This Is How I Disappear Without You.

Maybe there is more than friendship there!

I pulled out my cell and dialed a number.

"Hello?" I said.
"Hello?" the person on the other line answers.
"Hey Adam." I said with a smile on my face.
"So you saw the note?" Adam asked.
"Yeah." I said a little nervous with my choice.
"So. What do you say?" asked Adam in a long tone.
"Uh. Let me think about it and I'll tell you later 'cause I'm at work" I told him.
"Oh. OK I understand. Talk to you later than" Adam said a little upset.
"OK well talk to you later" I said a little silent.
"OK. Hey Janice.." Adam said.
"Yeah?" I asked him before pressing the red button.
"I really do love you and I mean it I swear I do" Adam said in serious tone.
I stayed quite. I never hurd him say it with so much meaning .
"Janice you there?" Adam asked wondering.
"Yeah. I hurd you. OK bye then" I said really shocked. Clicked 'end' and just slipped the cell onto my pocket.

I couldn't get Adam out of my head. Jaylee and Ben came to the store to visit.
"Hey Janice" Ben greeted me "Hey....what happened? We called your cell billions of times ,but nothing" Jaylee saying it as a statement "Really?" I asked confused "yeah" Jaylee conforming it "oh well I went to Frank's place and slept over" I told them "Ooh someone got freaky with Frankie" Jaylee "Jaylee!!! NO! what the hell?! I went over there 'cause the old man hit me again see.." I said while turning my face to show them the mark on my cheek that was barley visible now "Oh my god! you really don't need to live there anymore" Ben said a little pissed off at the old man"You can sleep over at my place anytime and you know it " Jaylee a little mad at the fact that I didn't tell her "I know ,but last night I went to there house 'cause it's a little closer and I got tired of the abuse I get" I said and tried really hard not to let at least one tear stream down. We talked about me moving away from that bastard of a father. I told them I only need about 4 to 5 weeks of pay to buy an apartment and furniture for it so I have to go apartment hunting soon. After 10 minutes of visit they had to go 'cause of Ben wanting to go eat at Olive Garden. "Oh hey don't forget band practice OK?" Jaylee telling me to make sure it's in my head. Which got me thinking of the bands name. It was way to hard to think of it so the guys and me are going to need to discuss that together.
Since there was a huge game to watch today there weren't that many people.It felt lonely so I thought I could text someone and I thought it would be fun to text Frank."Hey Frank what's up?" I asked him in the text "Not much. Did you get there on time?" Frank texts back "Yeah I did thank god" I told and put a smiley face on there "LOL well what's going on?" Frank asking me back "Not much there aren't peps here so it's pretty lonely" I told "oh that sucks well I gotta go Bob and Mikey are having a which super hero is better fight so I gotta go see who wins"-Frank said "Oh OK well talk to you later than. Batman is the best no matter what" I wrote on the text "yeah ha ha OK bye bye" Frank wrote back "OK bye-bye love ya" I wrote last and turned off my cell.

I got bored so I grabbed a guitar and started to write a song for the band.After 3 minutes of writing the whole song I had to think of a name for it and decided to name it "second guessing you is what i do". Of course we all know who that was about. I got to write down the name and looked up and I saw Frank!! "Oh My God! FRANK!" I said really excited and jumped on him. I gave him the biggest bear hug ever! "Whoa I'm happy to see you too" Frank said laughing a little "Well my bad there was no one here and I got bored" I said laughing too. "So what's up?" Frank asked me "Good now that your here, there's someone to talk to" I said in relief "Nice to know your really glad I'm here" Frank said with a smile "Hey where's Mikey and them?" I asked him curiously "Oh I had to sneak out of the house so I could come and see you" Frank said "well why didn't you invite them?"- I asked him " 'Cause I wanted to have you for myself" Frank said in confidence "What?" I asked him " OH I meant to say...uh..." Frank freaking out "Yeah OK you stay with that thought" I told him while blushing a little "NO wait I meant to say.." Frank blushing too " It's OK Frank I understood what you said" I said "It came out wrong -Frank trying to cover it up what he said. I looked at the clock and it said basically my shift ended. "WHOA it's already 6:45 time to go home" I said while getting the keys out for the store " Really?" Frank asked trying to change the subject "Yeah ,but I won't forget that you implied that you like me" I said with a smirk on my face . He blushed and looked away "I didn't say that" Frank trying to cover his face "Well then why are you blushing?" I asked him with another smirk "I'm not....wait a minute are YOU blushing?" Frank asked knowing that I am "NO!" I said trying to avoid that question.

