove straight to Hot Topic.

I should have kissed her right then there Frank thought to himself.

"Awwww! How cute! Frankie was going to kiss Janice" Mikey said in his kindergarden voice.
"Shut up Mikey!" I said while turning to him. The guys just laughed at me once more.
"Someone really cares for Janice" Ray said following Mikey in the game.
"Yep yep what a sweet thing huh?" Bob agreed with them resting his elbow on Ray's shoulder.
" You know what's sad though?" Gerard said killing the mood.
" What?" Ray asking like the other guys would've done
"She gets hit by some drunk bastard of an excuse for a father and two she might still be in love her ex." Gerard said to us.

I looked down the moment he mentioned the ex. It might be to soon to say that I love her , but not to early to say that I like her, I thought to myself. Gerard had a point on everything. She doesn't deserve to get hit the way she does and she might still like him. That doesn't mean I can't win her heart over though. I guess I'll have to see how things go. I got out of my thoughts and decided to go inside the house to wash the dishes and do the normal ,but that thing Mikey said about the flowers made Janice smile. I might do that some other time when I'm not busy.

I got at the mall's parking lot at 12:07. Luckly for me there was no traffic, which did make me get there faster. I raced to Hot Topic and ran to the counter checked the clock on the register and it said 12:13. I made it before the time my shift started ,I thought it would be better to change into something else. I looked around the store and found a shirt that said "I'll try to be nicer if you try to be smarter" with a yellow dinosaur at the bottom with that as his thought bubble and pink stripes going horizontally down the shrit, some black skinny jeans with a green and purple checkered skull on the left thigh. I bought them and quickly changed. I swept to the counter and found two letters. One was from the manager and the other just said "Janice" on the front. The manager one was obviously the most important one; I opened it. All it basically said was that I got the raise ,which is what I've been working for, I get three more dollars per hour. I'll get elven dollars and fifty cents per hour. Incredible considering the fact that I work 6 hours per week which ranks in sixty-nine dolllars per day and four hundred and eighty-three dollars per week. Now, all I have to do is wait four to five more weeks and I can get an apartment and some furniture from Ikea!

The second note was from a surprisingly Adam the note read,

"Not one day goes by without you popping into my head and staying there. Not one hour goes by without thinking about you. Not one minute goes by without wanting to see you. Not one second goes by without wanting you back in my life as more than a friend. I understand if you hate me. If you hate how I was. I've changed into a better person just for you. I miss that warmth I felt on your lips when you would lean in to kiss me and put me into a place where we're together for a lifetime. Please give me a second chance. Can you go on a date with me? Just give at least this one chance to let you know how I've morphed into someone who can love only one and stay with that one and only. If you can put the past as the past and think I do deserve a second chance call me on my cell. If not then I respect that and find it fair. It will hurt me ,but I've hurt you some much worse so I do deserve it. Just one chance is all i ask for.
So what do you say?
love, Adam"

I looked at the note in shock. I wasn't sure if I could belive it ,but then again its just one date. What if he has changed? Does that mean I'll fall for him again? What if what Frank asked me on the car was true? What if Adam is 'the one' for me? Well there's only one way to find out. I pulled out my cell and dailed a number.

"Hello?" I said.
"Hello?" the person on the other line answers.
" Hey Adam." I said with a smile on my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
What do you think will happen next? Do you think Janice will fall for Adam again? Do you think she'll ever find out how Frank feels about her? Well tell me what YOU think send me some comments and let me know what you think.
