The Matchmaker

This is Reality

Everything was starting to get better, phone calls were normal and only occasional calls from Anthony. About two weeks and everyone had given up, it was old news and there were no more hints or screw ups. Giving up would be the smart thing for him to do, I will never give myself up.

I went to my last day of work for the week and I was hoping to get off early so as to sleep over at Karly's house with Allison of course. I was perfectly on time and after about an hour of good work I walked over to Gabe, "so you think I could get off early."

"You've only been here for an hour," he said looking at me in shock.

I rolled my eyes and said, "not now, I mean like maybe 10 instead of midnight."

"That's ridiculous," he said.

"These uniforms are ridiculous," I said sarcastically. I really did mean it though I hate these uniforms so much.

"What makes you think I'd allow that," he said turning to walk to somewhere he was supposed to be.

I sat back on the counter and just looked at my unmanicurred nails and said, "I thought since you're so in love with me." He turned around and rose an eyebrow, I hopped off the counter walked to him and said, "I thought you could do just one little favor for me." I put my hand on his chest and said softly, "I would really appreciate it."

"I guess I could make an exception," he smiled and looked down at me waiting for something.

I pushed away from him smiled and said, "kay thanks." I hopped back into the kitchen to do work, only three more hours till freedom. I was getting a steak for one of our regulars, regulars are usually good tippers. I looked out into the diner to see non other than the man of the hour, every hour, sitting in my station.

I rolled my eyes and put the steak on Jerry's table, I pulled out my handy dandy notebook and walked over to Anthony's table. "Where's your usual crowd superstar," I said sarcastically.

"Actually I came to talk to you," he said. I was shocked did he know it was me did he actually grow a brain cell.

"I'm flattered, but I wouldn't want to make your girlfriend jealous," I said, "so who'll it be." He looked at me as if I was joking or something, "can't help if you don't order."

"Fine, I'll have a slice of pie," he said.

"Be right back," I said. I was trying to make my voice sound different, but I don't know if it was working. I was relying on my voice sounding different on the phone. I got the pie, brought it over and slid into the booth on the opposite side of the table. "Need help breaking up again," I asked.

"I don't have a girlfriend," he said looking at me like it was obvious.

"Not sure what help I can be, the extent of my advice is pretty much break ups," I lied. I watchd as his spirit kind of went down, "I know this is about this stupid matchmaker girl isn't it." He nodded and I rolled my eyes, "my advice, find someone real, you're welcome."

"Seriously," he said, "she's amazing, we talk and shes smart and she knows exactly how she could get me and she doesn't care."

"Not everything is about you," I said.

"I've never had to try this hard for a girl, I don't understand why she doesn't like me," he said in all seriousness.

"Umm because your being a selfish jerk," I said. He looked at me confused, totally confused. "You want her and you will stop at nothing, not even for a second to think, what does she want. Does she want to be found? No. Does she want you? No. Does she think I'm right? Chances are yes."

"So your saying," he started.

"Stop trying leave the poor girl alone," I said leaning back. If he takes my advice I may just be helping myself.

"I can't," he said putting hands on his head as if he had a headache.

I laughed a little, "let me guess you'll die."

"I might," he smiled a slightly adorable smile, "she's perfect."

"You sound like a girl," I said, "listen to yourself, perfect thats a lot to live up to. The magic is in the mystery and what happens when you find out who she is and she's just a normal, nothing special, average girl." He was silent.

"Well, I'll leave you to your pie and I better get a good tip," I said and then I walked away. He left leaving twenty dollars on the table for a six dollar pie, advice gets you good tips. Basically tips are something I look forward to.

"You are always talking to that guy," Gabe said.

"Twice," I said, "I feel bad he's almost as clueless as you." I worked for the next however long I had and then left without a word to go to the sleepover. I was going to tell Karly everything, but Allison would be there and I still didn't want to tell her. She's my friend, but it's just she's Allison.