I locked the store and starting walking out of the mall with Frank. Then out of no where Frank pulled my arm telling me to stop. "What happened?" I asked him "Look it's the fountain" Frank said a little shy. I knew what he meant. It was the fountain where we could've had a kiss ,but Adam had to go and ruin it. That very second I remember about him ,but forgot about him when I looked into Frank's eyes. That minute I notice maybe I'm falling for Frank , but wanna cover him up with Adam. "Let's go toss a quarter in there" Frank said while walking toward it. I followed and he gave me a quarter to toss in "Make a wish" Frank told me. He closed his eyes and threw in the quarter "Your turn" Frank told me. I closed my eyes and made a wish. My wish was to find out who I really like more Adam or Frank. I opened my eyes "Did you wish for something good?" Frank asked me as if he wanted to know what I wished for. I smiled at him "Yeah I did" I told him. He smiled and I sat down and he did the same. "So what did you wish for?" I asked him "Can't tell you" Frank told me "Why not?" I asked " 'Cause I really want this to happen so I have to keep quite about it" Frank saying it as if it were a law "Please?" I asked like you would when you wanna know what your parents go you for Christmas "No" Frank said "Please?" I asked him again. He looked at me and took a while to think "OK you wanna know?" Frank asked me to make sure "Yeah" I said . He looked away and looked back at me. He grabbed my hand and held it, smiled at me and leaned in close to me ,but went back like he did when he hugged me goodbye when I left the house "Are you going to kiss me or not?" I felt like telling him. He leaned in and put the other hand on my cheek and pulled me and finally after 50 secs of going back and forth of whether he should or shouldn't he finally did. He finally kissed me!! The kiss lasted for 10 secs. He stopped and looked at me in the eyes "That's what I wished for. To kiss you" Frank said in a sweet voice.I had to smile at him and he smiled back. "I know that could be a very lame wish ,but I thought it was worth it" Frank said looking away. I grabbed his other hand "That wasn't a lame wish at all! But you know what?" I said to him "What?" Frank asked me "You didn't have to wish for that. You could've just let me know because I've been wanting that too!" I said. He smiled I held his hands close and leaned in and kiss him.

What a day! I got my raise, Frank visited me and KISSED me! Life is good!After kissing him for 3minutes we got up and walked to the parking lot holding hands. I didn't want to say goodbye to him though. I went to band practice and told the guys everything. From the beginning to the end! Jaylee was super excited! Ben on the other hand was worried the same thing that happened with Adam would happen again so he's going to interview him which scares me!

"Wait so are you two dating?"Jaylee asked wondering "I don't know! I want to though!" I said with a smile "As long as it's not Adam it's all good!" Jaylee said while hugging me "Speaking of him look at this " I said while handing them the note "Adam wrote it to me read it!" I said. They grabbed it and read it "THAT'S BULLSHIT!" Jaylee said "Yeah I agree" Ben said "Did you call?" Jaylee asked "I called and told him I need some time to think" I told Jaylee "Well don't call back though 'cause now you have someone who really means what he says " Jaylee said with confidence "Yeah I know and I don't want to ruin it too" I said.

I never really thought he meant what he wrote. He has said that before ,but rephrases it every time! Well one things left to do. Find out if Frank wants friendship or more than friendship with me! As soon as Jaylee was about to say something my cell rang and it was Frank. I answered
"Hello?" I asked "Hey Janice It's Frank" He said."Oh hey what's up?" I asked shyly "Nothing much just wondering if you would like to go eat somewhere tomorrow night?" Frank asked nervously "Uh....yeah sure sounds great!" I said "Great so tomorrow I'll pick you up around 7 " Frank told me "OK great bye" I said "Bye" Frank said. I clicked 'end' and told Jaylee that I have a date with Frank!!! I can't wait!
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Well now that Frank has shown her that she does like him what's their next step?

Simple answer you'll have to see later!