It's been Ten ***ing Years Since I've been Seeing your face

The End


Me and the boys were in our little room waiting for the wedding to start. It was only twenty minutes away. There was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Gerard said. He walked over to the door.

"So Ray in less than an hour your going to watch your future wife walk down the aisle. Are you excited."

"Yeah." I lied. Latly being around Alyssa has made me fall in love with her again and reminded me of what it felt like to really be in love. But I guess it's to late for that, I have to live with my mistakes just like she has to live with hers.

*Switch to Candice's POV*

I was helping Christa get her hair done while there was only thirty minutes left until the wedding.

"Where's Alyssa she's better at doing hair than I am." I said. Everyone said they didn't know. She wasn't in the room with us, I figured she was in the bathroom or something.

"Jessa can you see if you can find her for me." I said putting another bobby-pin in Christa's hair.

"Sure thing." Jessa said She walked out of the room, I assumed to go look in the bathroom for her.

A few minutes later she walked back in.

"I can't find her anywhere." She said.

"Can you finish this up for me Chase. I'm gonna go find her." I said. I pulled my dress up so I wouldn't step on it and walked out of the door. I walked into the bathroom.

"Alyssa Marie if your in here come out." I said in a motherly tone putting my hands on my hips. Nothing was said back. There was no movement in the bathroom what so ever. I walked back out. After I'd looked everywhere, it hit me.

She's gone again.

She probably couldn't see Ray get married. It would bring back the two months that they had together. I walked back to the brides room.

"Guys she's gone." I said.

"What she left again." Chase said.

"I have to go tell the guys." I said. Just as I was about to walk out the door again Christa said something.

"Don't tell Ray cause he's gonna wanna go looking for her which will delay our wedding." She said. Wow what a selfish bitch.

"Whatever Christa." I said. I walked over to the guys room and knocked at the door. Gerard opened the door.

"Yeah." He said.

"Alyssa's gone but Christa doesn't want Ray to know." I said.

"Fuck are you sure she's gone?" He asked.

"Umm yeah she's not here." I said.

"Well if we can't tell Ray then what are we going to do." He asked.

"I guess go on with the wedding and hope that Ray notices she's gone." I said.

"Ok I-." That's when the preist interupted us.

"We are ready for the wedding to start." He said.

"Alright well I'll see you up there Gerard." I said. I walked back to our room and told Christa
that it was time.

*Going back to Ray's POV*

I walked up to where the preist told me to stand and waited for the music to start playing to signal that the wedding has officially started. I saw my mom and dad sitting in the front row, my mom was already crying.

The music started and the doors to the church opened. Candice and Bob walked in, after them it went Jessa and Frank, Mikey and Cheyenne and then Chase and Gerard.
The firmiliar bridal song started but I noticed something missing, Alyssa. I turned to Gerard and mouthed 'Where is Alyssa'.

'I don't know' He mouthed back. Thats when Christa walked down the aisle with her father. When she got to me I took her hand and we walked to the preist.

We got to the 'I do' part.

"Do you Christa take Ray to be your husband?" The preist asked.

"I do." She said.

"Do you Ray take Christa to be your wife?"

"I-." I stopped myself. Christa gave me a confused look. "I can't."

"What?" She said in dispelief. There was gasps all around the room.

"I'm sorry but I just can't." I said. "I hope you understand."

"Understand." She questioned. Her hand came up and I felt a sting on my cheek. She
slapped me.

"I deserve that." I said. "But I do have one question for you?"

"What?" She said.

"Where's Alyssa?" I asked.

"She left and I'm damn glad she did." Christa said.

"Not if I could stop her." I said. I started walking out of the room.

"Go get her Ray." I heard Candice shout. I smiled and walked out of the church. I got in my car and drove off. I pretty much knew she'd be at the airport.

I arrived there in about 10 minutes and got out of my car. I ran into the airport and started searching for the purple dress that they were wearing. I spoted it and kept running through the crowds of people.

"Alyssa." I shouted. She couldn't hear me. She sat down by a terminal. I ran over. "Alyssa." I shouted again. This time she heard me. She looked up, she was shocked when she saw me.

"Ray shouldn't you be getting married right now." She questioned.

"No not to Christa at least." I said.

"What does that mean." She said standing up, we were only inches apart.

"It means that I love you. I never stopped loving you." I said. She grinned.

"I love you too." She said. An urge came over me I took her waist and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I felt so amazing. It was the feeling of love.